Guys this is not a drill copy that guy may be in trouble so basically eb games posted there winter advertisement today and i commented asking if they can use the copy that guy again they responded with "we have been looking for him" and edited the comment to hide the tracks proof down bellow but could he be gone?
Eb Games Canada
Other urls found in this thread:
first part of the comment
what they responded with (not what the edited there comment to be)
what they edited there response to be
note proof in the comments of this video they made
Find ther black man
> Copy that.
How hard could it be to find a nigga who neck is so long he got two Adam's apples?
no more call of duty
unless he's dead
I'm not dead guys.
copy that ;)
Fuck you pics now.
if i could stop time in a bottle
He was probably murdered my the NWO
isnt that the guy who people just stare at a big projector image of and cry? i cant remember where i saw that
copy that
I don't really know either, but I think he's some kind of "spiritual healer" that may or may not claim to be the second coming
the person responding obviously isn't a higher-up and doesn't remember from what store they got that guy
unless he quit after all the memes