Marvel vs Capcom 4 Discussion theread: Capcom roster and gameplay discussion edition

Lets get this shit out the way: no X-Men and Doom/Super Skrull means the Marvel roster will be fucking trash and no one should give a fuck about it.

But instead, we should focus on the infinitely more interesting and open Capcom roster, and what we should/will get. I personally want Bren Turner from EX TROOPERS, an actual Megaman, Leon, Breath of Fire reps and of course Asura and Gene. Maybe Rashid as the "new SF" rep, but I'd take Necalli.

And also, what are your thoughts on the supposed gameplay change of 3v3 with tag assists to 2v2 with a separate, assist only character (whether this means a regular character be assist only or a full on assist only characters like MvC1/most recent licensed anime games)

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green lantern needs to be in this. his movie wasnt that good but it was early mcu. he has cool powers.

If they put in Zero without X I'm going to personally drop another atom bomb right onto Capcom's HQ.
Fuck OG megaman. He's a cool character but he was always an unwieldy piece of shit in MvC.

Also I hope that comment about marvel characters being based off their movie counterparts doesn't come true.

Scarlet Witch
Howard The Duck
Moon Knight


I'd be fine with Combofiend as battle director

Fuck 2v2 keep 3v3

Isn't Green Lantern owned by DC?

>Also I hope that comment about marvel characters being based off their movie counterparts doesn't come true.
I doubt it. It might be like how MvC3 was done, which was MCU based picks but used the actual designs from the classic comics. That's why Thor and Hawkeye were clearly based off 616 instead of Ultimate Marvel/MCU.

>A series with 7 series in it
>Give me two reps from one series fuck the rest
Fuck no zero is the best character to rep x
Mega man reps classic best since it's all about jumping and shooting, they even wanted to change his moves for 3 to reflect that
Tron is a stable to the mvc series
Most popular .exe rep? Protoman or bass, protoman is just zero 2000 so give us edgy bass
Starforce Has really only ace burai and harp note maybe tarus I go with harp note
Zero should have copy x we get to mega men and they play and act a lot different
Zx should have. Either giro or vent or aile

Tvc was the best niitsuma even said he limited characters one per francise so more obscure characters got in

they need to put breath of fire characters in this shit, ryu and katt in a fighting game senpaitachi

>tfw ryu can have dragon mode specials and katt can use her shamanized form in her specials

I disagree x can rep the x series but yeah either zero or x not both

I'd take Zero as DLC if it meant Sigma as a villain, not gonna lie.

>>Give me two reps from one series fuck the rest
I never said they should take away Tron.
You remember Tron right?

Trying to get a rep from every Megaman spinoff is fucking ridiculous. Besides, MVC1&2 both had 2 OG megaman characters.

no. he was allways marvel.


never read the comics. there are more than just the green lanterns?

>redesigned Classic Megaman
>MMX Zero (DLC)
>Bass.EXE (DLC)
>Armored X (DLC)
>any other MM spin off character as DLC

I'd "deal" with something like this, if only because I really just want a Megaman villain.

Ride armor Vile

Its not marvel 4. Its capcom vs snk 3.

SNK is too irreverent in this day n age and games cost too much to make now.

2v2 with assist doesn't sound all that bad, but it better be like the KOF Striker system and not MVC1 assist only character shit.

...fuck, yeah, that works too. Could even be a good Sent replacement. But what would make him different from Tron?

They're just getting back on their feet with KOF14. Cross company shit is way beyond them at this point.

Yes. And he's owned by DC.


>Zero and Tron removed to give the middle finger to Keiji "Con Man" Inafune

2v2 sounds like trash and i seriously hope no one is OK with it

Zero's gotten to rep the X series tons of times now, I'd take Sigma over him at this point

I want Ryu, Ken, and Akuma to be separate, unique characters. Sean, Dan, and Sakura can come too.

I'm OK with it.
MvC1 had unique and fun assists.

