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Video Games #3597
Video Games
Well, Sup Forums?
When you are undeniably best girl of your entire series and you know everyone knows it
Industry: We want you to define a genre again
What are some GOOD JRPGs for the PS2
Grass Munchers
/ctt/ The Console Tan Tuesday
He doesn't teabag players he's killed
Final boss theme has latin lyrics
Daily reminder nba 2k17 is the deepest rpg game released this year
How much video game am too much video game?
Pokemon need to go back to its 'founding' series, SMT, and take another lesson on how to make Pokemon more difficult...
Leave gaming to me
Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite is the first new fighting game developed internally at Capcom in over a decade...
/bst/ - battlestation thread
Find me a more comfy place to live in vidya
I miss her so much
Pick one to protect you, while the others will try to kill you and the one you chose to protect you
Tries to kill you
What was your reaction when you found out Final Fantasy 7 is getting a remake?
Is it worth it?
9 years in development
Is the Collectors Edition of The Last Guardian with the extra cash? Any of you getting it?
How do we fix him Sup Forums? He's the most annoying broken piece of shit in this game. Damage for days without aiming...
Capcom to Revive Dormant IPs
Why do people support these cunts?
Let it Die
Ryu Ga Gotoku/Yakuza Thread
E3 2017
Why is this allowed?
How many games in total have you beaten?
How did we go from this
What are the best let's plays of all time?
So what does Sup Forums think of Argonians?
Perfect video games don't ex-
Killed three times by someones lvl 30 hater
"Dude just get in voice chat come on."
Final Fantasy XV
Well big boy?
Dad calls
Grove Street
Help me finish it Sup Forums, i don't really like marvel that much
Nip indie games
Crash Thread
So on a scale of Uwe Boll to Shamylan, how bad of a movie is Death Stranding going to be?
Realistically, how can I marry Widowmaker?
In eleven hours, this world will be gone. Nobody will ever be able to play this map again
Has there ever been a series (of 3 or more games) where every game is 8/10+?
Everyone who was alive when videogames were invented is now dead
It's December
Melee HD when?
Terrible combat
Will this be forever known as the "Plane Scene" of vidya?
Unpopular Gaming opinions
Give pickachu a face
Wtf, why does it gets hot too fast ?
Develop a bipedal mech use to make nuclear strike on a remote island
Just got one of those
Post old game ads
Game's title screen changes one you beat the game
Don't mind me. Just being the best horror game in years
ITT: Write a haiku about the last game you plated
I've never played a video game before. What should my first one be?
Final Fantasy 15 HATE thread: The Small Things That Make You Say WHY!?!? Edition
grinding in dark souls
Snow finally fell in my hometown
Find a flaw
So how depressing is this story going to be?
Why is ellie so ugly in the last of us 2
One of my coworkers takes her kid to work every friday and all he does is sit at a bench watching youtube streamers...
Would you play Videogames with yourself if you were cloned?
What games have you played today Sup Forums?
Game has a pointlessly gay or (worse) lesbian character
Is there any other games from the ps1 era like this?
Male and female have different stats even in the same class
This is the Best Final Fantasy game
I heard you like penguins
Oppai > dfc
Why is it, people will complain about some information being shown in a clearer way...
Why is overwatch so boring recently
Game tries to be funny
Name a better sports game than NBA Street Vol.2
Admit it, you once thought using the biggest sword you could find was 'manly' and cool
Steam filter
Vidya cosplay thread?
Ori and the Blind Forest
Similar music to Death Stranding trailer 2?
Sound cues are integral to gameplay
EYE Divine Cybermancy
It's a me! Mariooooooooooooooooooooooo
SAO vs Accell
Made a super successful book franchise
Why do video games cost $60?
Find a flaw
ITT: Claim your consolefu
This is Lestallum, a city where the women do all the important work and men walk around wearing tank tops and complain
How were you supposed to know you'd fuck her brains out?
He is dying, Sup Forums
Dev of Castlevania Remake gets CND
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
April 4th
The PC version of NieR: Automata will launch the same day as the PlayStation 4 version in the west – March 7 in North...
