Not even 500k sales, holy shit it flopped hard.
Not even 500k sales, holy shit it flopped hard
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Game looks like shit. What were they thinking. It's barely a Final Fantasy, it just has all the characters and names tacked on.
so will square-enix finally go bankrupt?
This is one of the few times that I think they actually should have just made a PC version.
The graphic downgrades might actual be the worst ever.
what went wrong?
Whats the source?
They will fix the graphics on the Pro my man
What about the remake tho?
Is this shit real?
what did purse owner 5 do?
There is an eleven day difference between Sun/Moon and FF XV so this stat might be a bit misleading---it's likely single day sales which half a million in Nipponland is not too shabby desu. The day of shutting down Japanese public schools and transport services for a new Dragon Quest title is long gone.
>FFXV will sell less than Pokemon Moon by itself.
I don't know how this is a dig; whether XV flops or not, Pokemon is literally the most financially successful video game franchise in the history of video games. Saying "it won't outsell Pokemon" is like saying "that new grocery store is a disaster, it can't even outsell Wal Mart"
Yeah, no shit. That's not much of a metric for success unless "best-selling videogame of all time" is your baseline criteria
nice source
Not a argument
1.5m is S&M's day 1 sales, though.
Regardless off FFXV's reception, it had no chance against Pokemon anyway.
They better not, KingdomHearts 3 better release
Shut the fuck up.
>back the fuck off!!??
Much like modern MMOs, they couldn't even fix the crucial glitches that caused them to delay the game.
>"We need to sell 10M copies to be profitable!" -Squeenix
>"Say no more" - Barber
>"No waifus no sale" - Japan
>Such a hateboner for a game just because it isn't the same shit we got 100 times in the series already
Kill yourself. I hope VII remake is full blown action just to piss you more.
i hope so to so it finally puts square out of business
Reminder real time combat is objectively superior to turn based :^)
if its so good why are these games selling so poorly?
Sonycucks on suicide watch
Because they're not real time ENOUGH
If turn based is so good why is everything dropping it?
tfw no FFXV on pc
naw it wont, they still have ff14 and all the baka gaijin that spends millions on cosmetics
>There are people who prefer this dumb trash for 5 year old japanese girls over XV
>There are people who prefer the battle system of it.
Nuke the weebs.
make FF a glorioust west franchise like XV almost did.
this game lokos way better then ffxv desu. Hope it out sells.
XV probably sold in europe/USA in 5 minutes more than this trash
Fucking Conan. This would've never happened if he didn't bash the game on his show. Can you believe this? Defamation and slander and nobody bats an eye, it's all comedy. Why should I care?
NO. Square should sue for every penny that Conan has. This is directly effecting sales, and Conan should pay up the remaining copies left towards 10 million units sold.
Reminder falseflagging is reportable.
Why would I want to play as a japanese boyband?
You mean the multi-part remake with action combat and all the problematic parts of the game cut out?
I'm parodying NeoGAF, user. But you're right.
>mfw that nigger who kept posting the gifs of the game's "amazing combat" years before release is probably crying himself to sleep right now
NeoFag are sales enthusiasts so they know this shit will sell milions anyway doesn't matter if its good or bad.
Because their turn is over.
In one fucking day, it beat the first month sales of every single console game released in this whole gen.
What a fucking flop.
Will still never sell enough to be a profit. Flop.
that was me the game is pretty good and I love the combat.
I want to see how many of those sales are being returned.
Honestly, I would return the game after the first 2 hours, which is arguably still the best part of the game.
The only recent FF game they've lost money on was the original 14.
WoFF is fucking gay. Shit bombed here.
Pokemon: revitalises the franchise with new ideas and features but its respectful to all the foundations of the saga that made fans love it. Both appealing to old and new fans. Wacky ideas get done, but only in spinoffs.
FF XV: raped the foundations abandoning the beloved atb and turn based system in exchange for stuff no one asked for. Discards the old systems that fans loved and put that classic formula on cheap spinoffs like BD and WoFF, while implementing action jrpg shit from spinoffs into the main title. Pushes the old fans away to cheap mobile crap.
One has million sales, the other is a blunder. God's in his heaven, all's right with the world
>inb4 but it was the cheapest game ever, it only needs 2m to be successful!
>Pokemon: it was good before now it sucks
>FF: it was good before now it sucks
Pokemon is still good.
FF is no longer good.
#FE, SMT IV apocalypse, EO, Persona 5, worlds of final fantasy, bravely default/second, digimon, a shit ton of vita games, etc,etc
You sure? Id say there are more turn based jrpgs these days than action jrpg ones.
I wish Pokémon got rid of the turn based combat.
There are a shit ton of Pokemon titles with real time action, including even fighting games. You can buy those.
Gamefreak is not as retarded as SE to make their main titles full action based
>be a Japanese game developer in 2016
>release faggy homosex selfie simulator
>no waifus
>shit sales
riddle of the millennium
Pokemon is one of the few game series that have been constantly getting better every single new instance.
>What is X&Y?
