Press START to continue

>Press START to continue
>Press any other button instead
>it works

>press START to pause
>game's paused
>pressing START again doesn't unpause

>Press Spacebar to attack

>press X to run

>Press E to select

>game has hardcoded keybinds

>hating on E to select
How old are you?

The worst

name one

>Press ANY button to continue
>SELECT does nothing
>Xbox home button does nothing
>Controller pairing button does nothing
>Clicking the sticks does nothing
>Only ABXY work

>programmable computer
>can't reprogram the human-machine interface
the people responsible should be hanged

any indie title

Name LITERALLY one single piece of software that has ever done a single one of these.

>To jump, press the jump button!

Enter is a fucking select button you dunce

Jackie Chan

>toggle to ADS
>can't change it
which game

These are the most overdone copy/pasted trash threads on this board and they a spammed every single fucking day. Why?

>Don't touch the power button while saving
>Touch it anyway

Windows 11, the return of Donald Trump's goat (the nightmare lord).

Quite a few actually, but off the top of my head Binding of Isaac and those type of indie titles you can't rebind
You really learn how common it is once your W key breaks on a laptop

What's wrong with your dog?

>hitting the any button does not work
>you have to press a button on your mouse

It's really difficult fo rme to type this becaue it isn't a copy past eme but this is a machine conglomerate that has our meme energy fuel the beings that conttol us. I fyou don;t want to be a slave to demonic beings you should jus tleave.

haha snuggie for dogs and hes a cat hahaha

>Press Start to Continue menu
>2016 and 11 months
The entire purpose of that screen was for an old game to make a random number seed based on how long it took you to press start.

>there's no menu and game just starts