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>wow it took your whole team to kill me




would you, Sup Forums?







I dunno, are his dick and ass still usable for sex?


what a dumb question....augments nigga



I mean, I guess I can see a dick augment. A Scottish man who lost his penis as a child had an artificial pump with skin grafted from his arm placed on it. They think he will eventually be able to father children.

That said... how would a bionic asshole work? Currently, irreparable damage to the anus or large intestine usually results in ileostomy or colostomy.






ah, my favourite mission


That world design is delicious. Is MD actually good or is it half a game like Sup Forums said?


It's far bigger than HR, these casual faggots don't even explore.
There are so many cool details you can pick up in the world which all connect to something it's ridiculous.

So is it, like, good? HR was my GOTY when it released.

Yes it's fucking good.




How's the length? Writing?

Does it lean heavily pro-combat or are there still a shitton of vents and computers for a pure stealth run?

Longer than HR if you don't just rush through the main missions, lots of missable sidequests.
Writing is sometimes great, sometimes not so good.
Stealth is favored again as far as I can tell, lots of alternative routes, even more than HR.



shitty ending




>that thing on the left side
Wew lad that's disturbingly redpilled

I'll have to look into it next Steam Sale.

Shitty as in no closure or shitty as in you didn't like how it went?





Oh there is big trouble alright :3c




Its Elite Dangerous

Not him, but no closure. It just ends, almost as if Sqeenix said "okay guys stop the crap or we won't have stuff to do in the next 15 games".
Which is pretty much how i think it went














I heard that game was inferior to the Death to Spies games, is it true?