Let it die thread. I really like this game so far

Let it die thread. I really like this game so far.

Its pretty good. Combat is basic but somehow the game is still fun.

>Let it die
So this trash we get in place of Lily Bergamo?

I hate this meme

Let it die (this thread that is).

Kek. If the situation was reversed you would have said the same thing.

How so?
This trash does not have cute girls and bandage wraps as weaponry

Stop project

The game becomes an unplayable grindfest at higher levels. Every floor has haters that can one shot you and they begin to read inputs so you can't just bait them like early on. If you die you need to grind 30k+ just to buy the character back. If you aren't wearing high level armor even the basic robots do 50% of your health in 1 attack when you have a 1500 healthpool.

and it's impossible to save money because you are constantly being raided and they didn't implement any kind of cooldown to protect you from being raided 10 times in 15 minutes

anyone know how to increase your rank? is it through raids or playing the game?

>No cute girls
>Clearly hasn't played

my striker is staggering pretty much everything, it's ridiculously satisfying.

I think it increases by climbing the tower.

>tfw I haven't been raided a single time yet.
>And I've raided the same 5 guy's 10 times


that just means you are worth even less than the bots

im STILL on my 2nd guy and been leveling him up. If he dies, do the stats just disappear?

If you have enough money, you can retrieve them after death. Along with any gear they were carrying

Can someone describe this game to me?

If he dies, you can go back to where he died, kill him, and he'll be yours again just carrying nothing. I believe that's how it works.

Funny yet clunkier dark souls.
It's free so if you have a PS4 you might as well try it out

Is there a way to tell if someone raided me?

>need geared up guards to make sure you dont get robbed
>if a guard gets kidnapped they automatically lose all their gear even after you save them

this grind is just awful

When you return to the waiting room if you see a blue cop light flashing you got raided.

Check your reports at the tdm screen

Is the clear clear ikegara without dodging and clearing all enemies bugged?
I cleared the floor 5 times without pressing circle a single time and still wasn't cleared.

Haters are stealing your kills.


ironic name referring to all you idiots who wont let sony die

>muh ps2 childhood/young adult days
your taste was shit back then, trust me

you can play as a cute girl

I am enjoying it but I dont know for how long it will last. I mean I made it to floor 10 and I am still fighting the same people with the same weapons and nothing has been introduce to change gameplay and spice it up. I hope to see some guys with riot shields, or maybe a giant that is weak to fire and when you burn him he goes bersek spinning hitting allies too. Something different.

Is this shit still not out in a bunch of countries?

>10 seconds announcement cgi teaser with no gameplay
>Its get cancelled
>Wow what the fuck that game was so much better than this.

I hate this so much. I did the naked run three times and every time some lvl 20+ hater killed one enemy. Fuck this quest.


do you guys know how to kidnap dudes during raids? is it random?

Ok, why the fuck do they throw lvl 27 dev haters at your lvl 1 shitter?

I want to like this game but the stun locking when you get hit is fucking frustrating

They throw level 40 guys with sniper rifles at you when you reach floor 10 and try to level a new character
It even gets worse with 3rd and 4th grade characters

Of course. It's made by Kinosuda 51.

Its chance based. When you beat their characters there is a small chance of the X to kidnap prompt to appear.

>EU release delayed
I know we are communists but still.
this is bullshit


You can also try to free someone from the toilet

How do I choose a different character type besides "All-Rounder"?

just download it from the US store

By climbing floors. I reached floor 9 and by that time I had 6 total fighters to pick.

Its out in the UK , Germany, France,Italy

Go up floors

Will do
except for Scandinavia

You guys probably know but I found a great fucking farming run for skills/wood/cloth/wonga so I figured I would share. 10k at least a run, but I did level luck. Its a floor full of only corridors filled with the shitty mark 1's. They still give the same 25 skill xp as anything except they die in 1-2 hits and are slow. They drop some rare metals and plenty of cash too.

To unlock the route;

Tamata up to Shimo-Marico up to Moke-Ikegami up to Goshi-Magami up to Dasahi-mashe down to Heimo-Jima (this is the floor. You'll see what I mean when you get here.) then finally down to Shimo-Marico again. Theres a silver case here that respawns, gotten money and a magnum from it so far. Be sure to turn the valve to unlock the route by raising the gate.

Once unlocked;
Tamata -> Shimo -> Heimo -> Retrace steps back to Tama for the waiting room.

As I said before, theres plenty of wood/cotton/copper coils on the way, you'll get cash and theres ez scorpions in the hallway if you need those.

sorry if this is common knowledge but it helped me level weapons I ignored like fireworks and iron, letting them be viable as pickups later on.

