We did it, Sup Forums!

We did it, Sup Forums!

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I love how gamergate is either dead or active depending on how well it fits the journosĀ“ narratives.

Go away bait-kun

I love how Trump is normalizing open contempt for all the news media. Fuck (((them))).

So how about that Steven Mnuchin pick for Treasury Secretary, huh?

I don't even care about the fact Trump is likely going to fuck the country horrendously for his personal wealth, and cost tens of millions of jobs while he pockets mad dosh. I'm more afraid of the reports and studies showing democracy is falling world over and support for autocratic and authoritarian governments or military rule is rising. I don't want to live in that world.

I thought the concept of GamerGate being behind Trump would have been so stupid, even Kotaku wouldn't believe it, but here we are.

>cost tens of millions of jobs while he pockets mad dosh
He didn't run for president to make money. He isn't even taking the pay check.

Trusting in the common man to chose who rules them was a mistake.

They aren't wrong.


wasn't even hard to get there with 5 degrees


yeah, all those infrastructure tax breaks aren't going to be a massive blanket for kickbacks.

based white women

Are any of his proposed people even good? I mean for fucks sake they're all a bunch of losers. I only like Clarke

M8 he has ignored all calls to stop his conflicts, has amitted to bringing up his business interests to heads of state and The Phillipines appointed a guy over seeing construction of his tower there, to be a diplomat to the US.

Trump is using his status as president elect at every chance, to make a buck. Even if it costs the nation a lot.

You can get to anything with 5 degrees, look

They won't but you will pretend they are because they will improve things for everyone which happens to include Trump.

>I'm more afraid of the reports and studies showing democracy is falling world over and support for autocratic and authoritarian governments or military rule is rising.


kys fear mongerer

>every single person appointed has business ties or no government experience, and are set to profit if they harm the areas of government they are appointed to. Not to mention several heads of state and Trump admitting that he is bringing up business interests in talks.

flowers are pretty generic. That's like if you said air was fair game. Air and GG aren't equal starting points.

All the SupCoJus picks are great
Trumps picks are a result of it being hard to find people willing to risk their careers supporting him while also not being government lobbyists

He is picking people he trusts. Ironically if he picked someone from politics people would blame him for picking lobbyists. It's a lose lose.

gamer gate traumatized those fags probably for the rest of their pathetic lives. it's glorious.

Some people like democracy over authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Who knew?But Trump moved the swamp into the white house by appointing lobbyists and special interest groups?

oh look its another liberal crythread

He hasn't even picked his cabinet yet which is more important. We will see when he is President, people are so quick to cast judgement without even giving him a chance.

gotta do something in between shifts at starbucks

Are they implying that LE MAINSTREAM MEDIA was defeated by a bunch of drunken basement dwellers who hate video games?


I thought PizzaGate was the hip new thing to shit on?

Blame the kikes. Hitler wasn't wrong, he just lost.

Follow the path of agitation and it always leads back to some neurotic Jew.

The only people who hate democracy are the ones protesting the democratic process which got Trump into the house in the first place. They're all toothless.

>I'm going to rant about Trump and GG
>Oh yeah did you know Bannon was involved in a company that sold farmed gold on WoW?!?!

Damn he salty.

The people who hate democracy are the people who have seen first hand how it has destroyed people, the only thing good about democracy is how it has pushed socialism into a legitimate talking point, when Bernie wins in 4 years we'll actually see the world improve

Ok sorry
>video games

On top of that he's putting an anti-net-neutrality puppet for ISPs in charge of the FCC transition.

Trump is as corrupt as he can be, and he doesn't need to hide it anymore. All he needs is one term to sell the country's regulations and government positions off, and he's almost certainly earning billions under the table for it.

Trump is in the peculiar position of getting a gorillion emotionally and psychologically compromised retards and sjws mad at him and the good loving country that exists right now is doing everything it can to keep them at bay.

