Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Just got myself this little bad boy. What am I in for? Have never played one of the series. Anything I should mind from the start?

dont get it

Just be patient and you will learn to play.


shit casual game of a serie that would have been better staying on PC and sony consoles

5 hours of "guild tradition" and then boss fights


The start is fucking awful, like all MH games. Stick with it though, it gets better.

A slow grindy POS

the series IS casual.

as casual as phantasy star online 16yrs ago.

Try to find weapon types you have fun with and stick with 2 or 3 of them.
Take the time to observe new monsters from afar to know how they behave before you go in.
Be patient concerning the gameplay, it takes time to fully understand it.

One of the worst MH games to be honest

Find yourself a friend who's got the same learning speed as you and learn to play together, but with different weapons. Best feeling


Is dual wield a complete no-go for a beginner at the start? Is it completely going to ruin every motivation to get into the game or is it just a bit harder but absolutely do-able?

Dual Blades are brainded. They are easy until hyper lategame.

Twin blades aren't bad but you do got to make one for each element as it helps you kill monster faster to hit them with their weakness.

I want to copy it in PC and run Emulator with HD mode

You mean Dual Blades ?
It is maybe a bit hard for a total beginner. You can be very fast and mobile with them but you'll probably do piss poor damage since it is heavily combo-based and you have to know how they work to pull it off with the demon dance bullshit.
But nothing stops you from trying, they are very fun to play with especially in MH4U.

Thanks. Also should I get into online multiplayer from start or should I first play for a few hours solo offline until I learn mechanics and gear up?

You're in for fun. 4U has gentlest entry of any of the games I've played, but since there isn't much to kill right off the bat, it will take you a little time to learn how the weapons work. If you have played Souls games, you'll be surprised by how much of the same combat technique applies in MH.

Early on, make sure you explore the map thoroughly. Different/more resources will spawn as you take on harder quests, but you'll develop an eye for gathering points, which are usually in the same places. Knowing where to look will keep you from wandering and wasting time, and if you can do that, your grind should be minimal. Always ration up and keep your stamina bar high and you will cover more ground.

Sword-and-shield is a great option for killing little monsters, but you'll find very quickly that the game isn't about velociraptors at all. Once you have a hang of the basic controls, start to learn a more complex weapon. Sooner is better, because you can't really button-mash your way through this game, and that's basically what sword-and-shield is for.

I hope you have a blast, user. It's a great game.

Anyone want to make a G3 Room? I can do a hunt or two and I might as well finish it.

140 rajang

Play offline until you get acquainted with the playstyle. Too many shitters join online before they learn how to play, and get carried through quests while dragging everyone else down.

I'd say at least craft a set of armour and a decent weapon before heading into the online stuff. No-one wants to deal with scrubs in their minimum defense starting gear.

Every weapon is viable in the newer games.
Just mind which skill is useful for which weapon.
Usually early game the only worthy skill is Attack up (be it small, medium or large).
For example, for dual blades, you going to want to get something with razor sharp (halves the rate at which your sharpness is consumed) or speed sharpening(sharpens your weapon 3 times as fast when using a whetstone) if possible, since dual blades drain sharpness extremely fast

I've actually never played MH online, because I've never gotten very far and I figured I would be a drag on the team. Judging by streetpass, it seemed that every player I met had either completed the game, or dropped it as soon as they started.

Maybe I should try it anyway, because it might spur me to get back into MH. It's been a while and I miss it.

Thank you all for your help. I'm gonna jump into it now.

The only problem with playing online is that randoms are a crapshoot, as with pretty much any game with randomised multiplayer.

On one hand you might end up in a room with 3 great players who never cart, or you might end up with Juan, Pierre and Kirito who can barely hold a 3DS the right way up.

Playing with friends or even people from Sup Forums is a much better alternative.

I'd as sooner play with Sup Forumsirgins than anyone else, honestly. They're a lot better behaved once they aren't posting. I also wouldn't mind playing with people who are much worse than me, as I'm used to doing things on my own and I don't get heated with scrubs. The element of human unpredictability is sort of the draw of online games anyway.

Problem is, anyone on Sup Forums who still plays 4U probably has top gear and would be bored with the sort of quests I can handle.

Nah if you make a thread and want to play then I'd join

some anons wouldnt mind putting on midgame rags and fucking around, though.

Best game of the generation.

That's great to hear. I'll have to do that sometime soon.

Just not today I'm busy.

>or you might end up with Juan, Pierre and Kirito who can barely hold a 3DS the right way up.
You forgot to add them coming into your room and demanding you do their urgent.


Well, Mr. Industry, I'll try to work around your schedule if I can

Don't even have my 3DS on me today anyway

Won't get fun for hours if it's your first monster hunter game. One you understand how to play monhun you can blaze past the boring intro but as a beginner it takes ages. The game won't really be enjoyable until rank 3.

monster hunter is basically, okay

imagine really tough mmo raids, like 60-90 man everquest type raiding stuff where everyone needs to do their best and one death will fuck everything up

now take those raids and dumb them down to the point where a child can solo them and you have monster hunter

I'd join as well, just I'm as noob as can be.

One important thing to keep in mind is that you only need to do certain quests. I highly recommend looking up online which quests are required. You might be thinking "I want to play all the optional quests!" but for the most part the optional quests do not contain any new content and are just grindy rehashes of key quests.

Looking stuff up online is actually a very key element to enjoying these games.

>what am i in for?
hand cramps

might join you too, getting my copy today

>he hasnt hacked his 3ds

Why are piratefags so obnoxious about it? Save your shitposting for hack threads.

Fantastic game, though the online will be dead or dying by now

Enjoy the early and mid game, because the future is full of rape ape

If I made a G3 room in 4U would anyone want to join?


I would want to but I'm OP and like I said I just started this game.

It's really bad. The combat and camera are awful. The gameplay is just kill monster to get new upgrade to kill monster to get new upgrade. Repeat for 500 hours.

What's it like being a shitter?