>Removing Based Bonne ever.
Nigga, I will fight you.


for casual play it's fine.
but shit is just shallow because everyone will just pick colossus/juggernaut/usagent/maybe psylocke and wow such much team building and though put into composition

Assists also reek of Microtransactions. Everything leaked so far sounds like an absolute disaster.

>MvC1 had unique and fun assists.
Like "charging across the screen"? Or multiple slow projectiles? Or the odd Dragon Punch assist? Or whatever Devilotte was?

That's where QA testing and balance patches come in.

For example, if Colossus Power Tackle assist is OP, just lessen the amount of hits, slow his incoming speed, lengthen his vulnerability window, etc.

>Moon Knight
Good to know someone here has as good taste as me. I'd also want Nero personally but I doubt he's going to be in.

should i leak the teaser, would that build hype or kill it?

But it's still a direct downgrade to having a full 3v3 team with 2 assists/partners at the same time. The meta will still revolved around the same godtier assist and limiting overall variety.

I just want to see if Ryu fights Wolverine. So if you have it, then go for it so I can be disappointed at no X-Men.

The hype train is on fire and about to derail anyway so you may as well.

I wanna see this shit get booed off stage at Capcom Cup finals.

You are right but on the other hand the neutral will be more spacing dependent and less combo heavy for a 2 player game. So there is a tradeoff.

The only thing we have "leaked" is no X-Men/F4 shit, which sucks but it's expected.

That aspect is also in 3v3 because you had the risk of doing a bad assist call and get heavily punished for it if you mess up the timing and/or spacing for it. There's just nothing really appealing of going back to 2v2 when 3v3 is just superior in almost every way possible. Why do you think Marvel 2 and 3 lasted so long?

I do wonder why are we still talking about mvc4?

Dont want to sound trollish, but the guy who made those teaser pictures already said he was trolling in polygon.

Also the no mutants thing, although possible is just speculation from polygon and a leak from a possible troll, based and logical speculation, but speculation nonetheless.

Theres not fonna be anything mvc related in the psx, not even in the capcup finals.

The "teaser images" were made after the rumor was first posted in neogaf, before polygon ran the story with their own sources.

where the fuck is it nigga

But still doesnt that confirm that they are fake, and therefore, theres not gonna be any mvc4?

I can't wait for that fresh take on their hot IP!

>we did it wrong the first time even if one was a clone
>that means x should get two unique characters
I just said they sould avoid repping one over another three reps are enough and 2 from x would be gay

>Getting in
>Allowing that artstyle
>Kate Leth
>Writing for the game

No. Those images were created BECAUSE of the rumor being posted in the firt place.

No it didn't, I dunno if you're just joking or if you don't remember 1 too well.

2v2 + assists could be fun but I'd still rather just have 3v3. Yeah it's nuttier and more of a clusterfuck but that's part of this series' charm I feel.

it also leads to deeper gameplay and systems.

Don't worry can still lobby to push more mainstream, loved characters in the game, like your favorite Squirel girl!

Dr Wily should be the only rep the franchise gets. Plenty of potential for a fun moveset and as far as anyone else in the series goes you guys won't be satisfied and will complain regardless, so they just shouldn't bother.

I dare you to leak it ;^)

>yfw she purposely drew everyone like shit

Just go look at her work in the past. She didn't draw this fucking bad until she started working for Marvel.

IIRC the devs didn't add her in the third game because they didn't want to ruin the whole joke involving Squirrel Girl and offscreen victories

good thing marvel ruined it for them

Marvel vs capcom 3 was trash and 4 will be too.

She lost a match offscreen?

she has won multiple now on screen

>Another Crossover game

>Another season of Megamanfaggots acting like God's gift on heart and how they're treated worse than Syrian refuges regardless of the characters they end up having

Can't wait.

revamped Classic Megaman, Tron, and Zero. Anyone else can be DLC or fuck off, but that's all I ask for.