I literally have no idea what is going on
I'm so fucked up
How does Sup Forums feel about Argonians?
Vidya memes
Fucking finally. 15 days to go!
What's the best version of Resident Evil 2?
Is he literally....Dare I say it..... Uh..... Our Guy?
Literally no mention at PSX
Name one good Western RPG released this year that isn't an mmo or open-world
Raped the dreamcast and forced sega out of the console market
Ace Attorney thread
Zelda:BotW is God's Gift to Humanity
Now that the dust has settled, how would you rate the series from best to worst?
I put this game on yesterday and I whupped its ass in one sitting
Game features a protagonist who isn't a straight white male
Woah... she's fast!
The last character you played as will protect you from Jimmy Neutron along with his entire arsenal of inventions...
Sup Forums plays roller coaster tycoon 2: electric boogaloo
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Game has breast slider
Down to around 360 employees
Would this game be worth creating?
Is anyone here trying or struggling with video game addiction? Any tips?
ITT: overrated games
Hey uhh what did they mean by this?
Webm thread?
Picked up the new DOOM recently and I've reached the Cyberdemon in my first run on Hurt Me Plenty. So far...
Sup Forums, I have a shitty laptop and can't afford a decent compy. What are some low end games I can get into and play?
3DS sitting on the shelf for years collecting dust
What exactly is the deal with this obsession Sup Forums has with wanting every new upcoming game of above-moderate...
Nier Automata also confirmed March 7th for PC
Final Fantasy XV
I wish for more women to enjoy and play video games like me!
Gaming in the Clinton Years
Alright Sup Forums
Risk of Rain thread
The b-bag?
Are you ready to be literally Keanu Reeves?
What are some games that portray an incredible sense of adventure?
More like the lag guardian kek
Top 5 FF Villains
Why is Sup Forums so shit today?
How are you doing Inspector Gadget?
The best FPS health system:
What if I told you that this is currently the strongest card in hearthstone now?
Have you ever gotten hate messages in a online video game before?
Why are sneks considered evil in vidya?
This is a Japanese adventurer from the hit video game series Atelier
I-I like your video games user
What went wrong?
Sup Forums suddenly likes tlou
What went wrong?
Who's the best MGS character snd why is it Kaz?
Thinkign bout Metroid 2
Which is superior?
ITT: Your gamer pose
We need more games that let you kill children
ITT: Old games that no one realized was SJW because of nostalgia goggles
Hi, I'm Daisy!
Whats the best system to play Shovel Knight?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Know nothing about PC's or how to build them but don't want to fall for the console meme again
Holy shit, is this really happening?
Switch thread
Your personal GOTY
This game comes out next week
Breath of the Wild
Jannies just deleted a Morrowind thread
How is one line from a game released over a decade ago more memorable and quotable than the entirety of GTA V?
What Overwatch Heroes are you most excited for? What cool hero ideas do you have?
Can she be trusted?
So were they banging?
When did a mainline Final Fantasy game stop becoming an autobuy for you?
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese...
Stop playing Nintendo games
Crash Thread
Is this game worth $30?
MvC western edition
Which videogames do you replay in the winter?
Reminder that undertale is the best game of all time
Post a picture, get a vidya recommendation based on that pic
Hello Sup Forums I would like to play a game
Battlestation thread
How does Sup Forums feel about Khajit?
Just started this game. Are there any meme jobs I should avoid wasting my time on or are all jobs good?
Do your best Sup Forums
Game is pretty hard until you get X power up
Obscure/Rare/Pre-release Game Downloads
Now that Sup Forums has agreed that this mouse wasn't as good as we initially thought, what are the alternatives?
Who was in the wrong here?
Who's getting best edition here??
Interesting planets
A close friend of mine died in a car accident last night
Post some vidya related wallpapers
Releases new console after barely two years effectively fucking over PS4 owners
What happened to TF2 lads?
You have ten seconds to post a video game song not in 4/4 time
Gaming Laptop
Anyone want to talk about this game? Fun to explore, recruit quirky citizens, and battle system isn't so bad either...
