>japs make a pretty good CCG
>murder it's limited/arena with terribly designed cards
How can you fuck up this badly?
>japs make a pretty good CCG
>murder it's limited/arena with terribly designed cards
How can you fuck up this badly?
>Olivia is OP reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
There are SO many cards that are on the same power level as Olivia.
most take two games are decided before you can even play Olivia and there are tons of late game cards that pretty much win you the game in arena if you can play them
ding dong
Olivia is overrated
I wish I'd never found out about rerolling. I'm reaching triple digits.
I know Sword and Forest are both supposed to be the highest tier shits right now, and I do pretty well with low-cost fairy spam and return to hand shenigans... but I do real shitty with swordcraft and I have no idea why. I do better with the necrololi in Take Two.
I have no idea what's going on
have you ever heard the phrase if everyone is super, nobodys super?
I manage to go 4-5 wins every single arena run. Honestly its not hard especially when you realize every opponent is going to have atleast 1 overpowered legendary/rare.
The trick is to focus on getting premium early/mid game and killing your opponent fast so that turn 9 olivias dont mean shit.
Why would they add new cards when old ones need balancing.
I can see the way this game will go. Fucking retarded horny weebs will spend cash on it cause of waifu faggotry and cards will never get nerfed cause game will still sell.
She's an instant win in Take Two
Sword is literally the best class in Take Two I have no idea what you can possibly be doing wrong
There's probably going to be balance changes in the next expansion, but people want to see new cards
I can't wait for Rhinoceroach and Beastcall Aria to get gutted
Keep trying to swarm the field only to get all my units wrecked by constant destroy enemy cards or "do 4 damage to some little fuck"
Even though im going for all the good-value cards that shit out knights
Just go face my man and pick Floral Fencer whenever you see it
Sword is top-tier in Arena because of their insane value and inherent synergy making it hard to brick as long as you have a halfway decent curve
Floral Fencer evolve turn 4 is basically an instant win if your opponent can't deal with it right there and then, and if you have multiples than it is a guaranteed win, its value from evolving is straight-up disgusting.
Literally not though. Can she help you win? Yes lots of times she can help you win but she's not an auto win you fucking casual gerber baby throw up shit faced cunt.
You're actually implying that just because new cards are being released that they can't also balance old cards? You'd have to be an actual retard to think like that.
In Take Two you win off of midgame value
Evolving a Floral Fencer on turn 4 is some of the best value in the game and can outright smother an opponent if they don't have a way to deal with it on that turn
Most of the time in Arena you're dealing with inconsistency and removal is a premium, but Swordcraft's cards are inherently consistent value machines, there's a reason why Bannermemes is so good for so cheap in constructed.
You have to be an actual fucking retard if you don't think balancing should take priority
Game is selling on waifu faggotry, any other card game would balance out the cards first before adding new ones.
Unless a certain card becomes overpowered due to the nature of the game changing, but I don't have to spell it out for you right, fucktard?
I wasn't playing when DE came out, how many free packs did they give with that one?
>release new cards
>release balance changes to old cards to go along with it
Oh wow that's so hard, and depending on the new cards they can make the old cards "issues" irrelevant. But if you weren't a retard you'd already know they are working on balance fixes.
>any other card game would balance out the cards first before adding new ones
What about Rhinoceroach?
Has Elf Child May been removed yet?
>But if you weren't a retard you'd already know they are working on balance fixes
If you weren't a retard you'd know those aren't mutually exclusive.
A person isn't stupid just because they didn't have a certain information with them.
You should know that you fucking unintelligent imbecile
It sounds like the nerf aren't confirmed after all. Liza did look like a 2/1 on the picture, but I'm not sure.
>but they are fixing balance issues and that could have been found out easily
Alright friend.
>Why would they add new cards when old ones need balancing.
lmao moving goalposts already?
(source : blog.esuteru.com
>Has Elf Child May been removed yet?
Literally what? She's not even an issue.
Rhino needs to be nerfed though
>try to gain any sort of opening ground
>ne ne, nanishite asobu no?
this is worst comment someone could ever write, it says nothing more to what was said, not even insulting someone else, you don't know shit and just because you agree with that user doesn't mean you are right you fucking shit
>forestcraft gets an execute add 5cost 13/13 to hand
>shadowcraft gets a seven cost to deal 4 damage or less but only if it kills to summon a x/5 at most Pluto on turn 7 when every deck has easy ways to one shot him that late
>havencraft gets yet another early game counter rush buff
I'm so glad I abandoned this shit game.
>post a card from 30 years ago
nicely done faggot
Even if Olivia literally read "Win the game" she would not be an instant win in Take Two. IT's a turn fucking 9 play.
not him but they never learn
>any other card game would balance
I know right. Shadowverse is literally the only card game that doesn't balance cards first before adding new ones.
>2 mana
why is this allowed?
At least post recent mistakes.
>modern masters
>barely into magic anymore but figure 'fuck it'
>get three packs
>two fucking foil goyfs
Just sold them online and made fucking bank. Felt great.
At best it's a sorcery speed draw 3 for 1 blue mana. Why not play Ancestral Recall instead with has instant speed and can be cast on the opponent to mill him?
ancestral recall isn't a common, accessible card
what are the odds of getting a box of limited edition, or having tons of this on a box of Khans of Tarkir?
why is she a meme?
ding my dong you 0 damage loli
Even cygames embraces the memes now. youtube.com
>Next expansion is called Rise of Bahamut
get hype, time to crush swordmemes and hear lamentation of fairies
>that elf leggo doggo
I wish they balanced the game for T2
It's the only fun thing to play
>forestcraft gets an execute add 5cost 13/13 to hand
That's neutral you idiot.
>Want to play a functioning deck that is not meme aggro swordcraft
>Realize I do not have Rhinos/Arias/Vanias/other funny golds
Just play Forte.dek
Playing dragon is so fucking boring
> 2 mana
Jesus Christ
why is Earth Sigil so fucking lame?
it's not that hard. step up your game!
I hate this tight no flexible choices mechanics they do. and this Enhance will have it again.