365.25 days a year

365.25 days a year
multiply that by the amount of hours you're awake a day

17 hours = 6209
16 = 5844
15 = 5479
14 = 5114
13 = 4748
12 = 4383

Now add up all the playtime of your steam games, non steam games, mobile "games", sum the result to the time you've spent watching video game videos, discussing video games online, theorycrafting e.t.c.
Divide the number you got by the number above, congratulations, the result is the amount of years you're behind your peers intellectually and don't fucking lie to yourself. Heck, you've probably wasted even more time on bullshit like anime, but we're being nice here, just count the vidya.

>intellectually backward people would deny this
>bb~but I got important real life skills in video games!! I can't name any, but there should be some, right??

Other urls found in this thread:


>played vidya since the age of 2
>tfw my end goal in life is to sell my fully-paid home I'll be inheriting, buy a cabin in the woods, and live there like a hermit and play vidya until I die

This is me giving a fuck, OP.


>the result is the amount of years you're behind your peers intellectually and don't fucking lie to yourself

But if you're peers are doing the same how can you be behind them intellectually?


>Playing vidya is bad - American media

But watching TV, reading books, sitting on facebook, sitting on the phone all day is a-okay - also the american media

>this weebs end goal in life gets real
>he realizes that he's grown out of games during the first non-stop gaming month session
Make it happen

I don't regret the countless hours I've spent on video games, but I wish I could get all the time I spent on Sup Forums back. I just want to get out of this place and move on with my life.

Reading books is good tho.

Ahh the eternal question. Get around the panda, or jerk it to something else.

Apathy prevails yet again.

How exactly is it any better than playing video games?

>le frog

>sitting on facebook, sitting on the phone all day is a-okay
Said no one ever, those fags might be even more backwards that we are, actual addicts are real drooling retards
>watching TV, reading books
Not all video and written stuff is fiction. Documentaries, non fictional books and all the other crap is based

>the result is the amount of years you're behind your peers intellectually

not at all, considering that my peers spend the same time scrolling their facebook feeds

>reading books
Culture isn't a bad thing user.

But Sup Forums is the most distant board from Sup Forums and Sup Forumseddit, if you've actually visited Sup Forums you would've knew that it's nothing like all the other boards, it doesn't even feel like you're on Sup Forums.
t. Sup Forumsack

You're right. But It's just a way to cope.
I don't want to be above people that much, it wont give me anything in the end.

How the hell are video games not "culture" if books are?

And yet you continue to sit here?

But, I love Oddworld and Stardew Valley, Le Sad Frog.

Videogames are trite entertainment. They sometimes venture into popculture, but they bear no comparison to literature.

Doing something you enjoy != wasting time

Think about your favorite game story wise
Then remove all the gameplay from it and imagine it's a movie

You would never like that movie, it would be the most generic hollywood crap

>all I read is muh high brow literature
You're a boring cunt

>posts on vidya board to mock vidya
Nigga we're the fucking nerds of nerds, and we're still more socially adjusted than you. Have fun communicating your "intelligence" to people in the real world, you'll probably end up in a mental institution.
2/10 made me reply

This guy gets it

Not him, but danganronpa would be a pretty good movie

If all I read was 'high brow literature' would I be posting here? No. That said I don't try to convince myself that videogames are culturally enriching, or in any way relevant. On a side note, you should try reading some literature, a bit of culture is what separates you from the rest of the trash.

The anime about it is considered garbage even by anime standards

Oh, I didn't know "culture" was all about fictional stories. I guess music doesn't count as culture, either.

Pretty sure that I've wasted more time on this website than everything else combined.

I totally would, Max Payne the movie? Fucking imagine that? I loved the story and the atmosphere.

You're kidding yourself, money is the key to most of life's joys.

Wow user you're so cultured and intellectual. Teach us simple plebeians more about the cultural subtlties of reading fucking books.
You're a twat.

All I want from life is to love a person that loves me back.

It takes all of 5 minutes to set up exhentai don't be retarded.

>crtl = f "intellectually"
>5 results
jesus christ this is all of you right now youtube.com/watch?v=_hwfr3zwv1Y
go shoot up a fucking school, jesus

>enjoying yourself is wasting time

you're one of those people who honestly believes being an adult means being miserable

that's why you made this post after all, because misery loves company

Is that a joke?

The subtleties are not in the reading but in the content, user.

Whilst you're in the mood to culture yourself, you might consider listening to some music. It has a fascinating interplay with the prevailing ideologies throughout history. It might take some patience though, formulaic pop songs don't quite count.

No, why?

Love doesn't really work that way. You'll get a slightly dysfunctional co-operation, that hopefully both parties can grow to accept.

