Kill, Marry, Fuck


I wouldn't want to be married to any of those emo retards.

Rape then kill them all


I'm sorry I couldn't save you Kate, I'm so sorry

Kill Chloe, fuck Max and marry Kate

patrician taste

Fuck Chloe and have Max and Kate marry each other.



boy thats tough

Only correct choice.

Marry Kate, Fuck Max, Hella kill Chloe

>not being able to save Kate
Literally how. You even have access to your journal so you can check on the bible passage and the letter.

Anyone who doesn't pick this is retarded

Kill Chole, Kill Max for being a bland boring character, let Kate live because she's the only likable one

Kill Chloe. I don't really care beyond that point. Kate and Max are both good.

post lewds

>That trap that looks like Chloe that was hot as fuck

I choose chloe

Is this lewd enough?


>that one where he's fingering his butt and leaking precum through his panties



best post

fuck Max
then kill them all

Ignore, ignore, fuck