Best thing I've read all day, Karma for pissing in your demographics face for almost a decade. I sincerely hope SE goes bankrupt over this and the abysmal "remakes" of FF7
I fucking bet XV is going to sell gorillions in the WEST and beat all of your Personas SMT's Digimons etc. (except Pokemon becasue kids will literally murder they parents and take their cash to buy it) simply because of the combat system. Its fresh, its fun (yes it is), it doesn't put you to sleep after a hour and it requires you actually giving a fuck about whats going on instead of mindlessly doing 9999 and healing to then end your turn repeat 50x.
hell an UK page that sold the game crashed because there were so many clicks on it.
>no waifus
You what mate?
As a pkm fan I wouldnt say better but the quality certainly doesnt decline as sharply. In fact it kinda sustains itself.
BW, BW2, XY, ORAS, SM are all around the same quality. If you liked one 10 years ago, you will most likely enjoy the newer ones too.
I think the quality peaked in gen 4.
Regardless, they know how to please their fans. Instead of wasting so much money on a game that they need to discard their fans and get newer ones.
Its literally the same fucking game for 20 years you autistic retard catching the same pixels for your whole life get a fucking clue.
>Its fresh, its fun (yes it is),
No, Bayonetta is fun, DMC4 is fun. FFXV is casual shit for casual shitters.
> it doesn't put you to sleep after a hour and it requires you actually giving a fuck about whats going on instead of mindlessly doing 9999 and healing to then end your turn repeat 50x.
Its literally that. Mindless mashing and boring visuals.
45million sold ps4s
500k sales for an AAA game
how is this possible
>posts ho
>says it's a waifu
Didn't they need to sell a couple million?
at least you can have cute girl in team, instead of full homosexual gangbang of XV.
Also you actually fight instead of fishing and pushing a car
the game probably sold a fuckton in the region that matters (wich is not japan) already.
>25m sold ps4s
>no games in the previous months, people starved for games
>BB sold 2m
Ps4 is a netflix/cod/fifa machine
>C-Conan's talking made the game shit!
maybe if the dude attacked the monster instead of a brown wall it would help
XV is casual shit for casual shitters and i saw a fuckton of people playing it probably JRPG enthusiasts who couldn't dodge for shit and all they did was spam O get hit spam O get hit spam O die.
'Member good superbosses that actually had a story too?
>no games in the previous months, people starved for games
You're confusing the PS4 with WiiU
Thats the monster you fucking retard.
Thats literally the biggest, most powerful super boss on the game.
That pixelated low poly wall is the PS4 emerald/ruby weapon
Do you know how much ds3 has sold? I just want to compare it to bb. Curious
No, pretty sure wii u had bayonetta 2, splattoon, smash, mario kart, xenoblade, w101, fatal frame and others.
When Bloodborne was released the ps4 had 4 months without games, next big one being the witcher 3 the month after Bloodborne. So Bloodborne had all the userbase for it.
This sure looks better you nigger
>What will do?
>Well, the same shit he did for the previous 30 hours
Game is sold out everywhere around here
Dude, did you take a look around while playing the game? The sheer amount of product placement?
Imagine how many shekels SE is getting from advertising alone.
And while I don't know the details, ZhugeEX posted that his lowest possible sales prediction for FFXV is 6 million units, and that amount would already result in a very nice profit margin for SE.
Now should I trust a know sales analyst, or some random anonymous user on Sup Forums, who is probably a high school dropout?
they probably didn't stock much
i mean unlike square they're trying to run a business
>damage control
>No, pretty sure wii u had bayonetta 2, splattoon, smash, mario kart, xenoblade, w101, fatal frame and others.
You mean all those games that were released far too inbetween? Also the WiiU spent like a year and a half with no games until it got someting worthwhile
>When Bloodborne was released the ps4 had 4 months without games, next big one being the witcher 3 the month after Bloodborne. So Bloodborne had all the userbase for it.
There was plenty of games for the Jap crowd even before BB came out
I guess thats true. I don't think even that could bridge a 9.5 million dollar gap, though. Sales are still coming in, so realistically it'll probably be more like 8 million dollar gap.
Since you are not mashing a brown wall and it has more than 2 colors (brown and black), it wins by default.
Funny thing is people are actually comparing a 240p game for kids that runs on a portable toaster with FFXV, it means FFXV is actually at that level.
the anonymous dropout
not even kidding
>SM took 1-2 years to make
>FF15 took 10 years
That's still 478k too many.
What the fuck is wrong with almost half a million japanese.
There isn't any other japanese big game i can compared to XV simply because everyone except square and From shits the bad and can't release a non-trash game with a budget of more than 50 dollars to save their lives.
Pokemon is kinda big.
>japs dont buy it because its too western
>westerners dont buy it because its too japanese
how does one fuck that up
Lets not kid ourselves now.
We all know why S&M broke every sales records everywhere.
It starts with G and ends with O.
Because sun and moon is literally the same game as every pokemon before it.
>We all know why S&M broke every sales records everywhere.
What records sales you nigger.
Maybe in Nipland because that country is still fucked up because of the nukes.
But nobody in the part of the world that actually matters gives a fuck about it.
Final Faggotry 15 is going to sell better for sure.