Ace Combat 7

>Ace Combat 7
>Persona 5
>Gravity Rush 2
>Death Stranding
>The Last Guardian
>Yakuza 6
>Yakuza 0
>God of War
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last of Us 2
>Grand Turismo Sport
>Read Dead Redemption 2
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Dragon Quest XI

Other urls found in this thread:

>Have a PS4 Pro for weeb exclusives
>Have a PC with a 1070 for multiplats
>Not interested in Last of Us 2, God of War, Spiderman, Horizon, Kingdom Hearts or Death Stranding.

Feels good

nice false flag my dude

really made me smug in the fact that i base my entire identity around what i use to play inconsequential distractions!!!!!

I thought you guys could use emulators wtf?

>For weeb exclusives

Your opinion went from little worth to zero worth



>1070 to play broken console ports and indie shovelware
Money well spent

I wish Sup Forums had flags just so I could see which country is posting these wojaks and console war threads

>>Ace Combat 7
Literally nothing else matters on that list.

>he posted this yesterday
>he has this trash copypasted into a word document
>he posted it again as soon as he woke up for school

Get a life you fucking faggot holy shit.

>implying I'm going to play shooters at 30 fps with a controller

someones seems triggered

Or just have a pc and ps4 like I have already. I dont see the big deal, 80% of those are fucking shyte games.
I watched the stream and im looking forward to LOU2 and the fzero stuff

>have good pc and ps4
feels good

Is it even possible to be so poor that you don't have both?

>have good pc and ps4
>still falseflag for PS4

Who evil?


Really the only ps4 exclusive, rather the only console exclusive this gen i care about is bloodborne.

Most shooters are 60fps and you can use m/kb on ps4

Now kys weeb

No, op, I just don't like your brand of repetitive obnoxiousness splattered on the wall multiple times a day. This crap is worse than ragecomics. I don't give a fuck if you call yourself sonysexual or not.

Do you even bother argue with these kinds of faggots?

>he actually fell for Sony's lies
>implying I don't play my shooters at much higher than 60 fps

Keep demonstrating how poor you are

Its the only way to get a bunch of (You)s

Shitposting about Sony is the best, you get really easy (You)s.


>Have a good PC and a PS4
>Only PS4 games I'm interested are Bloodborne, Nioh and now WipeOutHD HD, maybe Nier Automata

It's a mixed kind of feel. Where the fuck did the fast paced third person action genre go anyway?

I'm australian

>implying you can see over 60fps

Anything higher is just placebo effect to justify your $2000 PC

Nier is coming to PC, so I'm getting it on there. I'm interested in The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2 and Persona 5 since I already posted I only get weeb games on it.

Why have mods put an auto-ban for the cunny bunny pasta yet they won't do that for shitty console war threads? Why can't they put an auto-ban for words like PCuck, Sonygger, etc? Is it really that hard?

I can see around 85fps. Sucks to be you.

>implying it's not australia

Le Console warz fais xD

>Nier is coming to PC

Fuck, I forgot about that. That solves that issue then.

Still not sure whether to be disappointed that there was only one game at Sony's conference that I was interested in, or happy that there was one whole game to be interested in.

Sony is the master of the mixed feel for me.

>Ace Combat 7
>Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
>Dark Rose Valkyrie
>Days Gone
>Death Stranding
>Detroit: Become Human
>Digimon World: Next Order
>Dragon Quest XI
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>God of War
>Gran Turismo Sport
>Gravity Rush 2
>Gundam Versus
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Hot Shots Golf
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Knack 2
>Nier Automata
>Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
>Persona 5
>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Senran Kahura: Peach Beach Splash
>The Last Guardian
>The Last of Us Part II
>The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2
>Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
>Wild Guns Reloaded
>WipEout Omega Collection
>Yakuza 0


I only have brown eyes, be mindful, asshole.

>Knack 2

literally the only games on that list I care about are Nioh, the Yakuza games and DQXI

>tfw weeb but don't care for animu and magno

Can we go on ahead and make Bloodborne game of the generation already?

Not since Mario 64 has there been a single game that has literally held the fort this long by itself for the cavalry.

Lift your game, senpai.

Fucking this, I have no idea how much money Sony payed project aces to get this exclusive but it's the only one on that list worth a damn

No mods on Sup Forums time for lolis.

don't sexualize the cute anime girls

I'm watching you


>over 12,000 games

wew lad

>WipeOutHD HD

Wait, what

Do your job and report op.



How is PC winning exactly?

done now please stop

they are too pure

>Implying you wouldn't want Knack 3 and Knack 4 after watching that reveal.

I literally want Knack to continue to Knack 15 / Knack XV.

I haven't played the first one. But i want it.

All for PS4 aswell.


>PKEKS so butthurt they need to derail the thread with shit drawing



>90% is indie shovelware

It's a collection of HD, Fury and 2048.

Only 2048 is notable because of the leap to 60fps. But if own the ps3 wipeout in it's entirety it may not be worth purchasing depending on the price.


I thought Sony got rid of the WipeOut studio

all at a silky smooth 30fps

human eye cant see past that anyway


will get all of them at some point on a different platform other then

>God of War
>The last of us 2
>Grand turismo





>a-a-at least I can play my shovelware indies at a gorillion FPS
lmao pcucks


They did, thus why it's just a collection.

Own both. Why the fuck would I play AAA multi-plats like TW3, DS3, and FO4 on PS4 when they run and look better on PC?

I use my PS4 exclusively for...exclusives like BB and TLOU Remastered.

triggered as fuck you inbred.

>Ace Combat 7
Don't like planes
>Persona 5
I thought this series was supposed to be shitty
I'm fine with Dark Souls, thank you
>Gravity Rush 2
Literally what even
>Death Stranding
>The last Guardian
Double Ditto
>Yakuza 6
Don't like nips
>Yakuza 0
I don't play games with an integer that is less than one
>God of War
I'm not into giant men fighting gianter men
There hasn't been a good spodermen since 2
>Ni No Kuni 2
Games with japanese names are for shitters
>Horizon Zero Dawn
Sounds gay
>The Last of Us 2
I'm not into mushrooms, fampai
>Grand Turismo Sport
I'll stick with Forza, thank you
>Red Dead Redemption 2
Cowboy sim 1 was fun enough for me
>Kingdom Hearts 3
Shitty weeb game for shitters
>Dragon quest Xl
What is this shit, the land before time? any sequel after 3 is too much.

>you can use m/kb on ps4

What kind of retarded argument is this when 99% of games wont let you?



sour grapes: the post

Haha falseflagging

It's okay when sonyggers do it, instant delete plus ban when PC users do it. Thank mods for healthy Sup Forums culture

>sour grapes
grapes are gross. they have seeds. i only like grapes if they're frozen.

Sony always wins baby, Sony always wins.

Flags only cause even more shitposting.
I post in boards wth them an they almost always derail because fags want to be fags about nationalities.


Delete this

I have a ps4 and a pc. I won't delete this. Fuck shitposters.

what did he mean by this?

Idorts always win.

THIS. Shitposters always lose.

M/kb works on all games retard

does it?

console wars is what gives this shit board some traffic