Trump is lynchpinned into making good solely on his campaign promises cause if he does shady shit some absolute nut will probably nail him, then it's Mike "Electroshock the queers and drink liberal tears" Pence turn, which is when you'll really be getting the fatal dose against liberalism as a whole instead of jusy necking their political terrorist group called the Democrat party.

Also nice (((sources)))


>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

You're right. It's a difference of one degree.

What the fuck does this even mean? Democracy failing? Military rule? You sound like you WANT to be a victim.

Apparently some NYT article just came out about it. 75% of Millennials would be okay not living in a democracy. Sounds like a bunch of alarmist shit to me. Literally who are these people?

Citation needed


>Bernie wins in 4 years we'll actually see the world improve

I'm a Berniefag and even I'm not that dyed in the dung, he'll be pushing 80 at that point.

thread theme


>I'm a Berniefag
>don't think he'll run and win
Okay Trumpfag

>But Trump moved the swamp into the white house by appointing lobbyists and special interest groups?
If you read the news at all you'd know that's not true, the transtition team was redone the week before last with all the lobbyists removed

this makes me angry. people are fucking retarded.

Except Hillary won the popular vote. Trump only won because our bullshit electoral college system.

All wildly inaccurate speculation. Thanks for Correcting the Record!

I'm just saying, he'll be too old at that point.

Do you really want our government to be in charge of net neutrality? The people that are controlled by lobbyists? The people that spy on fucking everyone? The people that constantly try to pass new piracy laws?

>Trump is as corrupt as he can be, and he doesn't need to hide it anymore.
Not really, 90% of his "corruption" is fantasy corruption.

Popular vote would be a horrible way to do an election.

Society is only fucked if you think and agree with SJWs/liberals. Everythings going your way if you're a conservative.

Surprise, that's how elections and democracy work.

It's the out of touch incompetent neoliberal politicians' fault. They call themselves the "left" then work with the media to stamp out and/or demonize anyone on the left who wants real change. The common man sees this, sees that the left is representing the status quo and/or are, sees that the right is offering radical change from the broken system, and goes for the populist right wing parties like UKIP, Alternative for Germany, the National Front up in France, Tetc. Blame people like Bill Clinton and Tony Blair for the swing to the hard right. That being said, I think we're gonna stop going in that direction before we head for a real fascist uprising. People can only listen to so much "ban the immugrints!" before they realize they're being conned.

Anyways, this thread is garbage and not video games, probably started by some Sup Forumslack

Liberal tears will never not be delicious.

>It all started with gamer gate
Years from now Gamergate will be taught in schools in history class non-stop like the holocaust is taught today when the liberals win the inevitable culture war in the upcoming years.

Unfriendly reminder the United States is not a democracy and you expose your utter stupidity every time you cry about the popular vote.

>reee why can't my 80 year old socialist win
maybe because he was a cuckold all along

I like how anyone who dislikes Trump is somehow some butthurt Hillaryfag in the eyes of Trumptards.

>every time Trump reveals a new cabinet pick, I lose even more faith in him not being terrible

spotted the butthurt hillaryfag

>this meme again
Trump was campaigning for the electoral vote, not the popular vote; had he been campaigning for the popular vote, he probably would have won it

He hasn't revealed any it is pure speculation by the media. Well maybe he did recently and I didn't hear about it but most of them are speculation.

>The blue areas deciding policy for the red areas is totally fair and balanced.

I will never be beholden to the decisions of Los Angeles and New York City.

>write a bunch of "Gamergate is over" articles
>Still writing about Gamergate two years later.

Those people are a trip. Also

>Gamergate is a bunch of neckbeard losers loving in their moms basement!
>Gamergate got Donald Trump elected president!

>make it so that you don't only have to rig things in California, New York and Texas to win the entire country
>fucking everyone hates you for it centuries later


>"bullshit electoral college system"
Yeah, okay, let's go by popular vote.
Then California lets all its illegals vote five times each in different counties and there's no way to tell and whoever is paying to bus around illegals in Cali decides the election.

>Still referring to Hillary.

You have to start defending Trump without pointing the finger at her and screaming now.

