I'm enjoying this game and you can't stop me.
I'm enjoying this game and you can't stop me
Don't try to stop me, Sup Forums
Which is better?
Name a game in history with better graphics. This is the pinnacle.
Don't you dare try to stop me Sup Forums
Sup Forums you're so fickle, how do I get you to discuss this great game?
I hate you.
I don't know what the advertising/PR dept. is paying, but I'll double it if you fuck off and stop shilling this shit game
Just so you know, this is entirely out of pity, OP
>using a cellphone to selfbump
Fuck off, shill
At first I thought it looked super cool. Then I realized it was only a reskinned FC4, where you only use bow.
And where animals can do all kinds of weird shit. The stupid animal companions finally put me off buying this game. Tame sabertooths, eagles flying in when you whistle... Stupid
Now THIS is paranoia.
haha rolling :3
>it was only a reskinned FC4
>Tame sabertooths, eagles flying in when you whistle... Stupid
Damn, you suck.
Remember to sage when you roll.
The owl with zerker gas breaks the fucking game.
Play Far Cry 3, so much better.
71 pls
roll me up
It's too late. Free bumps for life this thread is going places now.
yeehaw jester's dead
You're right. It also has a new map and "story".
>I'm outta arguments
Why are the subtitles higher up on PC?
Sure :^)
>The owl with zerker gas breaks the fucking game.
That's not enough reason for me to stop playing. It's not true either.
I came to this thread to roll.
How? 90% of the missions are identical and the combat is mind numbingly boring? Are you dumb?
Goodnight george
>a new map and "story".
As in a new world and theme with characters and plots and basically an entirely new game.
This sounds a lot like retards saying Fallout is a reskin of Skyrim. A reskin is a 100% replica except for textures, we're talking about entirely different games that just happen to share some mechanics, understandable as they're coming from the same developers.
rollin for glory of the mudkipz
>Are you dumb?
Are you? You're clearly looking for the meaning of life in videogames. The combat isn't boring, you're boring.
Yes unfortunately there's no cure for autism
God, get this bullshit out of Sup Forums
lets do this
They disagree with the premise of the thread therefore they must kill the thread with spam.
Did you think blue boards were special? Think again.
I know it's not a literal reskin you retard
rolling for tom
You're the retard with your retarded hyperbole
There are people
that exist
in the current year
of 2016
towards the end of said year never-the-less
that actually buy
claim to enjoy
and publicly humiliate themselves by associating
with not only Far Cry
but Ubisoft in general
Is this Skyrim 7?
Rolling Bateman
I tried to imagine the games you probably play or tell people you play and it made me sneer so hard. You hipster faggot weeb trash.
I'm sad now
This projection is unreal.
heaven or hell let's rock
ok fampai, rollan
Only faggots enjoy godless cave degeneracy game
> look at muh fancy words
Why don't you convince me to buy this piece of shit instead? I would really like to enjoy a 10.000 bc game. The concept is cool af
Rollando Bloom
>I would really like to enjoy a 10.000 bc game. The concept is cool af
It's literally been made and nothing is stopping you from enjoying it. Unless you want to be all jaded and soulless like the plebs who run around here pretending they actually play games anymore.
Look at the desperation and outrage over the suggestion that this is a fun game.
I enjoy Far Cry. I also enjoy weeb shit. Try and stop me.
Tell me how this is not just FC4 with bow only and animal companions
I'm enjoying it more than Witcher 3
weak b8
I got it because a family member played a major part in it's development and was pleasantly surprised with how much fun I had. Still sucks about the lack of real ending and no opportunity to mow cavemen down with a machine gun or other cheats.
Most games these days put me on the left half and this stayed in the top right.
Also Denuvo a shit, I'd probably buy this game if I could try it and see it's good. But I can't.
Denuvo will sink to the bottom and I hope it drags the entire industry along with it.
Poor guy
Your jaw is kind of heavy. How do you keep it held up against your upper lip all the time without getting sore from feeling the weight?
Well convince me:
›it isn't just "the usual game by Ubisoft"®, glitchy as shit, boring as fuck
›is isn't just "the usual open world model by Ubisoft"®, aka "Assassin's Creed with guns"®, now with flint axes, also known as "look at all those icons on the map where you can press X and stuff happens"®
›it isn't severely gimped because of consoles
›the AI isn't fucking garbage as usual
›the gameplay and progression are actually enjoyable and not basic, shitty, boring and repetitive
›the story isn't yet again SJW bullshit
Honestly it pains me to play Ubisoft games at this point. There's so much potential, whether in their engine which is always pretty good, the visuals which are always impressive, the music which used to be awesome thanks to Jesper Kyd, and remains very good even though he left, or the audio design in general which is a tad too similar across all games but very good...
Seriously, they just need to fire all their game designers, and stop picking shitty writers for the main story, and maybe stick to their current in-house writers which actually make nice side quests, lore and shit, and seem more than capable of writing the main story.
remember to sage kids
Im Jesse Slaghter
Let's do this.
This derails the thread
Peep beep meme creep
The environment is much more dangerous
If you play on expert (especially with survivor on) combat never gets boring easy
You actually have to hunt for food and craft your own shit
they're not frame perfect pictures plus they're all cropped.
The accusations of shilling are killing this board. Literally can't scroll past a single positive comment without "WOW SHILL MUCH IF MY FINGERS WEREN'T CAKED TOGETHER WITH CHEETO DUST I'D SLICE YOUR JEWISH THROAT"
PC, because XBOX and PS4 obviously aren't right.
Here we go
rip thread