Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
Mario can't be lumped into this
To access another QPU you need to gather speed
Even though he has no upper limit on speed, his acceleration is inferior.
It's like an endurance test against a bullet, his speed goes all at once but after that he is far slower.
The other two are fast without need to build up energy.
True. The image does state that he's "built" up speed for 12 hours already, so I suppose we can assume he's already up to that speed.
Still, navigating the PUs is tricky and fickle. Mario has to exactly maintain this speed, with account for slopes, etc. One slip-up, and he goes careening in a different direction.
QPU Mario is fast when all the stars align, but Doomguy and Sonic are probably consistently faster.
Doomguy. End of goddamn argument because there is no argument.
The guy can carry as much as 20 tons and still run at a consistent speed
how fast would he run naked?
Better Question
Can anyone run faster than Gordan Freeman
same speed
I think he runs the same speed in H-Doom (which is canon), so I don't think it changes.
sonic, sega made it canon that sonic is the fastest living thing
>FFT is a living thing
even faster than the flasH??
>Speed boost in affect
>Has just used Agility six times
>Has just used Tailwind
>Has a Quick claw
Is that thing canonically faster than Rapidash?
I though Rapidash was the fastest pokemon.
Sonic Sat AM isn't canon.
How can anyone even compete
Sonic using Chaos control wins.
Does it slow down time? Maybe. Does it speed up Sonic? Maybe. Does it allow the user to warp through objects? Maybe. Chaos control's rules are ill-defined. Which makes it perfect for exploitation.
Sonic was trapped inside an airtight capsule, and sent hurdling toward the earth. Being drawn in by the earth's atmosphere, he must have been moving at a very high velocity. Many, many miles away from the Ark, Sonic manages to use Chaos Control to somehow warp back to the Ark in an instant. Somehow escaping the capsule, travelling through space, and entering the Ark's very secure hull. USING A FAKE EMERALD. He used the false emerald Tails created to trick Eggman. So it wasn't even the true power of Chaos, and it was OP.
Fucking Eggman can outrun him
rapidash is the 98th fastest pokemon
lots of gen 1 pokemon are faster than it, even, like dugtrio and electrode
Oh, you mean in terms of stats?
I was just basing it off of what I thought I heard in the anime. Like, where Rapidash wins the road race?
Mario's barely needs to build up energy, the video just used 12 hours to get to specific PUs
In Hazy Maze Cave and Big Boos Haunt you can access a PU in a few seconds with the BLJ
>you will never see a race between Freeman and Mario
didn't know i wanted to see this, until now, fuck
No one can.
Even without trinkets Mario is stronger.
Mario and Sonic in standard form isn't even a fight. Sonic has the insta shield. Even if Mario was allowed to get close to Sonic, he would never be able to damage him.
Bullshit he wouldn't, motherfucker can hop through both solid and metaphysical matter like magic. No shield could block Mario's hops.
>not posting the version which is over a minute faster
Where does the truck from Big Rigs going in reverse fit in?
From what I can gather, the Vidya speed tiers go as follow
>Big Rigs truck in reverse.
>Waddle Doo
Anyone able to assist?
Fastest character thread?
If death doesn't exist as a concept then neither does life so Flash too should cease to exist shouldn't he?
Just directly related to Video games, but MiH is above and beyond.
>INFINITE speed.
Doesn't it become teleportation at that point?
No, because the user would still perceive themselves walking and acting normally.
my fucking sides.
FFT can blow those other three out of the water
this is the best speedrun entertainment-wise, hands down
What is this the special olympics?
>Big Rigs truck in reverse
Fuck, I love that video
I think Big Rigs should be at the top. QPUs aren't that far apart, while a Big Rig at max speed can literally cross the visible universe in less than a trillionth of a second.
Big Rigs truck takes time to get there, while Mario can transcend his own mortal limitations in seconds.
I don't think mario can go 12.3 undecillion MPH backwards
If it's a long race, the truck wins, easily.
If it's short, the truck has to go in reverse for a few minutes, while Mario can reach QPU speed in seconds in some places.
why is sonic even included?
Blue arm sonic is faster
>Unironically posts Gametheory
this is unironically the perfect situation in which to post gametheory
But this isn't a cringe/autism thread
>whos the fastest.png