The official upcoming GOD TIER GAMES list so far

1. Death Stranding
2. Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
3. Quake Champions
4. Nier Automata
5. FromSoftware new IP dark fantasy ARPG
6. FromSoftware Armored Core reboot
7. Star Citizen

Post any if I missed, no wannabe god tier games like Persona 5, it might be good, but not god tier.

Why are all the god tier games on PS4+PC? What is nintendo doing? What is xbox1 microdicksoft doing?

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People are actually excited for Death Stranding? It looked like a poorly rendered CG movie.

>games you havent even seen
fuck off underage

South Park Fractured But Whole

>no wannabe god tier games
>lists Star Citizen and Death Stranding

where's RE7?? you child


kek, stay delusional newfag.

>Death Stranding
>Not a single hint of what gameplay will be



>getting hype for more cinematic Kojima garbage

>Upcoming games
>Death Stranding
>Star Citizen

>Not a single hint of what gameplay will be
It's a third person shooter open world action VR game.

>1. Death Stranding
No gameplay shown.
Somehow showing hollywood actors is a substitute for gameplay trailers?
>2. Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
Literally having knights bashing castles with swords. Could be excused in M&B1 because of budget reasons, but not anymore.
>3. Quake Champions
Was there ever gameplay shown?
>4. Nier Automata
No opinion.
>5. FromSoftware new IP dark fantasy ARPG
>6. FromSoftware Armored Core reboot
These aren't even games you idiot. How can you be excited for something that wasn't even shown.
>7. Star Citizen
It's okay at best.

Red Dead

Oh we know what gameplay will be. Kojimbo mentioned it's an open world game, which he proved he fucking sucks dick at with MGSV.
The gameplay will be shit.

>Star Citizen
I guess it's fitting to put it in a list of upcoming games. It's definitely here to stay.

Sorry OP, but I beat P5 already and it's almost certainly better than all the games on that list.
One of the best JRPGs of all time, and one of the best games of the last decade.

>Hyped for Star Citizen
>Ignoring Persona 5
Your opinion is trash

>i literally know nothing about MGS V's development

>games that haven't come out yet
>t-they're god tier b-bro!
do you have negative iq

>2. Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
>3. Quake Champions
>7. Star Citizen
delita this

>I beat it already
>no replay value
>weeb bait
>virgin bait dating simulator

The game is not god tier.


No invasion/PvP mechanic holds it back, when they fix that and if the gameplay holds up, then we can think about adding it to the list.


Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

>no replay value
But that's a lie. Despite being 100 hours, it's practically impossible to max all co-ops in a single playthrough, and there's the bonus boss and the sheer overwhelming amount of everyday activities you're bound to have missed on the first playthrough to go for. Not to mention the added bonuses NG+ provides make dungeons worth playing again.

>weeb bait

>virgin bait dating simulator
Oh you mean that part of the game that's restricted to a few minutes of dialogue and barely given any attention whatsoever in a 100 hour game? Yeah, I sure do love Sup Forums memes.

I feel that while they may be good or even great, there is an insignificant chance that they will be god tier given the information at hand

Missing For Honor on there bud.

Shadow tactics. Release tomorrow.

>Death Stranding
>being hyped for a movie-game
you guys will never learn


kek, go away newfag.

Even as someone excited for SC I would never call it 'upcoming'

Its a solid 3+ years of development away from completion

Watch_Dogs 2 was honestly game of the year bud. First game where the "emergent gameplay" wasn't just a tagline, and actually a well designed core mechanic. Genuinely top tier stealth, shooting and driving, but Sup Forums will never look past the "UBISOFT LMAO" meme despite the game having a 10/10 PC port.

