Male and female have different stats even in the same class

>male and female have different stats even in the same class
>the female is stronger

>enemies can open doors

What does it say?


who's this?

holy fuck, is Chloe working out for a new role

oooooh a new rare Chloe

hiro san

Darude - Sandstorm

one of the old pagan gods


That faggot from Sum 41.

where did you get this picture of me

The man with over 9000 internet penises to rape you

The elusive hacker known as Sup Forums

Damn, she only gets stronger.

>Muscle Chloe will never use you to towel herself off after a particularly grueling set of dead lifts

So, I want to tell you all what happened in the store today. It's probably the single greatest moment I have ever experienced working here.

After the usual Saturday rush, a teenage girl comes in. She looks absolutely terrified and when I greet her she jumped.

She starts going up and down the new release wall and the poor thing looks completely overwhelmed.

So, I make my way over to her and ask if I can help her find anything. She quietly admits that she was looking for Supergirl.

We're walking to the Super area when I ask if she watches the show. She smiles a bit and nods. Says Alex is her favorite.

I mention that I'm a huge #Sanvers shipper and the poor thing just breaks down in tears.

I'm trying to figure out what the hell I did to upset her. She's crying and I'm freaking out.

After a minute or so, everything clicks. I'm staring down a crying baby gay. One who was having some big issues.

I tell her that it was hard for me when I wanted to come out too. She finally stops crying and asks me if it gets easier.

We sit at the coffee bar and talked for a while. She tells me that after seeing it all over Tumblr she binged SG.

And when she got to Alex's coming out arc was when things hit her.

She tells me that she's just wanted to kill herself for so long and that she had tried but just made herself sick.

But as Alex's arc continued she said she realized that she started to see that she could be happy, that she could be loved.

She didn't want to die anymore. For the first time, she didn't want to die because she got to see Alex be amazing and be queer.

She said she came to the store hoping to find something to get her through the hiatus, so she wouldn't fall back in depression.

She had no idea gay comic characters were a thing, but wanted to try. I tell her about Batwoman, Midnighter, and Renee Montoya.
I ended up buying the other 3 for her and I make her promise me that in 10 years she'll help another queer kid.

Some google employee

Real talk these buff chloe shoops make her look pretty bad ass.

She should've went powerlifting instead of kino. Built herself like a horse and from there tank hollywood.

Is there such thing as a bicep job? because I want one now


who do you think?

ill bet that she started the fridge chloe memes herself to help peel back the people fapping to her on the internet.

Holy shit did Moot fuck Boxxy?