Yeah, but I don't have 5 minutes worth of caring in me right now.

>misery loves company
Everybody loves company, your level of mental gymnastics is pretty low

>frog poster thinks he's better than weebs
Hahahaha come on dude. Not only are you a virgin but you refuse to play video games because you actually think you'll get laid one day


Reading entertainment books (i.e. not informative or cultural) is as much a "waste of time" as watching TV, a movie or playing a videogame. You're just reading the script.

>pretentious detective story with no story progression

I'm not saying things should be perfect, but if you can get over the imperfections, and even grow to like some of them, and you can feel a connection to someone, isn't that worth living for?

Nearer films that games in many cases, but quite true. Purely entertaining novels usually sit atop Christian parable and such, which is a bit more than most videogames, but they're basically uninteresting.

Oh, it was probably hollywood shit that dumbed everything down and had nothing to do with how the game was.

meh, just means you won't have as much free time anymore

Because it tried to stay true to the game while also being an anime. Danganronpa by itself as a movie would be great

Only one of my peers became nuclear engineer, most others can't do a google search, fix basic electronics or understand english.

But hey I'm the dumb one for checking out of society that has no place for me because user said so!

I think there's a lot more freedom in books, plus there have been more great works of literature than there been great works of cinema, simply by the virtue of time.
Also entertainment can make you think as well.

From a spot of life experience: love is fine if you have the time to make it work. You earn that time by having sufficient means. Futhermore, relationships work far better when there aren't economic stresses.

Aiming high is the path to satisfaction user. Also, I can't be the only one who likes nothing more than spending their summer drinking champagne - that's expensive.

Yep of course it was

t. "you shouldn't have your own hobbies; start building tables and shit" -guy

It's not about intelligence, but ability.

>I think there's a lot more freedom in books
How? It's the same story no matter how many times you read it.

kill yourself

I know this is bait, but...
>started playing vidya at 3
>used to play WoW
>hundreds of games in my steam library
>tons of hours spent on Sup Forums

All of this and I'm currently pursuing a PhD, so, tell me OP, how am I behind my peers intellectually?

Don't associate work with graft, user! Find something challenging, that both pushes you and rewards you. That's fun and worth pursuing.

You missed Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter

That's irrelevant.

If you study two hours per day you can get pretty much anywhere that isn't the top 0.1% like being a CEO or a top politician. Two hours per day is enough to be a very well paid engineer, judge/prosecutor or anything else you can imagine.

Unless you are not in university anymore and you are also not working. Then you should ramp that up to 4. But if you work or study in a university, two per day should just about do it.

I am awake 16 hours per day
5 hours spent in uni
2 hours spent studying

9 hours left for vidya

It's that simple

>Simpsons poster think he's smart
Of course.

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

Also, your premise is flawed because it assumes that all people are otherwise equal intellectually.

I am one of those people who never needed to study in class to get full marks. My ability to understand things quickly, and memorize data allowed me to get through my degree in electrical engineering without needing a SINGLE STUDY DAY.

Also, Vidya got me into EE.
It made me self-teach PCB design, and electrical theory so I could repair broken consoles and re-sell them on the cheap.

Hell, doing console repair/jailbreaking makes me more than my regular job, but my regular job has benefits.

where the video games at

How about vidya?

How does you pursuing a PhD make you ahead of your peers intellectually?
Not only it's not an achievement, but you're not even taking genetics into account, so lets say if you're actually smart then you could've realized your full potential if you didn't waste your time on games, everything is relative user.

I don't need it. I use it to dull myself anyway.

I realize that. I'm not saying you don't need money at all or anything.
I'm just not like that, aiming high... But thanks for the input anyway.

Assuming Sup Forums is composed of your peers:

I finished my PhD (in mathematical physics) aged 22.

Are you behind your peers user?

Never-the-less, get through your PhD. It's the single worst part of your life of work/studying - unless you get trapped in some terrible postdocs (joke's on you for staying in academia) it is a singular low-point.

I just feel like its easier for the author to express his ideas through a book. So in that way, you don't get a chopped up corporate product, instead you get a thing closer to a vision that the person originally had.

I mean regardless of videogame time I still have a decent job, completed my degree, have a social life, and I find time to work out and look at grad schools so as guilty as I feel for gaming a ton one day I have that going for me.

>an ad hominem & false cause & strawman poster thinks he's smart
I never liked the show, but they and spongebob make good reaction images, that's it
You are not taking genetics into account, the majority of people in the world don't have the intelligence to be a fucking engineer, no matter how hard they work, don't tell me you believe the propaganda about all humans being equal

Jokes on you. I leave games running to increase the times when I'm doing something else.

