Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
the white speech bubble since it's white
>muh hitler
oy vey fucking jews again
killing freedom of speech one platform at a time
kill yourself
>being a literal piece of trash
i.e. the cocksucker who made that pic who should die of cancer
The faggot who got offended, the internet is the last place where people can be the assholes nature intended them to be, take that away and there will be reppercusions.
the white box looks like shit a 12 year old redditor would say
i'd probably choose being told to kill myself over that to be honest?
>less suck
no, I want MORE.
>yfw he probably made this after getting absolutely shit on by his teammates
That last one in the red is pretty good
Let's try that again
But with less S U C C
why are Sup Forums memes so fucking bad
I like how this image is actually implying that the person saying the top bubble is, in fact, a sensitive princess that needs sheltering from the real world
>my little sister's a better AWPer
Sexism and age-ism.
>You still have another 15 rounds to recover from that whiff
What does that even mean?
>Let's try that again with less suck
stop buying games made by libtards
back in the day this was fine. You kids today are all as soft as shit now.
I bet the comment about fucking someones grandma now is "bad", especially if you say digging her up before was the best part.
But Varg they're all made by libtards
>literal piece of trash
thats literally impossible.
Everyone is guilty on this, the player whos getting yelled at for being a shitter and a pussy with no self esteeme, the guy whos yelling because he's being a faggot who probably likes to blame others for being equally shit, whoever made this sign for enabling this faggotry of "no bully pls" on games that are usually competitive, OP for being gay, everyone in this thread for enabling OP faggotry, and me for wasting my time on writting this shitty reply that probably won't get a single (You).
Fucking kill yourselves you cumguzzling shitposting niggers
not nip games
Fuck off
>take care of your teammates
fuckin wot?
>"You're a worthless piece of garbage" is crossing the line
>proceeds to call anyone who crosses this made up line a 'literal piece of trash'
Typical oversenstive hypocritical libtard. Should've just hung himself.
>random dude online that you probably will never see again calls you a dick
>this for some reason breaks your psyche for the rest of your life
If your skin is thinner than plastic wrap, you probably shouldn't be playing video games.
>masculine, alpha shit
>shitty passive aggressive remarks nu-male cucks use
>gets triggered by hitler jokes being considered offensive
i love this kind of irony
Someone post the BoBoBo one.
People who believe that pic is true are the same people that believe that Leatherman was in the right.
Prove me wrong.
Walking into the gym instead of the leather club was an honest mistake, there was no reason for him to be so hostile.
>masculine, alpha shit
Do you seriously imagine a manly adult behind the keyboard when you see someone talk like that online?
have you never been to a pub or bar?
starbucks on your imac sharing a frapuccino with DeQuango doesnt count
Never been to one where people tell each other to kill themselves.
no, because in bars people actually try to kill each other by way of drunken fights
on the internet there is no danger so shit talking should be nothing to worry about
of course, as any non-cuck knows, it's all bants anyway
kill yourself
>no, because in bars people actually try to kill each other by way of drunken fights
>actually try to kill each other
wew lad
And those people get kicked out for not behaving like adults.
no u
Fuck You
>he didnt read the third sentence of my post
w e w
>people must behave like adults at all times on the internet
you are an insipid cunt and should be hanged
It's a bad analogy is what I'm saying senpai
Really makes you think, huh?
fuck off varg you haven't been relevant in 20 years
your analogy is shit because your entire premise is flawed: "waah people are mean on the internet and should be punished by libarts majors!"
this was never an issue up until the last 5 or so years when cucks started to infest the games industry
>"waah people are mean on the internet and should be punished by libarts majors!"
No one in the thread said this
You honestly sound like a 15-year old trying to act tough on the internet
>alpha manly men tells people to kill themselves in a video game also i get into fights all the time bro
>he didnt have a father figure to tell him about the sticks and the stones
sorry pal
at least youve got Trump :)
>Let's try that again.
>But with less suck
dunno why I find this line most triggering
What the fuck is "crossing the line"? If you don't want players to freely express themselves on the chat just don't give them an option to, leave pre-typed messages accessed by pressing particular buttons on the keyboard like pinging in League of Faggots or basic sentences in CSGO.
It's like not patching glitches and expecting players to not abuse them.
I'm not black
>dunno why
Don't be autistic, it's because that guy thinks he's being funny when he isn't.
The red bubble is pretty much what I usually say to my team when we have a bunch or retards picking widow and hanzo on defense heavy maps on attack.Also to people who decide it isn't a good idea to heal the tank who is keeping damage off everyone and then complaining when I die or leave to try and find a health pack.
Isn't whiff a vagina fart? Wouldn't that be over the line according to that image?