The Last Guardian Review



Extra fuckup from Sony:
>the game is pretty much only playable on the PS4 Pro
>the game constantly falls under 10 FPS on a normal PS4

So much for "we are not shitting on who bought a regular PS4".

Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't the game barely playable on booth systems.


When did Sup Forumsirgins started to take IGN word for granted

your console is dying.

When it confirms to its anti-sony bias. If a Sony game gets a high review its >IGN

>ign removed their pros and cons list because of the "too much" meme from their pokemon review

>the game constantly falls under 10 FPS on a normal PS4
Oh fug

>ico has a shitload of issues
>underrated gem
>last guardian has a shitload of issues


Did you expect anything else from those North Korea surrender monkeys?

10frames is pretty comfy frames for the eyes to be honest and for a few seconds at best isnt the end of the world so its not that bad




how can a shitty looking game like this have such abysmal frame rate

Bad programmers.

>no Strawberry
Letting me down here frenchies


Worth a play when it comes free on psn+

you know you fucked up when even them hate your game.

>people still buy this shit


Cinematic feel is the goal.
You just don't understand the idea of emotional gaming.

>>ico has a shitload of issues
It really didn't. and th graphics at least were stunning in its time, something GenZ like you can't really grasp.

>people who bought a normal PS4 or did not upgrade get cucked

seems fair.

>Pokémon got so butthurt that they put a reference on the main game

>So much for "we are not shitting on who bought a regular PS4".
It suffers significant drops on the Pro as well.
Team Ico is horribly incompetent.

>you have to buy a PS4 Pro to get a decent framerate

Good goys

>Emotions do you want it here

Why does this sound vaguely sexual?

It's fucked up development cycle. The fact this game is releasing feels like a meme. I've never worked in video games but I'll never understand how these developers and the people paying their salaries can never seem to just get their shit together and agree to set hard deadlines.


Sony fucking disbanded Team Ueda, fired him and hired him as an independent contractor just so he could finish the game.

Do you think they did not know he fucking failed?

Guess you couldn't handle the fact your other thread died. Also
>Falls under 10fps on OG PS4
Stop spreading miss info you faggot. Still the fact it runs under 30 fps is pretty lame. The game is not even that demanding in terms of graphics.

Now I know why this didn't came out for the ps3. if the frame drops are this bad on the ps4 there's no way in hell they could have made this run on a fucking last gen console

>11 years later
>objectively worse than SotC

Shaders were a mistake

orrrr, you know you did a good job if they don't like it
why the fuck do people take ign seriously after GG

i certainly hope none of you take and vidya media outlets seriously in the current year and all years future

But it runs at a perfectly stable 30 FPS on the Pro at 1080p.

Surely this is just a coincidence, goy.

I wonder why Sony didn't just cancel this game.

I really really doubt they're going to make a profit, after 10 years of paying everyone's salaries and all the rest.

They admitted it a while back.

>too much water

>using ign for reviews instead of news

what the fuck are you doing user?

>10 years
>a mere and plain "GOOD"

>10 years, 1 frame for every year we waited.

Was it worth it Sup Forums?

You guys I am depressed now. These guys don't deserve this. They are one of the only creative people left in Sony. We need to demand that IGN re-review the game guys.

10 years of slaving away sweat tears and blood making the last guardian and its shit haha typical sony game

Are you 12? Most of "these guys" were random people hired a year ago.


>PS4's second must-buy game candidate only runs on their newest console
Kinda clever, desu.


>orrrr, you know you did a good job if they don't like it
I agree with everything else, but c'mon.

Probably still using bits of code from 10 years ago made for the PS3

Shut the fuck up

>ten years for a 7/10
>from fucking IGN
How will sony ever recover?

>They are one of the only creative people left in Sony
They don't work for Sony anymore user.

>the game was in constant daily development since day 1
>a developer works exclusively and full time on a single project until it is done, even if his part of the project only takes a week of the normal 2 years cycle
>he just goes to work and sits there unmoving for all day for the next 2 years until he is freed

Are you 12? Why don't you ask your parents how companies and working work?

I rather play Dead Rising 4 than this. I mean it is better, right?

Talking genuinely away from console war stuff, I will say I'm disappointed that the original ps4 already seems to be tanking this hard in what is really the consoles formative cycle.

The game will be patched and then this review will become obsolete

>10 year old game can't run on the PS4
>Uncharted 4 can

Holy fuck does this smell fishy.

one of the most anticipate game for 3 generations? Well fuck you it mysteriously only runs on our poorly thought out and already dying PS4 2.0!

>The game will be patched
Why should they suddenly be able to fix it when they had 10 years already and decided it was in top form to be released?

Yes, the booths at PSX were running the game on PS4Pro consoles and people were still complaining about framerate issues.

would've been a cool showcase of the PS3 10 years ago, now? ehh

HAHAHAH I knew it !!!

HAHAHAH holy shit can't stop laughing at sonyggers. There's some of those poor son of bitches who bought a fucking PS3 for this game and then the 4 in hopes of this pile of shit.

HAHHAHA I'm so fucking happy to see this game failing, all the sonygger tears are making my day. Keep weeping sonyggers, keep weeping and hope you enjoy your Last guarTORTANIC!


people just need to adapt to its vision to truely enjoy one of the best games ive ever reveiwed

Glad i didnt wait 10 years for this

i liked SOTC but this is just nuts

DR4 has the ending sold as dlc

People on Sup Forums use mainstream game reviews whenever they want to start shit whether or not the review in question is positive. This has been the norm for years and anybody on this site that actually thinks that these posts are 100% serious are complete retards that need to lurk around more until they learn how to spot sarcasm and satire efficiently.