>Tfw just about anyone on earth can draw Squirrel Girl better than Erica Henderson.

It's nice knowing one day I'll die.

She's dead user
The Sentinels got her

Uncle Dante and Lady would be enough to make me buy the game.

Some God Hand representation would be fucking sweet too.

I'd rather have the pirate and the cactus back, but monkey is welcome too.

2v2 would mean we'd get 6 buttons back and that's infinitely better than the bullshit anime game ABC garbage.

>Implying Sonson, Amingo and Captain Commando won't beat Death to come back.

Rip Haytao.

It says Apprehended

That just means they'll kill him later.

More Darkstalkers are welcome as long as they aren't batslut and catslut.

LMH S > LP/HP/LK/HK > 6 buttons.

Prove me wrong.

>4 fucking reps is all I ask for
Mate you're not going to be satisfied regardless

What? I only mentioned 3
>Classic Megaman

Roster prediction time. Remember, no X-Men or F4 characters.

Cap Murrica
Iron Man
Black Panther
Doc Strange
Shuma Gorath
Ghost Rider
War Machine
Captain Marvel
Rocket Racoon
Iron Fist
Luke Cage
Baron Zemo

Captain Commando
Chun Li
Mega Man
Viewtiful Joe
Frank West
Phoenix Wright

What kind of endings do you want to see?

Animated, if possible.

Anything is fine. As long as they aren't as bad as MvC 3's. Most of them at least.


3s layout was the better. People just need to take off their nostalgia goggles.

>Asura gains arms after every super.
>Specials are nothing but punches.
Only thing that could top it off would e to have the best boss theme as his theme.

Great list user, Regina, Batsu and Hayato, that'd be really cool, would like tron and you forgot deadpool?

I really liked Nova's ending, as well as Ryu.

>MvC3: too many X-Men
>MvC4: no X-Men

Wow, MvC Sentinel finally did its job.

So should his playstyle be some sort of cross between Sentinel and Doom?

Scarlet Witch
Black Panther
Omega Red(Never Ever)

Urien/Rashid/Necalli/Bison/Balrog (Any One of these)
Hayato from Star Gladiator
Jin Saotome
Akira Satama from Rival Schools


Iron Man
Black Panther
Captain America
Ghost Rider
Dr. Strange
Ms. Marvel
Squirrel Girl
Ant Man

Leon Kennedy
Viewtiful Joe
The Arisen

This is more what I expect in the even of 3v3, not so much what I want. If it becomes 2v2 then just cut a third of the characters out and turn them into assist only. With no X-men, Disney pushing the MCU characters, and Capcom most likely casualizing the game even further for their e-sports bucks, I cant say I have much hope. If Joe isnt in the game then I'm not even going to touch it.

DP's not a mutant but unfortunately his movie rights fall under X-Men.

My wishlist is a just in case scenario if the no mutants rumor appears to be true.

But the MvC3 era leaker Lupinko has been vaguely teasing that X-Men characters are indeed in the game, so.

One of my favorite trailers ever tbqh

We need him.

The "no X-Men" thing was mentioned due to the ongoing boycott, but nothing's actually confirmed.

But at the same time, Lupinko's source was likely kicked out after SFxT since he admitted he knew jackshit about SFV.

Shame this wasn't fully animated, because a lot of the match ups here are way more hype than in vanilla MvC3's videos.

seeing as we cant have ryu as the BoF rep, who should it be?

Katt or Nina?

obviously nina

>Capcom doing their own version of the old Marvel image scroll

I need this again.

>MvC3: too many X-Men
MvC2 has way more.

Omega Red
Silver Samurai


He's in BlazBlue now.

But it's just not the same.

>No mutants rumor end up being true
>No Wolverine
>Can't make a team full of angry men that consists of Asura, Hulk, and Wolvie


>Can't complete the trinity of edge