
So the fact that he outright refuses to talk about Undertale pretty much confirms that he's working on a review where he'll bash the shit out of it, right?
Will this become his next big breakout?

Other urls found in this thread:

if he does a review of it then anything negative stated about the game will be pushed off to the side as parroting
this faggot does nothing but make things worse for everyone

No. It means he personally likes Undertale and doesn't want to go near it because no matter what he says half of his fanbase will hate him for it.

Like it and he'd be damned.

Hate it and he'd be damned.

Best to just shut the fuck up about it and don't alienate anyone.

Or maybe he just isn't interested in the game at all?

Undertale was gay and boring anyways, like a date with your dad lol


He was asked about his opinion on undertale a million times and during the stream he just said something "pass" "ugh like no one ever asked me that before". He could have just said, "it was interesting, I liked it" or "I'm not really interested in it, sorry"

it's obvious there's a review incoming

Okay, why the hell would anyone care about this person's opinion over a year after the game came out?

that just means he doesnt want to play or at least give off an opinion
there is nothing pointing towards review

you must have never watched his dark souls 2 review

>Trump refuses to talk about Undertale
Holy shit Trump is gonna talk about Undertale!!1!!1!1121