Case in point, this guy knows what's up and is using OP's momentum to steer the thread into a consolewar shitposting thread by turning it into an us vs. them situation.


user, everyone fucking references that meme, this isn't news. Even IGN themselves joked about it in their Penguins of Madagascar review.

That gameplay legit sucked. You're just hovering and shooting through a slog without any actual challenge whatsoever, it's like they spent all of their focus on making it look pretty when playing the actual game is such a forgetful experience.

Where could I find more of them shark girl pictures?

and sonycucks still think the ps quadruple isn't a meme

Greatness awaited the waiters of the Pro more like. Sony was mocking us from the very beginning. PLAYED LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE.

>shits itself with a regular PS4
Fuck, it seems like half the games run worse on it, and the other half run better. I wish I didn't have to deal with them releasing a new PS4. I hate Sony, they're probably the most retarded company, and that's a lot coming from the shit Nintendo and Microsoft do.

Wow, a game which begun development in the PS2 era plays like a dated piece of crap? Who knew this would happen? How could any of us possibly of seen this coming? It's almost as if we need to think ahead before over-hyping a game? Golly, I bet everyone feels real darn silly right now. As you fucking should. I didn't buy this crap because I'm capable of logical thought. I bet all of those "highest highs" are just "oh wow, look at the big dog, what a lovely cinematic experience" and those "lowest lows" are the rest of the game.

>inconsistent frame rate with drops

>shitty fps just like sotc

I fail to see the problem? It's a nice little reference for us team ico fans.

how come reviews only matter when they're a lower score

Also 7 is pretty alright

IGN scores aren't worth anything.

To be honest... this is the first sony exclusive that looks interesting to me since after a playthrough of DS1 i found out that souls games aren't for me.

But than again - 1 game i'm interested in still doesn't justify the purchase of a console.


No way a real sonygger would ever say that

looooool tru dat xD

You're clearly underage with no understanding of how design and development cycles work, why do you waste your time posting about them? Does it make you feel smart?

>giving a shit about what some good for nothing failure at life women studies bachelor of arts degree video game "journalist" has to blog

Those are the same subhuman diverse degenerate cock suckers who gave Tropical Freeze a 7.0 because the couldn't handle the controls either. But I guess it's ok to ride that shitpost train as long as it's a game that is not on your console of choice.

It definitely had frustrating controls. And the shades you had to fight all the time were just completely unfun garbage. I understand the reason they're in the game but it should've been executed better.

Why shitpost when you know hes right

>that dirty foot

>10 years
Just like how Duke Nukem Forever had 10 years right? Gearbox swooped in and fucking made that horseshit in a fortnight, scrapping everything made for the game beforehand. Mark Cerny most likely did the same thing for The Last Guardian, hence why the first PS4 footage for it was the exact same footage as the PS3 footage.
If it actually did have 10 years then these problems wouldn't have existed at all.

The first scale and the second scale may as well be the same thing though. As an enthusiast of any medium you wouldn't waste your time with a 6/10 piece of work, because even though it's not offensively bad that's just what it is, a waste of your time. Even something like STALKER, which is Eurojank as fuck and a niche title is still objectively at least a 7.

Same with SotC, honestly. It was a wonderful game but it was full of similar sounding issues as TLG with frame rate dips, and awkward and clumbsy camera and controls. That honestly just seems to be the ICO team's MO is ambitious titles that really grip you in the feels but are far from perfectly executed. It's just that the emotions and feelings pushing the game forward are always strong enough motivation for you to see past the faults and push forward. If SoTC or ICO came out for the first time in today's environment, they would likely receive lower scores than they did. What also isn't helping TLG's case is the fact that it has been 10 years of built up hype. Fan expectations have been soaring through the roof by this point so every flaw is going to sting that much harder. People will say long dev cycles are a good thing because it allows for more polish and optimization but after a point, it's a clear detriment. The game was announced 10 years ago but to actually think it was actually being actively worked on for those 10 years is naive. For several years at a time, that game was getting shelved due to internal disputes and other problems so the actual active development time was likely only a couple of years. Crossing systems like this also probably hurt more than it helped because now the game had to be reworked for a different architecture, which you can bet was done somewhat hastily.

Honestly, if you curb your expectations and still feel the same way you did about SotC and ICO, you will probably enjoy TLG just as much.

how the fuck is that a shitpost? i agreed with it so i said that it was tru (internet slang for true)

It's funny because all of that studios games run like crap.

I remember people saying they expected this to have framerate issues years ago because the dev can't optimize for shit.

But it's better user, the gameplay, the references, everything!

I mean 8 > 7

Math doesn't lie!

IGN can't be trusted for shit. However
>Lowest lows
When if the most pussy whipped to the audience/advertisers critic site even admits that a game this hyped have some of the "lowest lows" that isn't a good sign.

>Wow, a game which begun development in the PS2 era plays like a dated piece of crap?
I would rather play a game whose gameplay is "dated" and that plays like a PS1 and PS2 game than any of your neo-gamer next-gen faggotry you little 2002 born son of a whore.
Modern video games are pure cancer and you little ass fucked cum slurpers enabled that, so please kill yourself.

It'll be patched, don't worry

>Mark Cerny most likely did the same thing for The Last Guardian
Then why didn't they just use Unreal or whatever to save production costs. It wouldn't run so shitty.

That was gamespot you retard

This is my last gen, I don't even care anymore. The games get shittier and the age gap between me & my peers widens every passing year. I just want out.

>There are people who died waiting for this