How does Sup Forums feel about Argonians?
How does Sup Forums feel about Argonians?
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its shit
I wouldn't mind.
Why do lizards need breasts?
Is there any good lewd comics/doujins/whatever? I saw one, it was some retarded disgusting fetish and the art style was eww
Because the Hist demand it.
Not enough porn
Argonians, Khajiit and Falmer are on the same level of shit, but at least the Khajiits are a little bit funny.
Fuck the argonians, when they're not slaves of the Dunmer they're tree slaves or skooma slaves.
Tamriel is not Earth. Whose to say reptiles in Tamriel don't feed their young milk? Delicious green Argonian titty milk.
I want to be attracted to them, but I'm just not. And I'm not all that satisfied with the argonian mods out there.
So are they warm blooded?
Nasty reptilians Id say. Not worth my time.
>ive only played es5
Too lusty/10
I don't like them but I like the elves less than them. The dark elves are cool however.
Do you have any idea how badly I want to fuck that lizard?
As long as they have big tits.
why would a lizard have tits?
The male ones in Skyrim looked pretty cool/fuckable. The female ones, not so much.
is this the new shitpost thread?
That just means you're gay
Making a lewd Argonian (male). Any name suggestions?
He's black with purple accents. I was thinking Lifts-His-Tail, but that's pretty dialed in.
you do know falmar are elves too right? where where just forces ho hide in caves by the nords or whatever
im a woman you ass
what a fag
I want to fuck that.
They do have better voices. Or is it just one voice?
To fit in with other races and make them fuckable. The Hist needs scouts to see what the fuck is going on outside Black Marsh.
You wish, fag
please, no need to lie, i play a cute arg male too.
If you weren't lying you'd post your feet.
Fuck, i feel like replaying Oblivion again.
Recommend me some mods bros, or even some mod compilation so i don't have to spend 10 hours setting that shit up.
show me your dick then
this tbqhwyf
>find source
>it's 90% the orc girl
Skyrim remastered :^)
fuck off todd
Special deal for those who browse this very cool website 4channel; get Skyrim remastered for 40% off as well as a free copy of Fallout 4 at your local gamestop! :^)
Tits look nice, the face is like a rotten potato with eyes growing out of it.
And they deserved it for being pansies.
Orcs are also elves
doesn't make them people
Hey don't listen to these guys. They are just trying to act all tough over the internet. Hehe.. soo umm, what games do you play :)
I never understood this shitpost
>Talking about quality games worth a very reasonable price relative to the ocean of content provided in it
Only fucking underage norms think that.
I wanna play through oblivion but I keep hearing stuff about how it's so easy to fuck up your levelling and permenantely gimp your character if you don't plan shit and stat distribution from the get go. I also hear people talk about never sleeping and never levelling up which sounds kinda bullshit. Can anyone give me some advice on this matter? What exactly is the issue?
I really want to fuck a lizard
who doesn't?
The game assumes you have level appropriate gear, which is why eventually every random bandit has top tier glass armor on. The thing is that you have to do specific quests in specific places to get this armor. Eventually you get to the point where every enemy has better gear and you can't do quests or enter areas to loot your own gear.
lizard milk
Swishes-His-Hips maybe, fuck if i know
>Khajiit thread dead
muh 100% poison resist
Argonians aren't lizards, they're trees
fuck, now i want a strong argonian warrior bf
or a qt argonian mage bf
>Next Elder Scrolls game is years away
It could be soon, Fallout 4 came out of nowhere, at least as early as it did. I'd definitely expect it being shown at E3
>it will be unplayble piece of shit without 1000 mods and story is going to be laughable
>tfw it's literally Skyrim 2: Build your settlement edition.
It's gonna fucking happen.
It's been 5 years since Skyrim, we'll probably be getting an announcement sometime in 2017
So every Elder Scrolls
that better be a male, son but i can take female as well
The androgyny makes Lizards an amazing adventure of discovery.
>every elder scrolls since oblivion
I like em.
post more lewd lizards you fuckin faggots.
>it will have VR
>you will not only be able to climb the mountain, but look down into the valley below it with your own head
big woop i just wanna fuck the lizards
What exactly is the origin of these posts. Has Todd Howard been known to shill his games here?
>An Argonian savage made this?!
>Delays creation kit to make it harder to mod in porn
>H-heh, i wouldn't even imagine...
No, elite hackers like us anonymous members of Sup Forums just know a good deal when we see one. One thing we respect is freedom, and nothing says freedom like the vast open landscape of Skyrim reanimated to be more beautiful than ever. It's the only game I never pirated, it's just that good. I can even use it to practice my hacking skills by making mods!
>tfw argonian is the only race I can stand to play as a male
good, argonian males are best male race
sultry voice
nice proportions
Are you me?
Same here.
What are you fags gay or something?
Why did Bethesda write The Lusty Argonian Maid?
Because they thought people would laugh at the idea of someone wanting to fuck a lizard girl.
Hoo boy.
Yes, but Ironically I also grew up surrounded by homophobia, so I also think the idea of men being gay is gross. For some reason, furry/scaly shit bypasses that.
Because there was a time when Bethesda was good. Maybe they wrote it as compensation for censoring the story of barenziah.
Why not?
The writer was a deviant.