Dead Rising 4 Ending


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Is it out already? It's like that new Mirrors Edge game, when it releases and nobody even fucking knows?

This tuesday. Hopefully it sells like shit so these canucks can stop ruining the series.

What's up with that ending anyway? is it what happened or not? Where's the overtime mode?

More importantly how the fuck do you play 74 hours and not unlock everything?

Holy crap, these are the graphics of a 2016 game? This looks like shit.

Not the guy that made the video. Can't be too sure if there are alternate endings or not, but it seems like the DLC is going to be the "true ending'.

>DLC "true ending'.
Oh fuck that noise, not even going to pirate.

>THIS is what they replaced psychopaths with.

No time limit so there wouldn't be survival or unlimited modes.

This game isn't even being advertised and it releases in a few days. Even Capcom knows it's a piece of shit now worth investing more money in. They should just close their Vancouver studio, they have no talent.

>zombies do the world war z movie thing where they UUUNNIIIITE LADDER
Let me guess, they never do this in gameplay
>frank dies
Even though he can easily take down a dozen zombies unarmed
>"I'm sure his second book would have sold as well as his first."
Disgustingly meta self indulgent 4th wall break line.
The kicker? Frank's just dead and
This is pure mediocrity, my friends.

Anybody else think this looks WORSE than the first game which came out 10 years ago? Compare plastic-faced government-goon to Brad. He looks wrong. Also the first game's cutscenes looked much better than this, everything's too dark and ugly.

So was this entire game meant to be one giant "fuck you" to Frank West?

why call him frank? it's like they're intentionally antagonizing fans of the first game. either that or they're banking on people liking frank simply being a product of a meme and none of them ever played the first game

It's more like a giant fuck you to the whole franchise, not that it wasn't dead for a good while.

It's like comparing Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil 1, they're completely different games, that share some distant story related stuff.

It's a souless cashgrab hoping casuals that just want to kill zombies for a few hours will buy it. They aren't even advertising it and I don't see much hype for it anywhere. This shit has flop written all over it.

Feels more like a giant 'fuck you' to us.

>This shit has flop written all over it.
cut to Capcom HQ
>guess nobody likes Dead Rising anymore, time to kill it forever


at least they released the original on PC, we'll have something to fondly remember.

At least RE6 treated the characters the fans have come to know and love with respect. That Dead Rising 4 ending gives me the impression the devs were intentionally trying to piss off the fans as much as they could, just like that asshole Tameem did with DmC.

Did the re-release sell well? If 4 sells like shit maybe Capcom will try to go back to the series' roots. Unlikely I know but stranger things have happened.

But user, "FRANK IS BACK! When we think Dead Rising, we think CRAZY ZOMBIE KILLING WITH WHACKY WEAPONS, that's what the series is about"



Wasn't Jagged Alliance leaves? Aside from that nothing comes to mind though.

just watched the santa claus boss and dear god what a focus tested pile of soggy dogshit

Not that user but the DR1&2 PC releases sold well enough for someone from the company to realize that they fucked up with 3.

That being said, this'll be the last entry. AAA game companies are fresh out of fucks to give and the Infinite Warfare debocle showed that to a certain extent even to normies, I think.

The big companies just do not give a flying fuck anymore. I even slightly respect Konamis decision to fuck off from gaming and just make panchinko machines now - at least they're not releasing dogshit on the regular.


Everything about it so bad.
>killing Frank
Oh let me guess, so you can make a fem protag in next game right? Fucking leafs

It's a "fuck you" to the consumer. The real ending, which i would assume is Frank living, is apparently DLC.

is this the last game now

How old is jagged alliance?

I want it to be after this shit.

Day of the Rake when?

Not until Dead Rising 7, if these fucks get their way.

>How old is jagged alliance?
too old

They literally killed of Frank West just so they could give their shitty female character the spotlight in the upcoming dlc.

If it sells like shit, Capcom will just can the series.

Or the DR1 remake can sell well on PS4/Xbox One/PC and show "Hey, it would have been smart to go with Ritolo and a time limit"

These fucking idiots thought that this was "fan service"?

>a fucking tech tree

I haven't even made it to the maniac fight in this video and I already can't continue

From reading on reddit the game is apparently crap. Boring, bad story and not well done. Not surprising. That's what happen when you decide to fuck everything fans wanted. I hope it flops. Might pirate it though.


