Can we have a console plebs thread?

Can we have a console plebs thread?
>What games do you have?
>Buyers Remorse?
>Make sure to post your games

Here's mine

Also have
dishonered 1-2
Mad Max
Tomb Raider
The Metro Series
Battlefield 4

>Buyers Remorse

Also any anons wanna play games together?


do you at least have a source?

He has been spamming that shit for hours, it's reaching Barneyfag levels of autism and shitposting.

I guess it's just some fanboy that someone said something even slightly negative about his favourite company

Today I shall remind them

This is a good meme thread, congrats shill.

Sucks to be a console peasant.

>paying for PS4 garbage
>paying twice for PS4 pro garbage

Never ever

>Having a job

>Play better quality games

It's nice being a Console Caesar.

>better quality games
>shit station 4

My fucking sides, stay deluded console peasant.

BTFO Faggot

I regret Dishonored 2, runs like garbage, basically unplayable and it probably won't ever get fixed. Alien Isolation also runs bad but it was $10 so I don't care.

Damn, you got me, sonynigger.

I wish I could experience sub-30 fps in 2017-1 on poorfag garbage console lmao.

Xbox shills btfo

>Buyers Remorse

Watching S-Rank playthroughs helps a ton. Also the game has been severely nerfed compared to the day one edition. Doing the mission 2 helicopter shortcut was suicide, on the day of release.

Here's an ancient image. I'm still waiting on packages from the day before Thanksgiving. (You) decide what sucks and what is worth keeping.

>Two bloodbornes


Do all Xbone games have that black sidelabel?

Because that's aesthetically pleasing as fuck. Like PAL PS2 labels, but not shit.

On current gen consoles
FF Type 0
Halo MCC
Halo 5
NHL 15
NHL 16
NHL 17
Fifa 14
COD ghosts
Uncharted 4
One piece pirate warriors 3
Rachet and clank
Witcher 3
Quantum Break
Forza 5
AC Unity
Tomb Raider remastered
Rise of the tomb raider
Shadow of mordor
Dark souls 3
RB6 Siege
I'm tired of typing so I'm going to stop
>buyers remorse
NHL 15

are all the top of the list


You got me PCfat. If only I could experience the joy of gaming on a secondary platform.

>playing multiplat games on shitty console

Poor console peasants gonna be poor I guess.

How the fuck do you even play Doom with a controller? Or can you plug in keyboard and mouse to a PS4?

It's one of my favorite games and I wanted to have a copy of the GOTY edition as it has a later patch pre-installed in the event I want to come back to the game at a later time and the Sony Jew has ended support for the old machineI actually own 3 copies, have it digitally as well.

I didn't pay full price for any of them.

I actually own it digitally as well

MGS V is factually better than everything on that list besides maybe BB.

>Do all Xbone games have that black sidelabel?
It's actually a dark grey (picture quality and lighting alter appearance) but yes as far as i know they do.

Oh, sonny, they will patch it sooner or later and it will be smooth and silky 60 fps / 1080p.

Something that a dirty peasant like you would never experience with your utter shit SATA-2 / 900p and sub-30 fps peasantry lmao.

>Pay $60 for a new release
>Petition Creators pirate the games
Now who's poor?


>PC game sales
Top kek

Master race amirite guys?

>Poor console peasants gonna be poor I guess.
I play multiplatforms on consoles and my computer was more expensive than yours, you fucking poorfag. 

Just posting part of my collection. I'm trying to sell most of it at the moment.

>sonynigger shilling at full force

Thar's pretty pathetic.

Yea, was. When exactly it was, in your dreams or somewhere else, retard?


Today, in the real world, my computer is worth more than your computer because only weirdos play games on a spreadsheet machine. 

>proud shill

Lmao when poor console peasants have nothing else to brag about.

But nah, games cost all the same on all platform. The only difference is I can enjoy games in full glory of 60 fps / 1080p on ultra settings and you eat shit with sub-30fps on poorfag console.

Don't forget to upgrade it to """pro""" version for dem 6 fps, pleb lol.


>Posting sales numbers = shilling

>I'm trying to sell most of it at the moment.
Don't even bother. GameStop will give you literal pennies for some of your games, then turn around and sell them for $25+.

That's exactly what you do.

Only a shill cares about some sales that are completely irrelevant to anyone who's not working in Sony.

>inb4 Ruggarell and his nigger hands

No one said anything about caring about sales.

I have a ton of digital games on my PS4.

The Wiiu

>What games do you have?
Beyond Good & Evil
Burnout 3: Takedown
Gran Turismo 4
Gran Turismo 5
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto V
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Read Dead Redemption
Richard Burns Rally
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY Edition
>Buyers Remorse?
Elite Dangerous Horizons
(both on PC)

Rainbow 6

Fallout 4
DA Inq

does it have to be new consoles?


I know that feel....

Used to be a blind nintendo fan. I was lost, but now I'm found. Uncharted, Bloodborne, and Infamous showed me the light..and I have not looked back since.

I'm not in the US. I buy from Ebay and sell a lot higher in my country.

Shit taste in wii u games

MGS 5 too in my case.