Thanks for making this thread, I had no idea that this game was coming out and might have missed it.

I don't usually go for F2P games. Can anyone tell me how the pay structure works? Is it something I can easily ignore, or is the game going to be trying to sell me shit constantly?

That first boss was way easier than sniper bitch.

It's non-intrusive to the point where I don't even know what the store actually does

good shit user, I'm not finding too many new blue prints right now though so I'm not getting much use out of my scavenged materials

Does it work while being staggered?

you can completely ignore it

>up to floor 9
>all those bonus floors I can now explore with lower level dudes

You can buy Death Metal to buy extra inventory space, instantly revive if you die, and buy an express pass elevator that doesnt cost in game money to use.

You can get this Death Metal for free in game by completing certain quests and by logging in as a daily reward.

How the fuck do you check your mail ive gotten like at least 10 messages by now but all it does is annoy me never takes me to a menu to check it.

Enjoy those dev shitters 20x your level

Thank god for Grasshopper.

And thank god their games play so weirdly. F2P games always feel a little gunky, but with Grasshopper, gunk becomes funk.

I haven't seen anyone past level 50 yet so I've pretty much been tearing shit up, especially with my dual hammers.

>extra inventory space
for the 20th time, it's storage space death metal can only be used to speed shit up and doesn't make you any stronger at all

What's with the golden mail packages in the lobby that I can't open?

For a hack n slash this game has a lot of confusing little details going on. Kind of wish I could start over and re read alll the instructions again but apparently there's no way you can

Premium currency is death metal, which can be converted into cash, used to insta revive upon defeat, or upgrade base storage. It can also be earned by finishing side quests. Cash can be used to revive at base, so insta revive is only if you're really super close to killing some boss or whatever. There's also a system for using elevators to return to previously cleared floors, which takes ingame cash as well, but they're goingbto be selling express oasses that remove the elevator cost for either a day or a month

That golden package can be opened once a day I think, there's a timer on it until next unlock. And all those letters you looked at can be looked at again in the options menu.

Literally all of the tutorial instructions are in the rolodex. Check your damn menus

>dual hammers


Are there hatchets/handaxes as well?

Haven't found a one yet user, but I'm only on floor 9.

Shit game for autists.

Someone posted his character with a 2H iron axe in one of the threads

There are machetes , don't know about hand axes though

>see OP
>search up "let it die"
>find out it's ps4 exclusive
>post "Shit game for autists."

>I died on floor 3
Git gud

Is there any advantage to dual-wielding melee weapons? Or is it just for style points?

The third hit of my hammer combo is a double hammer smash that I believe does more damage than the third hit if I'm only wielding a single hammer.

>in the middle of a fight
>PS4 shits itself and shutdown
Guess I'm done playing.

Damn, I gotta try that. I love the hammer so far.

>every single floor is now filled with level 60 NPC haters
>no way to sneak past them

well, it was fun while it lasted

no idea how they expect this game to stay alive with no multiplayer of any form

Nope, i finally caved in and made a US account just so i can play this shit.

Character creation will only let me make all rounders. Are the other classes unlocked after a certain floor?

Also, anyway to buy ammo?


>Are the other classes unlocked after a certain floor?
>Also, anyway to buy ammo?

You unlock more characters as you go up
Nope. No ammo. Just throw it away

Yeah after floor 3 you get a new class every floor.

Don't know about ammo. I kinda doubt it.

>Nope. No ammo. Just throw it away

You can do rage moves without any ammo.

anyone know where to get veneer planks?

>no release in Sweden
It hurts.

If you download it on a US account I believe you can play it on your Sweden account

Holy shit this game is fun as fuck glad I bought a PS4.

Why is everything in this game so complicated?

>an hours worth of text explaining various mushrooms but you have to learn by mistake that consuming them isn't instantaneous and getting attacked cancels the animation and you lose your mushroom
>Like 3 different currencies or something
>menus inside menus inside menus

Haha Get it?

Yo'll need to invade my NZL crew.

>souls combat

>fighting yourself while meditating
those who have taken mushrooms will know what an ego death is like.

I thought mushrooms were illegal in Japan?

Fuck this ftp shit. I just want Lollipop Chainsaw/Shadows of The Damned 2 already.

>reading is hard

Learn to block retard

>you keep camera control when you die and can look at her thighs

So what state/country should be number one on my shit list?

Should I buy a PS4 for this and Bloodborne?

Frogs and stuff count as things to kill