How's your game going, Sup Forums? it's trash?
Patriarchy is the only reason this game doesn't have good reviews. You should be ashamed of yourselves
What is the plane scene of vidya?
Well, Sup Forums, who wins?
Is that thread again?
I can only enjoy mentally stimulating games, with deep themes or intelligent gameplay
Oh... oh no!
ITT: Judge each other by our recommened tags
What is best boat and why is it Iowa?
Filename Thread
Which is the better game?
Purchase the bundle for this game
Anybody in there...?
Game is shit but the soundtrack is amazing
Will THICC characters finally make it into mainstream videogames in 2017?
The griffin dies in the end
The Last of Us
"the spiritual successor to thief"
Is this still cancer? I don't keep up with it
Some people are going to complain about her punching out this dude in the remakes' opening being part of some agenda...
What the fuck... we waited about 20 years combined for these two and this is what we get? Two mediocre games?
Dead Rising 4 true ending is dlc
The Last Guardian Review
After seeing the unexpected positive reception, come to Sup Forums, excited to see people discuss The Last Guardian
Which one will be the better game?
Is he our guy Sup Forums?
Funny how after you beat the main story this text has a whole different meaning
Brothers, I'm scared
Everybody's fighting all the time. Can we have a nice thread?
What games have the bad ending as canon? Or any that have a plain depressing ending...
How do you feel about a videogame having a better cast than anything Hollywood is shitting out in the next ten years?
Ranked is still broken
ITT: Post your favorite YouTube series (or videos of similar content) that you like to watch right now
He doesn't skip the tutorial
What was so bad about it?
God Eater
My boy DSP is back streaming on twitch, why aren't you watching?
Besides Rune Factory 3, are there any other games that let me marry a mermaid?
What are some good games with a black protagonist that don't pander to the BLM and SJW crowd?
7 years and 13 games later, this is still head and shoulders the best AC that Ubisoft ever put out...
Who was he really?
I'm trying to do a list of (near) perfect games or 10/10 games
You Groove You Lose
Pick one
Have people ever been racist to you in a video game...
Now that the dust has settled, Cindy is the best girl. Right Sup Forums?
Thank you buyers
ITT: Underrated Games
Was she a good protagonist?
Enemies can open stores
Steam trading
Modern UI
Please, explain to me how this is the worst Dark Souls game again
Achievement for completing the tutorial
Post your hopes, fears, theories, wishes about Zelda Breath of the Wild. Keep it civil
Obscure shit
Sucking at a game in:
Should Ace Attorney be put to rest?
Tell me about the MGS games
There are actually people on Sup Forums who think Doomguy stands a chance
Now that the free trial ended, what's your honest opinion on TitanFall ?
I just got to the Orphan of Kosm
The Great Debate
This design is pretty sick, why are people hating on it?
Sup Forums suddenly loves Geoff
A beastman rogue offers to join your party
ITT: Godly soundtracks in games they had no right to be in
What's a safe place with non-Sup Forums related memes to talk about video games?
Are there any more autistic fanbases than these?
Why arent you playing goty 2016 right now?
Gravity Rush 2 type time
Woops, he shouldn't have showed that to her
God damn it, I can't let that Yukarifag win
We have a new student joining us today. Please give her a warm welcome
Broken camera
Ctrl-f "filename"
Final Fantasy XV
Is SFV the best-looking fighting game of all time?
He Needs A Buff
It's been 10 years, Sup Forums
You people are literally out of your minds
Let it die thread. I really like this game so far
If a vidya doesn't have cute girls, is it even worth playing?
What would you like to see?
Capcom is looking to revive more dormant IPs
What is considered in 2016/17 the best starting point for playing Final Fantasy...
Name ONE(1) thing this game doesn't do better than Dark Souls
ITT: Causal filters
Male gamer sees an attractive male character
Why aren't there any indie games that explore the misery of being a male virigin?
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Perfect series don't exi-
Take a look at this nep
For me? its the whopper
Zen is getting announced next week. Goeff Keighley will be hosting the show
How can nintendo recover?
