What exactly is the deal with this obsession Sup Forums has with wanting every new upcoming game of above-moderate budget being the next TORtanic?
What exactly is the deal with this obsession Sup Forums has with wanting every new upcoming game of above-moderate...
Sup Forums are a bunch of neets so they get triggered when they see other people enjoy success.
it's the bullshots. FFXV has nothing to do with the game we saw at TGS 2013.
Sick and tired of the bullshots thats all.
Because Gaben won't fucking release anything on Half-Life 3.
Probably because it would be more entertaining than the actual game.
Nobody wants them to be shit blunders, but we all know that most games will be shit.
It's just fun to see everything collapse, that's all.
If you actually believe SJWs and antiSJWs don't have the same mental problem I think you're kidding yourself.
TORtanic was special; it wasn't that the game flopped, it was that Sup Forums already didn't like BioWare for a number of reasons (hamfisted romance sidequests, ME2s story not mattering, DA2 being really shit) and watching the studio release one of the biggest flops of all time was satisfying catharsis.
They might have similar psychology, but the SJWs have the media and the political class on their side, so, for as long as that is the case, they are real problem.
Some men just want to see the world burn
Short man syndrome.
is that why trump won the election
too bad it's making them money hand over fist now
When I die, I know I'll look back with unfathomable amounts of regret at the fact that I wasted even the smallest amount of mental energy on stuff like this
why isn't anyone talking about this balding manlet with shitty body shape? What the fuck
I'd still anally punish him.
ok I'm tired of seeing this pic without seeing what his dick looks like.
Because he's not bald and probably has more of a social life than you ever will.
This has been happening since TOR. It's basically your usual suspects of reddit and 9fag wanting everything to go belly up and actually rooting for disaster for no reason, all so they can take le ebin reply chain screencaps for upvotes or whatever the fuck.
Why do film critics shit on big budget movies?
its called autism