I'm intelligent, know a good bit about a wide range of subjects, have been all over the world (vacation and business), have had friends my entire life, am social and charming, had my share of girlfriends before meeting my great wife, have a smart and beautiful daughter and I have a job I enjoy for the most part that pays pretty well.

Tell me what I am supposedly missing. I have played games since I was 4 and I have lived more than 5 of you combined. I have stories I don't even bother telling anyone because they wouldn't believe me. I've had dinners and laughs with billionaires and heads of state, shared a bed with models, and had guns in my face that I was able to talk my way out of.

What have you done, since you think my hours spent gaming are such a waste and detract from a full life?

whats the point of free time when you don't have anything in your life to spend it on?

The rewards from vidya are ephemeral and ring hollow. More so than ever as you go on. It's a nice occasional hobby, I like to play some AoE2HD with old friends of mine every week, for example, but there are better hobbies if you want to invest serious amounts of time.

Yachting is a good hobby, it can be relaxing, it can be active, you have to play to the weather, and it develops a healthy lifestyle (minus the copious drinking).

Flying too, even gliders are great fun. Just skydive a few times first so you know how to parachute if you need to.

There's a hell of a lot of variety out there.

What rewards do you get from yachting, flying, or skydiving that aren't ephemeral and ring hollow?

>he overheats his pc to impress his steam 'friends'/his own ego

I'm currently in a PhD program, second year, I have a bachelor and master degree in computer engineering. That's what I mean when I say "pursuing".
Are you trying to say that I am some kind of super genius, but videogames ruined me?

I'm doing my PhD in Europe. Here university it's not a joke, I know no one that finished a PhD at 22, I don't even know people with a master degree at 22.

i'm pretty sure i've spent over 2/3 of a year playing league of legends. over 7000 games total and that's not counting aram, twisted treeline, dominion, etc.

i've also spent almost $3000 on that game. not bad considering i've been playing for 6 years now.

>You are not taking genetics into account, the majority of people in the world don't have the intelligence to be a fucking engineer, no matter how hard they work

Nah, I know plenty of retarded poo-in-loo engineers in CalTrans that got their engineering degree just fine.

And by Retarded, I mean they designed that stretch of the Bay Bridge in SF that people kept getting flung off of because they didn't grade the fucking curve when they designed it.

>a 22 year old doctor shitposts on Sup Forums
I hope you're not lying, because that's actually pretty funny.

There is nothing wrong with having a useless hobby that doesn't improve you in any way but gives you enjoyment.
Problem is escapism as means of coping with problems and running away from self improvement.

This life is nothing compared to the hereafter
The only important thing is remembrance of Allah

>playing games since 4
>I've always been in the top 5 best grades of my class in both school and college

Yachting is easier there - the satisfaction of building your body, the freedom of being able to travel just by the wind, a particular solitude you can have out on the ocean, and, quite honestly, more than a few girls.

Skydiving is ephemeral, I found it very boring, you do it to learn how to fall.

Gliding is interesting, there's a lot to do with reading the wind and aircurrent, it's mechanically difficult. Stunt flying is physically strenuous, and the entertainment comes from holding yourself together whilst you fly.

One should really add track racing to this list - it's very entertaining to do something when you know your error will kill you. It's just a type of rush that you don't get elsewhere, and builds character.

>I'm currently in a PhD program, second year, I have a bachelor and master degree in computer engineering. That's what I mean when I say "pursuing".
>Are you trying to say that I am some kind of super genius, but videogames ruined me?
Read my post again friend


I did mine in britbong from a top university (I don't know many people who had their doctorate that early, so I'm not saying which - I'm not to tempt Sup Forums to go through thesis servers).

Been a few years since I was 22, but I did shitpost on Sup Forums back then too.

Well and how do you acquire abilities? Mostly through intelligence, and then there are people with literally zero abilities but charisma (mostly women) who get served everything just for a smile and false hope of getting opposite side laid, is that ability too?

Dude, a PhD means nothing if you're not working
You can be a fucking homeless PhD on welfare

Considering the fact he just mentioned his doctors and not his job he's probably working as a teacher in some shitty uni or doesn't even have a job

99% of poster in this thread got bullied and cucked in school
the attempts of trying is get onto the higher moral ground than everyone else is very visible

Wow OP that's some nice freaking bait you got there faggot. We're all idiots who waste our time on muh vidya, but at least we're still a million times better than your sorry ass trying to feel cool from baiting on Sup Forums.

So the rewards are hollow in anything you named, got it
>needing fucking yachting to have an excuse for not treating your body like shit

Wrong, leave your ancap shit out of here

My peers are dumb. They don't know about the War of the Spanish Succession. They don't know the constitution of their own country.
