Filename Thread
Filename Thread
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These fucking """filename""" threads are getting out of control, how the fuck is this related to any videogame
>not getting the joke this hard
Yes, for the love of God!
even if this was bait, it just makes you look retarded
For all you brits
Well, that was hard to watch.
>RTS player joins MOBA game.
Not entirely accurate, because the whole point of the MOBA design is to make skill matter as little as possible, replacing it with mechanics memorization and teammate-blaming.
>nothing personnell tommygun
i'm pretty sure there are people in the 1830s who were already finding that unfunny
If you don't get the jokes, skip them and move on.
I don't get it
Someone sure is salty about a video game. :^)
>something something fat acceptance dot jaypeg
someone sure is defensive of their gambling sim
I don't get it.
maybe their jokes are more your speed
Glas and Palitz
>To be fair, I've had lots of practice...against my little sister
I lost it
Is this porn?
I'm sorry not everyone here likes Metal 'Gaf Solid past 3.
It's Glas and Palitz, Boss!
What the fuck is that?
>SC2 "pros" jumping ship to Dota
>they all suck
Really makes you think.
What game? I want to play this while listening to Abosranie Bogom.
>named this one on a whim when somebody posted it in some random argument
>seen it reposted like 5 times since
I might not have been the ONLY one to do this, but if I was that has to be some of my most successful OC
Here's another
>flavortown gaming league
It's a PPSh
Fucking retard, that's the PPSH, heck of a shotgun.
I like you.
Is a girl with cerebral palsy who uploads videos to youtube.
So is that a yes?
there's no way this is for real
but I still have no idea what the fuck is going on
Name of show?
First I thought that the rat had dug its way out of the snake's stomach but then I realized there's no way that would be possible.
Gaki no Tsukai when all five are featuring together. Otherwise they're a pair of comedy duos known as Downtown, Cocorico and independent comedian Hosei Tsukitei. Genuinely some of the funniest shit I have ever seen, and I'm a jaded fuck. Check out their "No Laughing" batsu games for some classic Japanese shit.
Thanks, user.
is this meant to make me angry?
I get it.
Oh sorry
That's instantly the worst piece of furniture to stub your toe on.
its supposed to make you reveal how new you are