The letter that preceded you mentioned you were born under a certain sign. And. What. Would. That. Be?
Was it really that bad?
Kill, Marry, Fuck
Will I at least be able to play as a fat guy carrying a baby inside a pod?
Are you a Homusexual?
Steam avatar thread
The Last Of Us Part II: SWJ gone full Edge Edition
Why SJWs have to ruin everything
Use your vidya game knowledge to get up there
What does he say again?
What do you want from Mario Kart 8 Switch?
Capping off another great year for the Xbone
I liked the Bioshock series
So hows your gaming channel coming along?
Sincere question: why are there no women at the top tiers of any competitive game...
Why is Sup Forums the worst board on Sup Forums?
In Afghanistan
Did Stellaris ever evolve past "Flavor of the Month" or is it still shit?
""""""PC""""" gaming
What the fuck was this sword supposed to be
Who did you side with?
Why aren't you playing?
The last character you played as in a game has to protect you against Emperor Palpatine. Are you fucked?
That guy who brought alcohol to the LAN party
The trailer is confirmed from a previous build, which is why it looks so clunky...
8 years in the making
Post your steam profile
Leave action RPGs to me
What could have been
What was her problem?
Describe a game with a single sentence
How should the story unfold in a game? Should you be limited to one straight linear path, or many nonlinear ones?
Its up
Humble Xmas Bundle
Jannies delete perfectly good Danganronpa thread
Why don't you just own a PS4 and a PC?
Anyone else Nintendo + PC?
Are JRPGs the most polarizing types of games?
Growing up, my family was a "Nintendo Household". Me and each of my siblings each had our own Gameboy...
Any of you guys play with fingers on both triggers?
Mmmm mmm, you bess getcha ass up
Why western games are so uninspired?
Why is HydroBRO so based?
ITT: Take an overused videogame genre and give it a twist that makes it unique
Free will is a myth
Finally decided to cross this off the backlog, What am I in for?
Which countries have the best video game developers?
Finally decided to cross this off the backlog, What am I in for?
Why go through all that work to remake a shit game?
What are some Turing Complete games?
Sup Forums told me to buy a gaming PC
How do the summons actually work?
WiiU is completely dead
Where the FUCK did it all go so wrong?
82 metascore
Why is gore not a thing anymore...
This may be off-topic but fuck it
Why is this such a waste of potential ?
What headsets do you guys use?
So who's wrong: Japan, or everyone else?
Why is nobody talking about this?
TIME 10/10
ARE the Mario Bros really satanic rapists and IS Nintendo trying to deliver the truth about 9/11?
A moment of silence for those we lost on the way
Who else is hyped?
Can someone give me a tip for some great maps (2-10 Player) in Warcraft 3?
Post your current view-point
Point out legitimate flaws in a game
So... thoughts?
Camera is too close to show both me and the boss
Absolute madman did it again
I have a thyroid problem
Post one picture to sum up FFXV
Vidya Buyfag Thread
I just finished yesterday, and I just don't understand these guys
We're doing the "secret santa" thing at school. The limit is 30 slavbucks or 6,70 euro...
Shoot red barrel
Rock solid 7fps
Game called Remember Me
What's the most immersed you've EVER been in a game?
Playing an RPG
Defend this
Persona 5
I've beaten the bed of chaos. Where do I go now?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
One of the best SF players in the world is a tranny
What FPS you consider playable?
When does this game start being fun?
Webm thread
This is the most cancerous SJW game I've ever seen. I haven't played it, just seen some youtube clips...
12 year old game
What did they mean by this
But things often don’t work so well. The Last Guardian is a rigid, linear game...
We love Jerma!
10 YEARS for 84
How could this of happened?
LGBT Simulator Part 2: Dad Issues
The Last Guardian reviews
Do you actually like video games?
Nier Automata English Voice Trailer
ITT: Name one game that starts with B...
What is the most pretentious video game ever?
What went so wrong?
Total War Warhammer
What does the N stand for?
Why is she so perfect
What video games are you going to play today, Sup Forums?
