What game has the best food mechanic

what game has the best food mechanic

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You just wanted an excuse to post that didn't you?

damn, that's just so lewd

thought it was a snickers bar at first

that's a big snickers

Kingdom of Loathing


I wonder if she'd fit my snickers bar into her as well


yeah, bbc veins really do look like the layers of chocolate and caramel snickers have.


This is actually correct.
Shame I stopped caring about KoL.

>click the link

Is this girl retarded because why the fuck would you hold it like that, hands gonna be absolutely fucking drenched in chocolate.

Skyrim mods: Realistic Needs & Diseases + meal recipes mods

Shock factor.

Final Fantasy XV

No game gets food right because they make it so your character has to eat 10 lbs of food every hour, drink 10 gallons of water every 5 minutes and you need to eat 60,000 calories a day or your character dies.

This. It's fucking retarded. ARMA's AltisLife does well

>3 pieces of salad and sauce that's barely enough for the fish.
Fuck you Ignis. No wonder I instantly run out of stamina.

My Summer Car is okay. Time goes by quickly so it makes at least SOME sense.

>You just wanted an excuse to post that didn't you?

can you imagine sucking a cock that huge? wtf that looks good. no homo

By being better? Snickers is cute and all, but anyone who likes nuts in their mouth is a homo.

>get the food ending
>game doesn't let you use ketchup

Quality over quantity user, if you ordered something like that in real life it'd look pretty similar to it. You've never ordered food at a fancy restaurant before? They give you literally nothing to fill you up, it's a tiny meal for like $60 or some shit but it's fancy ingredients and shit.

I thought that picture was a big fat black penis

I wonder how the people who took the photo feel about it

You forgot the two red things; is it a tomato?

>gonna eat a steak
>decide to put ketchup in it
>got the bad ending

Looks like beets of some kind. They're pretty tasty but a single one sliced in two is fucking nothing.

Even I could cook up something similar if I had the ingredients.

That creature is fucking disgusting, why do people continue to post this?

Like they managed to portray the chocolate as a big fat cock, thus, they feel achieved.

>pieces of salad

otherwise known as... lettuce. you may as well use the proper quantifier too, "leaves."

Japanese Moot should ban people who can't speak English from Sup Forums.

It's because rich people care more about how the food LOOKS rather than how it tastes or if it's enough; rule of fancy is dumb.

for you

He would have to ban himself then.

You first for not knowing what capital letters are. What a petty thing to be autistic about.

But it's a proven fact that most of the flavor in food/drink comes from the smell, and the rest is from your perception of it. If you think something is high-quality, it will taste good regardless of if it actually is.

It's just a jumbo snickers, chill out.



Patrician user

I remember playing KoL back in high school on the library computers

Final Fantasy XV

What's the context to this? Looks sad.

>being this new
Dr Cox's friend had just recently passed away and he's sort of in the denial stage, JD asks him the question as they arrive at the guy's funeral

I legit have to jack it every time I see the thumbnail of this

Dr. Cox was in denial about his best friend's death that he failed to prevent. For most of the episode he was talking to him as if he was alive and next to him.



I think it's the icecream bar variety

well there's a reason ribs are measured in racks

>being this new
Watched the show, but never saw that episode. I just watched whatever was being shuffled on TV years back.

Nice bait, friend!
Got me good, haha


Snake eater


thats so fucking hot

>Ctrl + F
>no dead rising
Step up your game


This made me blow air out of my nose really hard fampai