>not knowing Sup Forums is 70% retarded 14 year old memers now
It's basically the new Sup Forums. I wouldn't take anything they say or post as serious.

Barely anybody lives in most of those red areas compared to the areas that usually go blue.

electoral college is fine except for the all or nothing value on the majoriy of states.

Trump would have still won if the electoral college split their vote value respective to that state's voting population divide.

>I'm more afraid of the reports and studies showing democracy is falling world over and support for autocratic and authoritarian governments or military rule is rising.
There's nothing wrong with this.

Democracy invites foreign involvement. Look at the US, over 50% of the political funding comes from Jews, yet they only make up 2% of the US population. Kinda strange they're putting in fucking billions of dollars in to the democratic & republican party, isn't it? The US is Israel's puppet.

Do you see any of this shit happening in Russia? In Turkey? No. They care about the nation and don't let it get overrun by Jews & other foreigners because political systems are far better.

So? They all agreeded with each other. They all voted. -They- got Trump into office.

And barely anybody actually matters so it is perfect.


it's like you guys get political insight from Skyrim

please stick to gaming and leave the government to the big boys like papa trump

he's a big guy

>muh popular vote

I bet you think people shouldn't need any ID to vote either eh Pedro?

>"People that don't live in the cities literally shouldn't matter."

Red areas aren't fucking Siberia, dude. Turns out it's very slightly less than half the country, if you go by voting turnout.

>Sup Forums is 70% 14 year olds
pol is just 1 jew with like 30,000 proxies

Those peoples votes still matter, wouldn't so much with popular vote

>Trump wants to put people who burn the flag in jail or take away citizenship

What is worse?

losing freedom of speech or burning the flag?

And the red areas still have their say because you can't just form an elitist hivemind in three cities to take over everything. The system works.

>liberals win the inevitable culture war in the upcoming years.
teehee keep dreaming

great vidya thread

Popular votes biggest problem is it decentivozes campaigning or giving a fuck outside of the heavier population areas.

Rural Americans get fucked.

Californians know how this feels. San Diego,, San Francisco, and los Angeles decide everything and everyone else across the huge state has to go with it.

It's mainly just Mudslimes we want to ban Ahmed.

Yeah, you should win chess by taking the most pieces, too.

Probably pretty easy to immigrate to one of those countries.

But I'm sure you like it in whatever Western democracy you're living in now.

>mfw reading about fucking Trudeau praising Castro

>Trump says flag burners should lose citizenship or go to jail
>people point out how fucking retarded that is

it's hilarious. they can't defend this stupid shit he says so they still have the fall back on pointing the finger at some dumb old irrelevant cunt that is out of the race now

Naw senpai. White guilt is the liberals' petroleum and they just hit peak oil.

>fags and emotionally compromised uneducated teens want world war 3 with russia cause they don't understand how to have a normal relationship with another human being
Whats worse

Chopping off your weiner and calling yourself a girl

Or literally nuclear apocalypse

Republicans republicans belt out the "OOOH LOOK AT ALL THIS RED AND ALL THIS LITTLE BLUE, WE SHOULD BE IN CHARGE!" shit every time.

god, these are obnoxious
are you literally 8?

burning the flag as a form of protest means dick if there's no consequences, really.

And thank you for being Trump's cocksleeve. Maybe that massive ejaculation won't end with your belly blowing out.

>Do you really want our government to be in charge of net neutrality? The people that are controlled by lobbyists? The people that spy on fucking everyone? The people that constantly try to pass new piracy laws?
What's the alternative? Putting corporations in charge of it, so they can start charging fees for site access? They're the ones controlling the lobbyists in the first place, trying to puppet the government into passing the very same anti-piracy laws you mentioned.

kek how many of you fellow Sup Forumsacks are crossposting here?

I was just browsing randomly on Sup Forums until I came across this thread


>b-but muh cities with 70000% of the popular vote

>the pendulum is finally swinging, and its swinging hard

Enjoy being in the political wilderness for the next decade or more, leftists, you have no one to blame but yourself.