This is not fun. At all
What is best gaming companion/npc/mercenary/pet and why is it Quiet?
Really makes you think
What games are best for intelligent people to play?
What is the comfiest open world game to chill out on the couch when you're sleepy...
Did anyone else have a feeling this would be a colossal failure?
ITT shit games Sup Forums meme'd you into buying
Ace Combat 7
What are your favorite fast-paced games Sup Forums?
Witcher 3
Are you buying her game?
I just started Kotor. How and when do I get a lightsaber? And how do they even work...
Why is there so much safe pressure in this game?
What video games let me play as a general?
Obscure yet awesome vidya music thread?
Reminder that Rance VI is officially coming out in English and without mosaics in 18 days
And you thought FFXV was bad
Where's the remaster for THIS, Activision and Sony? I'd kill a man for the first 3 done the way they're doing Crash
Why does everyone hate this game
How do you make NPCs interesting?
What the fuck?
Name your Game of the Year
Post your game of the year
Awesome scenes from crappy games
This game is great but the dev is not giving us free stuff so I'm gonna give it a thumbs down
Tfw theyre good
Basic vidya education
Steam's filled with rushed Greenlight trash? Don't like it, dont' buy it
The game is shit
ITT: Fights you though you were supposed to lose the first time you played them
How the hell are you suppose to compete with THIS
Whose your favorite twitcher? I've been in love with Jen for years now
Who was in the wrong here?
Titanfall 2
Bioware can't make a good looking female chara-
Has there been a bigger fall from grace in the gaming industry?
New Naruto Storm 4: Road to Boruto Trailer
Why is it only Japanese devs that are based enough to let you romance lolis in their video games?
Are jrpgs back?
Was he a jobber?
How far will this shit go? You faggots need to explain to me why you give these fucking sluts your autism bux
How could they crew up the sequel so bad?
If you steal this, you are playing the game wrong
Does nobody on Sup Forums play Black Desert Online?
I'm sorry....just how in the, I say how in the actual FUCK am I, or any normal sized human being on earth...
What are some recent trends in video gaming that you dislike?
Nice and "obscure" game clothing thread?
Who is the best girl from Megaman X?
What games let me be a communist?
How it was even possible to make such boring and uninspired game?
The official upcoming GOD TIER GAMES list so far
Your favorite game series is dead
Hello, Sup Forums
Can we talk about why this is such a piece of shit?
What is McCree's ethnicity? I just thought he was white but Tumblr seems to be convinced that he is Hispanic or Latino
Did you rike it?
I'm bored Sup Forums are these games any good?
Got the new Berserk Musou
What does Sup Forums think about FFXV reviewing worse than the established low point in modern FF history?
What are the best mods for Rome and Medieval 2? I don't care about the others
What are some games where I can get banned for talking shit by nu-male devs?
Tfw most people on /v were born after Crash
Has a videogame ever made you question you're sexuality?
Will Death Stranding be a third person shooter like MGS or will Kojima make the leap to first person like silent hills...
Phoenix Wright did nothing wrong
Finally decided to cross this off the backlog, What am I in for?
What was the last game you beat?
You Nostalgia You Lose
At least the gameplay will be good, right?
What a horrible night to have a SKELETON THREAD GET THE FUCK IN 'ERE
He prefers shitty open world proto-MMO FF games over beautifully crafted linear FF stories
Start game
Naughty Dog loves strong woman you know
Overheard some kids talking
ITT: Spin offs you want
Let it die
Why aren't you playing Phantasy Star Online, user?
Is this game alive at all? it always looked interesting but i never picked it up
Post the game company you hate the most
After all these years...I realized we are The Last of Us™
Why is it that city builder games encourage "homogenizing" districts...
Dead Rising 4 Ending
When will the we see the triumphant return of Eartheworm Jim
You missed out on the chance to grow out of video games
Did you successfully protect her smile Sup Forums?
Why did car combat games live such a short life...
Press START to continue
Just bought this and am about to start my first playthrough
What's the most obscure/weirdest hidden gem video game you've ever played?
