action RPGs are fine too
What are some GOOD JRPGs for the PS2
Other urls found in this thread:
eheheheheh ehehehee
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Persona 3 FES
Tales of the Abyss
Grandia II
Soul Nomad
Romancing SaGa
The Wild ARMs games. 3's the best, but Alter Code F (a remake of 1 using an engine similar to 3) is solid, too. 4 and 5 are good but are vastly different, and are a bit more action oriented.
Seriously a good 80% of them, literally pick anything off any list
>good jrpgs
the shadow hearts series. 1 is good, 2 is amazing, and 3 is meh
DDS1 and DDS2
I like this series pretty good
Shadow Hearts Covenant and Shadow Hearts From The New world.
smt nocturne
King's Field 4
This guy knows whats up
I have Rogue Galaxy waiting on my PC, i'll play it when i finish some other games i'm playing. Hope it's as good as Skies of Arcadia.
This, that judgement ring shit is amazing
Basically this. Time worthy. and fun classics. Better original stories than most things nowadays.
.hack IMOQ
if you can handle its age.
How is this?
>tfw wanna replay Dark Cloud 2, Persona 3 and 4
>Shit's so fucking long.
>Tfw I haven't played any of those games
>Shit's too fucking long
I know they're good tho, it's just a huge investment.
fun characters fun gameplay
>visit first town
>have a time limit on doing sidequests
it's shit
>have a time limit on doing sidequests
As in actual time or it's just based on Story progress?
actual time
just hurry up, you fag
no, I want to play a jrpg, not a fucking racing game
you are playing a jrpg
just don't be a slowy joey
Got this with a pirated PS2 but everything is in fucking chinese. Is out there a patch or something to play it properly? This thing seriously seems cool af
Metal Saga
>tfw driving into the wasteland with your bros (and microwave dog) in a tank formation to go catch a wild bus to tow back and customise for battle
Shadow Hearts 2 covenant >>>>>>>> FFVII - FFXV
prove me wrong