ITT: difficulty spikes
ITT: difficulty spikes
Other urls found in this thread:
Fact. This game is impossible to play without jerking off to Max
Fact. You a dumbass nigga.
Reminder that saving Chloe means killing Kate
Fact. That game a shit and all girls in it a shit. But not as much shit as 3D
Fact. You're gay who jerks off to teen boys
>first escort mission
>tank replaced with shitty APC
>introduced these guys, who are nearly invincible until you take out the supply vehicle, which the game doesn't tell you and hides them
>those guys can rip infantry to shreds
>the enemy commander is also one, but can rip the APC to shreds
>the enemy can just summon enemies near the base camp, threatening it and further diverting your forces
>it's early in the game, you unlikely can tank them
Luckily it's an easy game
>he doesn't jerk off to teen boys
Fact. You're gay who jerks off to teen boys and furries.
i hope they make more porn of max in her cute pajamas :3
Why does everyone in this game look like 14 anyways?
i take the belgian omlette
I want to ____ Max
Bacon omelette
someone should really post pictures of Max's feet
can you even save the pure loli?
Why can't Americans have their breakfast at home, yet they never take their shoes off inside?
>waffles, but especially Belgian waffles are kinda shit and you are better off just eating pancakes
>buying an omelette at a diner when it's one of the most easy things to cook for yourself is just retarded and wasteful
Neither of those things are really filling on their own. I guess Bacon Omelette but I'd really like something more like the Waffle with hash browns on the side or something.
Get some standards nigger.
Omelettes are flavorless garbage
Then learn how to make omelettes.
>waffles are shit
>Belgian waffles are shit
I pity you if you have never had a flavorful omelette. You need to pack that bitch with strong veggies, especially spicy peppers.
or you know, any kind of seasoning for the egg
Fuck you user youre right
Christ guys I was just giving my opinion, I'm not trying to egg you on or anything
>Reminder that saving Chloe means killing Kate
So killing chloe is saving kate?
win/win if you ask me
Sorry mate, I think you just scrambled our brains for a second there.
They are kinda shit compared to stuff like pancakes.
>pattern makes it a chore to coat it with stuff
>generally aren't cooked in anything so it doesn't have the nice buttery finish pancakes has
>messy and requires specific implements to cook
>often too bready
Pancakes are objectively better. Stop pretending to be retarded.
Too brown.
I agree. Why have an omelet when you can just make an egg sandwich?
Always with the crossdressing shit on this fucking board
i am muslim, bacon is haram. i choose waffle.
I get annoyed when I dwell on ordering shit that is easy to make at home in general.
But then, comfort food is at its best when someone else makes it for you.
2d brown is pure
burn in hell, drow scum
Stop editing peoples art. It's disrespectful.
>this game
there is absolutely nothing wrong with correcting another person's artwork.
What game?
Valkyria Chronicles 2.
>Waffles better than Pancakes
Have fun feeling like a fat piece of shit after three bites of waffle.
Thanks I bought the first one ages ago and have yet to play it so now I have my day off planned
I never said waffles are better than pancakes. I said the opposite.
Hello Serge
The choice is obvious, the halal one
>this was also my party when I fought him
Use turn white
Yeah. Just start talking about god and she doesn't jump.
>Thought you could get through this game without learning how to parry huh?
Does anyone ever look at brown/really dark lolis and want to eat them? I don't know if it's because they look like chocolate but their face looks really appetizing for some reason.
I learnt to parry in the sewers against the big armed dudes, but the amount of parryies you have to do in rapid succession against Monsoon make him my favorite boss.
No, you're just sick in the head.
>tfw couldn't beat blade wolf without parrying so i was already good at it by this point
based hard mode
I did. Wasn't until Sam that I learned how to properly parry.
And it wasn't until Armstrong that I learned about the dodge.
>Not using your time travel to eat both
>Not Heavy Armor bullshit in VC3
Come on lad
I did and I was right.
Defensive Offensive OP.
Fags get out
Nah. He's right. A jerked off for her at some moment. Everyone with good taste did it.
which one has the dick
I can't masturbate to characters I've grown emotionally attached to, I've got too much bitch in me.
You missed an entire thread full of faggots and traps earlier today
>which one
hold hands with
I don't wanna make Chloe jealous though. In my playthough Max did everything to get with her and the genuine attachment the two have to each other honestly made me cry. I know I'm a pussy but this game really was special.
Also, belgian waffles > omelette
They'll look sexy when they get older, r-right?
post more webms
can someone give us the name of this, im not really at liberty to view this where i am or get past the panda right now
S wa fragile no S
wew thanks. only 3 more hours till the daycare closes and i can head home
>oh boy I can't wait to try out my new partner Vincent OH SHIT NIGGER WHAT ARE YOU DOING