I'm sorry....just how in the, I say how in the actual FUCK am I, or any normal sized human being on earth, supposed to use this fucking joke of a D-pad?
RIP nintendo, you've really put the last nail in the coffin this time
I'm sorry....just how in the, I say how in the actual FUCK am I, or any normal sized human being on earth, supposed to use this fucking joke of a D-pad?
RIP nintendo, you've really put the last nail in the coffin this time
Nintendo is primarily a japanese company, so it's no surprise it'd be designed for Japanese hands.
Try moving your thumb upwards
are you sure that's not a + button?
I don't think that's functioning as a d-pad. It's the + from the - and + on the switch.
But yeah the controller is retarded as fuck. No one will be able to play on those unless you have deformed mongoloid manlet hands.
Not a nintendrone, but you realize that is a "plus" shaped button right?
I'm more concerned a company like Nintendo is using hand models with calluses. What is this shit?
it's a plus button, go shitpost somewhere else.
>Normal sized
american fathands aren't the norm
Switch's game pad is perfect, the fuck you're talking about.
Putting emphasis on an overdone joke doesn't make it funny.
there wasn't any at first, it appeared after extended use of the controller in different positions while they were taking the shots
Its not a dpad
To show not everyone is perfect.
If you pause the trailer at a certain time, the edges of the Switch screen have fingerprint smudges. There was no real reason to add that detail, but it was to show that he used it a lot.
please, d-pad doesn't need to be big
you just use it for shortcuts and browsing menus in 95% of games nowadays
just hit the directions with the tip of your nail when it's needed, and there's no need for a huge cumbersome d-pad using half the controller button space
Sup Forums can be so fucking retarded sometimes.
are you blind
Or more likely some grubby assistant picked it up by the screen
It's a + button, which has been on the wii and wii u controllers as a Start button.
How else do you think people are supposed to hit start on the Switch?
>But yeah the controller is retarded as fuck
Actually, it's genius. Everyone will hate it so much, that we'll all buy pro controllers.
hey, at least it's not "WAHOO! *bing bing* 1-UP! *switch falls out window*"
see and and
Tiny D-pad memes aside, how will volume control work for couch co-op?
Will there be a battle between player 1 and 2 for the game to be ear-exploding-ly loud or lonesomely quiet?
nu-males and kids have small hands. your not the target audience op, check your privilege.
it's not a joke when it's reality you blind nintendo drone faggot.
The fact Nintendo thinks its okay to have the 2 sides of the Switch be separate controllers is mindblowing.
Oh wait, no they don't expect that obviously, make sure to buy the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller 1 for each person only $59.99 each!
>at least 4 more months of getting to play Nintoddlers and Sonyponies off against each other while I rake in the (you)s
This is why I love Sup Forums.
>Be Sony
>Here is ONE controller
>What's that you want split screen multiplayer? Buy another Dualshock 4 then.
>Oh sorry we don't make split screen games anymore but be sure to play it online with others
>Oops we forgot to tell you it now cost money to play multiplayer good little goy!
Oy vey
Based Nintendo pandering to me for once
even if that is the + button, where the fuck is the camera stick?? and the movement stick??
That controller is actually the size of a console. They had a giant use it.
Gee I wonder, maybe the target audience are kids and not manchildren?
1. It could have gyro controls so that you only need a stick for movement
2. It doesn't need to work with every game. Mario Kart doesn't require a camera stick for example
if the target audience is children then why are the people in the trailer millenial adults. no children or families at all in there.
>why are the people in the trailer millenial adults.
That do stupid shit that only a kid would do.
Read between the lines.
>cool kid that takes the switch to a party and everyone is amazed
>playing the switch during the boring car or plane travel
They are adults in the trailer so kids are led to believe that is the cool stuff adults do. No kid wants to be reminded he's playing kiddie shit.
ahh, this one is clever
It's in the other half.
That's not the Switch controller proper, that's a gimmic form for some quick local multiplayer action.
That has more than plenty buttons for a mario party.
On the other side that stupid mini-d-pad is busted even. Did they even think when designing that shit?
This joke was only even moderately funny the first dozen times.
OK so I don't get it, do people really think its not the start/select button?
I can't tell anymore if they are retarded of pretending to be retarded anymore. This isn't bait its pathetic newfagery.
Either way its funny.
foghorn leghorn is that you?
Japanese has small hands, not like you uneducated ape
Ayy, wasn't the same thing said about the 3DS? Vita is bigger so it will be more comfortable to hold they said.
They're funposting, it's obviously the Plus button. Minus is either obscured or on the other pad.