>zombies can now run


>Frank spends the entire game slaughtering zombies by the thousands with his bare fucking hands and even takes selfies with them
>gets killed by five or six zombies during the ending because of MUH STORY

I hate modern game developers so much.

The same thing happened in the initial ending of the first game, you boob.

DR1 doesn't force you to buy the dlc to see the true ending like this one does.

No it didn't. Frank collapsed in the initial ending. He wasn't overpowered by zombies. The zombies attacked him after he had given up.

No it doesn't.
Ending A Frank drops to his knees after seeing Ed's chopper go down.
Ending B Frank Escapes on the chopper
Ending C we just watch Ed get eaten by a zombie.
Ending D we see everyone but Frank escape on the chopper because he wasn't at the pad.
Ending F the mall explodes

The overtime ending he's just surrounded on a tank and screams in frustration.


Why do they think 'modern gamers' couldn't complete dead rising 4 or enjoy it if it was more like 1 and 2? Which I completed on overtime on 'first' attempt both times a couple of months ago. Sure in DR2 I had some ninjaboots that made zeds ignore me pretty much. Buy otherwise it was very doable. The fuck complain about the time limit? If I could do all cases and rescue almost all survivors almost in both fucking games then you should be able to it do. And I suck at games.

First time I played Dead Rising I was ~14 and got my ass handed to me kind of hard on my first playthrough. It took me a while to get used to the idea of running around zombies and moving efficiently through the mall to get good items while still completing cases.

Because they did a bunch of focus tests that had people tell them they hated the timer among other things. Then they tried to quote Steve Jobs to say that focus tests were great but Steve Jobs actually said focus tests were horrible

I'm glad they went for a far more realistic approach, like people teleporting into a boss arena on a bolt of lightning.

The old games were too wacky and not in depth enough, this makes perfect sense.

He's covered wars you know. People like that don't just give up.

Yeah not saying it wasn't difficult and that the survivor AI isn't God awful. And I also had problems on Xbox. But still it isn't impossible (granted thank god for more saveslots)

We will see how well that worked out for them.

What the fuck is with Frank's Voice?

I never played the first one, only 2, but did he always sound that bad? And was his dialogue always so cringey?

They replaced the voice actor. On one hand, TJ could have really used the money, but on the other, at least he won't be remembered for this turd of a game.

>we think CRAZY ZOMBIE KILLING WITH WHACKY WEAPONS, that's what the series is about

To be fair, that's pretty much what I think about. I loved DR 2, thought it was a fucking amazing game (till right near the end when it suddenly dropped the light-hearted tone, got stupidly dark and killed off the best girl) but yeah, I mean running around beating up zombies with stupid weapons was pretty much how I remember it.

Nope. It's a new VA in 4.

Though I personally think Dead Rising 1 walks the line between camp and straight so well that I don't think there is a way you can blame it on any one person for it not coming together in later entries... since I think OTR and Case West are poorer showings from Frank.

>running around beating up zombies with stupid weapons was pretty much how I remember it.
The whole weapon crafting system of 2 was the beginning of the end.

It was so much better in 1 when you just had to make use of your surroundings, instead of crafting a wacky gimmick weapon. There was still stuff like the mega buster and laser sword, but they were locked behind achievements.

so capcom ruined street fighter, dead rising, and resident evil in the span of a year
what's next?

Wait,where is the info stating the true ending is locked away in DLC? I didn't hear anything about that

It's a Resident Evil dillema.

On one hand we have a grounded DR1, with everyday objects as weapons and some deadpan comedy and satire.

On the other hand we have DR3 that goes full retard, where you can build death machines and roll around and create whacky combo weapons, even crazier that in DR2.

I personally think DR2: OTR hit thesweet spot between the serious and whacky and with right direction and writing it could've been elevated, but instead they bet on ful cartoon-mode and just stopped giving fuck.

Just make a game but don't call it Dead Rising, or make a spin-off or something, no need to tarnish the existing thing.

Mahvel next year

Getting ripped apart in reviews right now.

All the time and money Capcom's wasted letting leaves ruin Dead Rising when they could have crafted a good team to make a good new Dino Crisis.

