Is dishonored any good? I've never played and only heard people claim it's really good

Is dishonored any good? I've never played and only heard people claim it's really good.

I'm a big fan of oblivion and fallout 3/NV (Skyrim and Fo4 are garbage)

It's not like either of those games at all. It's pretty good. Rough around the edges at time, but definetly worth playing. Also the background world and lore are top tier

I just mentioned it because of Bethesda, if the lore is good then I'll give it a go

It's a solid action/stealth game with a very well-realized setting. You can't go wrong with it.

If you end up getting it, I suggest that you go in blind and then go for a second playthrough with no powers or no HUD. The game gets much better.

Yeah it's pretty great

Good story and lore, fantastic artstyle, fast and smooth controls. The DLC is also fantastic

it's not a RPG by anymeans but you still have more choice than Fo4 (not kidding)
it's fine the game i quite easy thought don't bother playing on lower difficulties
the lore and the atmosphere is really fine

he is right get the DLC if you buy it's really worth it

Yes, play it.
A few tips:

>play on highest difficulty
>you can kill 20% of enemies and still have a low "chaos" rating
>get the DLCs

You're probably too underage to have played thief, but it's basically a watered down thief 2 the metal age.

Which is fine, because it was better than the last 2 abominations that have the thief name on them (especially deadly shadows)

It's more of a first person tactical action game, stealth if you want but, again, thief gold is better for stealth. Basically imagine thief but it's more fun to use magic and kill everyone than it is to play the game as a nonlethal stealth game.

That's dishonored. It's good. Maybe great, for most people who don't know how much higher the bar can go.