Is the spectral tiger the pinnacle of prestige for ground mounts?

Is the spectral tiger the pinnacle of prestige for ground mounts?


Nostalrius soon fellow Sup Forumsirgins

It used to be. Now everyone has it.

>playing wow

everyone has everything in that shitty game now, there is no prestige to be spoken of except for rare titles such as Grand Crusader

>Prestige from buying something different than WoW game


How soon? Do we know yet?

It is either VERY fucking old mounts you haven't been able to obtain for years or the current raid tier rare mounts

You were saying? Elite gear transmogs too

it will always be Raven Lord to me

or Black War Bear

Why do everyone have it though?
Wasnt it like super rare in the TCG?
How many even spawned lol

I forgot how much the graphics suck or you have -12 AA.

Black war bear? The one from killing the faction leaders?

What's so rare about that?

Actually... Is it still possible to do now that all the leaders are fucking all over the place or dead? Both Org and Undercity are empt

There is a super rare mount in stratholme

I'm on a 5K 29" iMac so the pixels can't even be seen .. it's so crisp, thus AA isn't even noticeable when I turn it on so I leave it off for better frame rates breh

OH and the graphics are that bad. Vanilla textures are horrific.

its a 12 year old game breh

nether rays are underrated

I think the rarest stuff I have at the moment is a Corrupted Ashbringer I got from Naxx 40 back then and Fiery Warhorse from Karazhan.

Haven't played retail ever since WOTLK.

You were saying?

this is correct

this one is also close