I have actual diagnosed autism and depression. How do I stop feeling like dogshit whenever I die in a video game?
I have actual diagnosed autism and depression. How do I stop feeling like dogshit whenever I die in a video game?
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ask /r9k/ or kill yourself
Sion, just let it go of the Force
stop taking it so seriously, laugh it off and get better
or just don't care at all
By realizing failure is a teacher.
Simple: just don't die.
Jesus Christ just don't play video games then
stop being a little bitch, video games aren't real and dying in one means literally nothing you sperg
Many people play video games to feel success and control in their lives. It provides the illusion of progress as well, and when you die I suppose it feels like lost progress.
But video games are just entertainment to waste time, and whether you're losing or winning at them, it's all very meaningless.
by gittin gud