Apparently it wasn't meant to be campy at all, that's why it was handed off to the Western Studios. The JP team meant for it to be a mostly serious game and were put off by the reaction it got.

Which is why they've ramped the hell outt'a the camp since.

>Character can beat the shit out 500 zombies in hand to hand combat
>Easily killed by 10 cutscene zombies without putting up a fight

Weapon crafting would've been fine if it was just lighting a weapon on fire, adding a pole arm to a short weapon, or creating bombs. Or generally if the mods were sensible... but obviously the first thing they said is "How can we one-up every videogame ever?".

>Marvel, Disney and Capcom

Dear god its like. Trifecta of jewery



yep sjws once again ruin everything

>magazine is empty
>throw away assault rifle

>ruining resident evil

Press F to pay your respects to the dead rising threads we had when the remaster came out

>so capcom ruined street fighter, dead rising, and resident evil in the span of a year
>implying SFV is bad
>implying RE wasn't ruined several years ago

>Frank is back
>Also dead now
Fucking Canucks. They're like worse Frenchies.

It might well be that some parts weren't. But anyone trying to say it wasn't at all is incompetent, or lying.

Not only are there extremely goofy outfits that Frank can play the game through, but "Outtake" as a stand in for "Silly/Humor" is one of the is one of the 5 photo event tags and the one the player has the most opportunity to invoke. I'd argue every instance of Erotica counts to that same end of camp as well, because it's turning off of any seriousness of the situation when you see a pink tag because there's zombie cleavage in one corner of the hoard stalking towards Frank.

i still have to find a video where the zombies are actually are threat to the player and are not just standing there to be farmed for pp.

>what's next?
DmC Devil May Cry 2

The first time I ever heard of the original supposedly being completely serious was from this interview , said by one of the devs of 4 so I'm thinking he's full of shit.

The first Dead Rising's story and characters weren't exactly silly, but elements of the gameplay like what you mentioned could be. There was a sort of juxtaposition between the gameplay and story that all the games after could never recreate to form the tone the first one had.

Those silly elements in the gameplay were clearly intentional, and for these devs to say the Japanese meant for the original to be completely serious is bullshit meant to prop themselves up as "Guys we totally get it, we did our research".

That's every Dead Rising game. This one went the extra mile and removed them becoming more aggressive at night.

>Tameem: Fuck the fans, I'll do what I want for I know best
>DmC tanks
>Nickolls: We're trying to appease the fans, by ignoring everything they want and listening to this random focus testers
what will happen

Focus testing is just "I know what's best" with extra steps.

Nah, "I know what's best" has created some of the best games ever. Focus testing is "let's make the exact same game everyone else is making because we're afraid of bombing".

Canada is truly the neglectful retirement home for video game series.

This kind of hurts to see

They'll kick your ass pretty hard in REmake if you don't know the game well.

Why do people love this shit anyway goddamn.
They could've made a "unique" zombie game too but nooo let's just follow the lame ass trend

So... is Blue Castle only allowed to make Dead Rising games or what?

Fuck off. I don't want them to ruin another Capcom franchise.
>Capcom Vancouver Onimusha

Don't forget "My opinion based on 3 minutes of playtime without even trying to understand any mechanics has just as much merit as someone who plays to completion and delves fully into all features". Of course they'll choose to listen to the wrong people regardless of how the game should actually be made.

For years I griped about Onimusha being forgotten. Now I'm pleased.

They've got a new ip in development for some time now, will probably get shown at E3 2017. But Capcom Vancouver sucks so who gives a shit.

75 on metacritic atm.

No way this game'll bomb, probably. Hope it gets fucking flamed to shit by reviewers and users of any console/platform. Spit nothing but venom at fucking Vancouver Capcom, bunch of incompetent bearded pricks.

If they actually kill Frank off that would be retarded.
The guy has survived tons of zombie shit before, is already somewhat infected so a bite won't do shit to him.

It's likely the pile of zombies he lands on cushions his fall, and he springs back into action and fucking punches and jump kicks his way through those zombie bastards, and makes his escape and uses the opportunity to go underground.

>Hope it gets fucking flamed to shit by reviewers and users of any console/platform
normies love shit like DR4, they don't care.

That's been a trope in video games for years now. This isn't some new thing done by modern developers.

Are you new to video games or something?