Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

Just picked this up, what am I in for Sup Forums?

Which weapons are good and which ones suck?

Other urls found in this thread:

Some medium and some fun.

Use the internet to see which quests are key quests to avoid too much Mushroom Hunter 4U.

All the weapons are useful except hammer which got made redundant. Start with sword and shield until you hit a monster that needs more range

Cool cool thank you. Also never played a monster hunter before, anything else I should watch out for?

Always remember to take the torch

For dark areas or are some monsters afraid of fire??

I think he's fucking with you, just ignore the torch.

What you should bring is a lot of patience, this game has a learning curve and plays different from other games you might be used to. Some grinding and a lot of trial and error, unless you're very good at adapting on the fly.

How many of these threads do you guys think are legit and the rest false flags? I mean considering I've seen this post, word for word, for multiple games...

What am I in for is pretty common. Idk why someone would make up that they picked something up instead of just starting a general discussion about the game.

best beginner weapon: HBG

once you've mastered that you can try harder ones like GS

Use dual blades if you're new.

Use charge blade for early to late game then great sword and insect glaive for 140 guild quests if you've played monhun before.

Don't touch the gunlance at all. It's pure garbage. The charge blade does everything the hammer can but 100x better so stay away from the hammer too.

Main Charge Blade and Guard Point all the monsters away.

Unrelated pic.

>tfw no mh4u on vita

Great Sword has the best end game hunt times.
Charge Blade is just really good in 4u once you learn it.
Hammer is simpler than CB, but a little worse.
Insect glaive is pretty easy, but harder to upgrade until late game.
Dual Blades are good, and para or blast ones work really well.
Hunting Horn is very adaptable, but you need to learn new combos with each one.
Dont use Longsword online, its ok solo.
I like switch axe, but its pretty weak in 4u.
Lance, gunlance, and sword & shield are fine if you like them.
HBG>LBG in most cases.
I think I covered them all.

The Gypceros is not dead until you can walk through it, they play dead & let you carve them.

Damm dudes thanks for the info. Stoked to get home and start it up.

Don't forget MHX, oh, and MHXX as well.

Don't ever underestimate the monsters even if you've done the quest a hundred times. Find the weapon you like best since you start with one of each, then make ones for your favourites, also beware that when you need a part the most out won't show up for what seems like decades. Source: my bro and a coworker of mine played the shit out of this game when we went out of town for business. Fun times for sure

If you like the game get ready for hundreds and hundreds of hours of playtime and a retardedamount of content and silly charming npc dialogue.

Play solo to actually get good at the game and play with a group for fun because hunting with friends and even competent randoms is fun as fuck

You'll be needing these

What is this?

I got this a bit after it came out and still haven't touched it. Mainly because a girl I know was really into it. Too bad she moved away and I haven't really talked with her much.

je suis monte

Did u like her user

PierreEscargot has carted 3 times



Vita is literally perfect for MH.

>girl moves away just to avoid playing with user

She had a fat ass.