TL;DR Two Types of FFXV Player perspectives

>Plays on the story. 20 hours gametime
This game was mediocre at best 6-7/10

>Plays most of the side-content: Hunting/Fishing/Side-quests/Royal-Arms hunting. 50 hours gametime
Holy shit this was a damn good game.

Literally everytime. Prove me wrong, Sup Forums

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Its painfully accurate. I dont even know why I bother to view FFXV threads after almost a week of it being out anymore.


I'm 40 hours in and I'm at chapter 3. Just exploring, collecting treasures, doing hunts and side missions, fishing. I like it very very much

>Plays most of the side-content

thats like X with blitzball

>invests more time in a mediocre game
>inclined to have attachment to a flawed product
>stockholm syndrome makes it seem good

prove me wrong, OP

I'm loving it and yes, Im doing ALL the side content before story.

Hope you're doubling that exp at the Quay resort every single fucking time, I'm level 43 in chapter 5 and the main quest is only lvl23.

Pretty much sums up the kind of player that only play games for trophies/achievements and only try to speedrun games to "fit-in" and say "I beat the game!" meanwhile there are other group of players that want to explore and see what there's to offer, focusing more on the journey and not in the prize.


>never play the game

Holy fuck its shit 0/10

It's not mediocre, simply doing the main quest line is getting only 30% of the game's content, and judging it by that incomplete experience causes the impression of a "flawed product".

I bet you buy a fighting game, play through JUST your favorite character's arcade mode once, then say this game has no more value, toss it out and make threads on Sup Forums shitting on it.

Are you telling me that fetch quests and fishing minigames are better than the core combat, dungeons and major boss fights?

X has far more side content beyond blitzball. I have 60 hours in my file and have not touched blitzball beyond the part you have to play in the story.

Yeah I sleep only at the Quay. Not often, but when I have hoarded lots of XP, I'm at level 56 now. I tried those expericast spells on that bandersnacth near the hammerhead.

What Chapter is the one that takes me away from the open world?

Most dungeons and optional bosses aren't hit by the story so THOSE are side-content as well, user.

If a game isn't good regardless of how the player chose to play, then it's not a good game. Especially if that game is an RPG.

I think 11 or 12

>If a game isn't good regardless of how the player chose to play, then it's not a good game.
What does that even mean?

>tfw we'll never get Versus XIII where Nomura is the director and Platinum helps with the gameplay

That's the completely wrong thing. The more I played FFXV and did everything in it, the more I hated the game.

It's just fucking shallow. It feels like a worse Tales game.

The sidequests are HORRIBLE
>Run to area( 5 minutes of boredom )
>Hold circle/square and watch the game play itself, knowing it is impossible to lose this game because of items
>Run back to gas station( 5 more minutes of boredom)

Anyone who willingly does more than one of these obviously has the shittiest taste imaginable in gameplay and can be safely ignored as a retard. Of course anyone who does the sidequests would say the rest of the game is good, they are braindead.


Its correct.
Just look at skyrim players with 1000+ hours.

FF15 is skyrim street boys

Prove yourself right.

Maybe if the faggot could finish a project in a timely fashion, you could have your precious Nomura-senpai version.

Glad I looked forward to the sidequest / hunts the most too.
At first played FF for the story but after getting platinum for FFX & Disgaea 5 only look forward to sidequest now. Stories aren't that important for me anymore.

Literally the only two posts I even need to see. I hate Sup Forums more than I hate XV threads. They just don't know shit. I've just been doing the side content and exploring. Fishing. The music player makes everything better. Battles are ridiculously fun. All the characters grew on me. It's a great game, and that is why I have never listened to these sheep once.

>Plays the game, has objectively good taste
This game was mediocre at best 6-7/10


Real talk, I got this game today only played for about 2 hours. When I normally play RPGs, I don't do much side stuff but if I like the game enough I'll start another playthrough to do the extras.

When you beat the game, is there NG+ , do you go back to doing extra stuff after you finish, or do you just finish the game and that's it. Is there a hard mode after you beat it?


>Yay! Fishing! Hunting! I've never done that in a videogame! Oh boy am I excited!




no u

Ch 1-8 are the open world section.

Ch 9+ lock you to a linear story/maps till the end.

You can "return" to the open world through an option when you rest once you hit ch9.

Extra stuff is locked to the Post-Game. Once you beat the game extra quest/dungeons/loot become available when you "return".

>n-no! now you need to invest in the game in order to not think it's good!
Stop shitposting. If they play it and beat it, they are free to critique it. And this is coming from someone with near 60 hours and having yet to beat the game.

Also, Chapter 13 did nothing wrong besides being a little long and offering minimal backtracking.

>Plays on the story. 20 hours gametime
This game was mediocre at best 6-7/10

>Plays most of the side-content: Hunting/Fishing/Side-quests/Royal-Arms hunting. 50 hours gametime

really make you think

My favorite thing is when douchebags will call the characters effeminate boy band types simply because they don't look like pathetic neckbeards like them.

>It gets good 50 hours in

>what is reading comprehension

Thanks, guess I'll do the main story first, do side stuff when I get bored, then do the rest after I beat the game.

>Didn't play the game at all because it was obviously shit

Yeah, I'm having a good time with it just putzing around.

No matter how long you play it, FFXV is problematic as fuck.


"I want to play through the main story"
>It's shit
"Buh-buh-but you're not playing the game right, you have to do all this fishing and other stuff for it to be fun"

How do you make bank? I got my first taste of the 2.0 xp multiplier when I pocketed about 16k xp and went from 13 to 23.I had to sell like 4 mega elixirs to get 10,200.

Hunts and side quests. Im at 90,000 gil right now just from screwing around