>hyping up unrealese games in essentially 2017
fucking neck yourself brah

Zelda Breath of the Wild

But if we're throwing games up in the air like nothing, since we don't even know what some of the games you mentioned even play like then:
Metroid Prime 4
F-Zero Switch
Super Mario Switch
Donkey Kong Country Switch
Monster Hunter 5
Persona 6
Final Fantasy XVI
Gravity Rush 2

>no scalebound
Shit list.
Champions will be GOTY

>1. Death Stranding
>top tier game
>doesn't know shit about even what genre that will be
Kojima should just make movies for fags like you

>ponysony cuck
lmao at ur life op, lmao

Take that cancerous joke of a company and please kill yourself and it

shit list
>1. Nioh
>2. FromSoftware new IP dark fantasy ARPG
>3. FromSoftware King's Field remake
>4. FromSoftware Sci-Fi ARPG
>5. Day's Gone
>6. Red Dead Redemeption 2

all on PS4

>gravity rush 2
>sanic mania
>freedom planet 2

>shit list
>all on PS4
I agree, a list with nothing but PS4 games is a shit list

>Why are all the god tier games on PS4+PC? What is nintendo doing? What is xbox1 microdicksoft doing?
They're working on new games that have already been anounced instead of sucking cocks like you. MS gets almost all the multiplats too. Nintendo has a brand new console coming up and has delivered some nice games for 3DS this year plus Breath of the Wild next year.

Check the news you underage and stop hyping god tier games when you don't even know how they play like.

Nioh alone is GOTY stay cucked PKEK.

I own a good PC and PS4

A list with nothing but PS4 games is still a shit list

Why dont you stay in Sup Forums with the other idiots where you belong

retarded weebshit

Not the other guy but Nioh, as good as it might be, is still not god tier. It manages to do some things better than the souls series but so far from what we've seen the map design (not themes or graphical quality, the layout and mapping of the areas) kinda sucks and enemy placement is very weak.

>Quake Champions

This game will flop so hard. Have fun competing against Overwatch the best shooter ever.

>Overwatch the best shooter ever.
It's a game made for shitposters who never played anything good on their lives, people who played shooters before it, already got bored of that bland piece of flashy crap.

>map design
>enemy placement is very weak.
thats like your opinion and its wrong.

And why is my opinion wrong? Elaborate further, please.

Nobody takes ScaleCuckBound serious, the main protag doesn't know how to shut up and has JUST hairstyle and face.

You are the one who needs to explain your points nigger. Where is the map design bad? Where is the enemy placement weak?

>the best shooter ever.
you´re not shilling for free right, if you do that´s really pathetic

Cyberpunk 2077
Nier Automata
Persona 5
Danganronpa 3

Nioh doesn't have proper PvP mechanics, fuck off retard.

I knew I missed at least one, totally forgot about Cyberpunk 2077. I'll add it to the list, thanks!

>female protag

sry user, I have bad news...

>after Wichter 3

Your loss faggot, this board is shit for serious vidya discussion anyway.

I can only talk about the demo, but it feels a lot more predictable than any of the souls series games that came before it. If you pay attention to the map area you will probably be able to discern where the main and sub paths very easily and as such it feels a tad more linear. About enemy placement... Put enemy in a corner in small area, predictable... Area with some things has more than 2 enemies preparing for a trap, again predictable. Even while predictable, due to the map design it's sometimes even an unfair situation where you might perish not for lack of skill but because if you stagger once you're pretty much dead because two enemies in a small area insta stun you to infinity.

Don't take me wrong, DaS is not perfect either and Nioh does some things better but some design choices made for the game look very amateurish in comparison.

>The official upcoming GOD TIER GAMES list so far
>lists a "game" that hasn't shown ANY gameplay or even told how it's supposed to play as nr. 1

Kojimafags are comparable to Applefags

I love how it was previously Nier Automata that was pushed all the time, then as soon as that got confirmed for PC then all the shitposters just moved over to Nioh

>no Breath of the Wild

>see some pretentious CGI mess that makes no sense
when will they learn?

>15fps of the wild

You have to be 18 to post in this board, nintoddler.

>15 fps sissy game


>Post bunch of unreleased games we don't know shit about

Fucking retard. I bet you also think MGSV and Overwatch are god tier.

most everything is on ps4 user, its just not exclusive
no gams jokes aside ill probibly get a playstation 4 if death stranding turns out to be good

>FromSoftware new IP dark fantasy ARPG

Where did you get that info from? I thought they were saying they were done with that.