Buy game on steam literally 6 years ago
Thoughts on this game?
What are some video games for an anthropomorphic aficionado such as myself?
Game requires you to get bad ending before you can get the food ending
Late night deep sea thread
What is it that you like about her, Sup Forums?
Oh shit son Caim is about rip and tear your ass
Unlikely tactics that will get you through a boss fight
Stephanie Joosten
I'm having a great time
Do the japanese like tekken 7? who are you going to play as mostly?
Why do people always run AWAY from their healer in games?
So what vidya did you play today?
What's your main and why
Final Fantasy XV lore and story conversation
When is the western game industry start learning that women should be beautiful and not "heroines" with boring...
What went wrong?
How do I start a new game without deleting my current one for the Xbone ._
Just beat updated demo
Knack 2 was announced. Why are you guys acting like you don't care? I'm excited
How do you get immersed in video games without being reminded of your shitty, empty life?
Why have split screen, comfy couch co-op games disappeared? It seems less and less games are supporting it lately
Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas Thread
When you up the difficulty and the game finally gets fun
Crash getting an HD remaster
Why does Nines look so pristine and human-like? how the fuck did he manage to handle that furry fucker...
Why does nobody talk about this console anymore? Does it have good exclusives?
Could something like this work?
This is my wife
Can we please talk about pokemon XD
Filename thread
Are you ready fellow germanbros?
Why does Sup Forums hate us?
Thoughts or opinions of this game?
Why is this game so shit? I don't think I actually had fun with it once my entire playthrough
What game do you consider to have a good story?
Cute girl
TL;DR Two Types of FFXV Player perspectives
Super Smash Bros Wii U Sup Forumseekend
Can we all agree that the NeXT GTA 6 should be in Memphis??
Persona Girls Thread
Which game has the sexiest monsters?
VI > IX > IV > X > V > VIII > VII > XII > I > III >>>>>>>>>XI>>>>dogshit>>>>>>II
"why dont we take the shitty parts of SA1 that were optional and force people to play them to get to the good stuff?"
Marvel vs Capcom ∞ Post your rosters
I want to replace this, aka the worst fucking trash PC gaming mouse every made
MvC:I thread #8372974049
Vidya dialogue forever burnt into your brain
Final Fantasy XV
This guy is cringe as fuck but at least he's right every once in a while
What would their game be like?
Listen to a kick ass song from game
Enter new village
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
What's your hopes and expectations from the last of us 2?
I'm enjoying this game and you can't stop me
I got a NES Classic Edition in Cex yesterday :^)
Final boss is a QTE
Why isn't there many cooking games?
You have thirty seconds to explain why you dont use a mic in Overwatch? Tired of shitters not following directions
Sum up final fantasy 15 in one picture
Implying you all didn't bulk search Triss hentai porn after seeing this
Who will you main in the new dissidia. Reminder that its all but confirmed Noctis and Ardyn will join the cast
So this is the power of the N64
Wolfenstein: The New Order playerbase
HP Pavilion Laptops
Video games... more like... Audiovisual games...!!
Will he be on Death Stranding? do you want to?
Reminder you can still get grimrock 2 for a dollar on humblebundle
What game has the best
Steins;Gate 0/Steins;Gate Thread
Can't trust professional game journalist because paid shills without a hint of integrity
My friends keep telling me that I look like Huey from MGSV
MechWarrior 5 has been announced
What games do you play when you feel depressed and hate your life?
Fucking hold me dudes, what a wild ride
What games did you play today?
Bosses weakness is the basic attack
Final Fantasy XII
I know I'm late to the party but what the fuck was wrong with this garbage?
Why do people play games without mods? How do people on consoles have any fun?
I'm thinking about getting a second gaming system because my family keeps hogging my gaming pc after they discovered...
Why is there a TWEWY character in Pokemon now?
ITT: We speculate the MC score
Stupid vidya clothing
Hello gamers
Kass is ____
What game has the best food mechanic
Uh bros...we arent really gonna let Sony get away with wasting Japan Studios talent on some shitty Nintendo-tier trash...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...