Well meme'd

>getting hyped for games in 2016

No, this board is great because poser and shit tier games get shot down, like ScaleCuckBound.

to be honest i dont feel excited with waiting my this gen console getting delivered.

This board is a shithole because they praise e-celebs and trash made for shitposters like overwatch and are always wrong about great games like DooM.

If you take this place as anything else than a joke you're just hopeless.

At least we don't have to upgrade for a Pro to get silky smooth 20fps... Oh wait! It actually runs worse on the Pro, right? Damn.

From Miyazaki.

>FromSoftware new IP dark fantasy ARPG
>new IP dark fantasy ARPG
>new IP
>dark fantasy

Overwatch is shit, everyone knows this, people are only waifu posting it.

Nu-Doom is shit:

Play the superior alternative: Shadow Warrior 2.

the only game you mentioned that won't be trash will be nier automata. death stranding is gonna be a movie, quake champions is everything but quake, star citzen is never being released, mount and blade is a rehash, no point in playing it when modded warband is better
we don't even know shit about fromsoft's new game, go fuck youself hypefags. just cause the made a couple good games doesn't mean everything is instantly good


Death Stranding is going to be Kojimas magnum opus and revolutionize gaming and introduce a new revolutionary genre and gameplay.

Quake Champions is exactly like Quake, if you went to Quake con and saw the gameplay, you would see that it plays like Quake and is the best Quake game they have made so far.

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord improved everything that warband did and added a lot more features, including PROPER castle sieges. Stay clueless nigger.

Miyazaki, all there needs to be said. Miyazaki = automatic gold.

>Play the superior alternative: Shadow Warrior 2.
>Trash, lazy level design with bland randomly generated sections
>Take everything that was great from the original SW and turn it into Borderlands clone
Youre the MAIN reason why this board is shit, keep buying on contrarian garbage.

Shadow Warrior 2 has issues, but it is a FPS game. Nu-Doom is not a FPS game, because to perform optimally you are forced to use and sit through forced melee quick time event executions a la cinematic le edgy rip demons apart with your barehands cutscene.

Go away underage newfag.

>what is Nintendo doing?
>BotW doesn't exist

Shit bait user. Reported and hidden.

How much do take for an hour of dick sucking? It seems like you're good at it.

both are trash

Doesn't matter, if you want to play a game like that, Shadow Warrior 2 is the superior alternative. Only cucks play nu-doom.

Not an argument.

>15 fps sissy game


It wasn't an argument, it was a question.
I don't need to argument that you suck dicks because everyone was made painfully aware of that fact on your previous post.

>15 fps
>runs better than a ps4 game

M E C H W A R R I O R 5

I guess it's not only his mouth that's burning right now. His ass looks pretty charred as well.

>Nu-Doom is not a FPS game, because to perform optimally you are forced to use and sit through forced melee quick time event executions a la cinematic le edgy rip demons apart with your barehands cutscene.

>game is bad because instead of killing enemies with a button i have to use another!
>all shooters must play the same or else it triggers my autism!

Spoiled like true, closeminded tasteless child, the level design, difficulty and combat are all greatly done, Doom has more and better and more level design in a single map than your shitty low budget attemp to milk on a forgotten franchise by turning it into something as bland as borderlands gameplay and level design wise.

>Death Stranding
>showed no gameplay yet

You're what's wrong with the industry user

Both of you are retarded.

Also I'd only have cautious optimism at best for Death Stranding. MGSV wasn't a bad game, but it was mediocre at best. MGS3 came out 12 years ago, it's been a long time for Kojimbles.

Hopefully this turns out well, who the fuck knows though.

it's gonna be another soulsbourne. if it's "new" then that's false competition you fucking weeb losers

Still not an argument, stay intellectually inferior :^)

Shadow Warrior is trash for contrarians and was already forgotten, Doom is how modern shooters should be done and their best qualities taken as a example.

Why are nintentoddlers so pathetic? grow up, the real gamers have PC + PS4, which is the best combo.

>still plays pokemon

Manchildren nintentoddlers getting nostalgia milked and cucked by shittendo xD

Silent Hill: Death Stranding is going to be real good.