What went wrong?

>Draw distance very low
>Shadows low
>Textures low
>Population lowest
>Grass density low
>frame-rate 20
>QTE everywhere

idgaf about the graphics shit but the last one hurts

it huuurts

>witch time is QTE

Jesus fucking christ thsi shit better be optional like MGSV.

>wii u game capture with limited RGB instead of the truecolor output


>parrying is QTE

Why do you keep making the same thread over and over again? Are you autistic?

That's not witch time, that's like witch time if it was several times less snappy and you only had one attack option out of it

So this is... the saviour... of the Wii U...

Lmao this looks like shit

nintendo is so fucking shit

>Meanwhile the yellows and red in the corner are vivid and bright

Sure thing kiddo.

Here's the difference:

>witch time
Player retains full control of character and the following action is left to the player.
>this shit
Big button prompt on screen, only fucking one option, mash mash mash that button.

It also only lasts a second or two

>gui thats supposed to be completely opaque red
>suspiciously lower than 235

They're just as washed out as the rest of the picture, blind tard.

what's wrong user, have a bad day or something?

>Big button prompt on screen, only fucking one option, mash mash mash that button.
>implying this doesn't happen in Bayonetta

Oh it did, but not during witch time which is what was mentioned you fucking mong.

also the yellow:
gee I wonder why all the colors that aren't pure white/black have a range of 15-235 instead of 0-255

its almost like a (255,255,0) yellow became (235,235,15) due to wii u's shitty HDMI output

That's all it takes to mess with the flow and damage the feel and pacing of it. Especially how big the window is that activates it. I pray there's an option to remove it.

Nintendodos on suicide watch. And what's the fucking deal with vidya devs and washed out colour palettes in their game.

Does increasing the contrast a bit gonna make the consumer blind or fucking what?

>the enemies have health bars

Wow it's almost like the game only has one attack button like every single other game in the 30 year old series


am i fitting in yet?

>like every single other game in the 30 year old series
Is this self awareness here or are you proposing this as an argument for why it should stay that way forever
>only has one attack button
Still doesn't excuse the whole home in and wail on an enemy. We've all played enough action games to know that's not going to feel good.

And? Considering they took the time to make a dumb as fuck QTE with a button prompt and have only one of four face buttons active, they couldn't be bothered to at least fill in those other three options with something?

I hope the switch gets a new top-down Zelda as well. And maybe a sequel to Tri Force Heroes.

Then don't fucking do it. It literally goes away if you don't use the prompt

>It literally goes away if you don't use the prompt
After several seconds, enough to kill the flow of combat are you even reading the thread

>flow of combat


Do you not get the point? The QTE should not be there at all. You're making excuses on the game's behalf and trying to tell the player they should avoid using something the devlopers put into the game if they want to have fun.

Isn't that itself a pretty big indication ot should not be in the game?

>witch time is QTE

these get better and better

What flow? You are dodging before you can trigger the QTE, meaning the flow is already broken in itself

I don't know, most people don't give a shit, if you are autistic enough to care then just don't fucking use it

Options and all that

>witch time

Even Wind Waker had the QTE stuff but since it didn't slow time down and had the music effects, it had a really nice feel to its fighting. It was shallow in WW but it had flow.

>What flow? You are dodging before you can trigger the QTE, meaning the flow is already broken in itself
I don't understand. Are you trying to say that dodging inherently breaks the flow? What?

do you guys even know what a QTE is

special attacks in combat you get prompted for based on dodging enemy attacks aren't QTES
this is a QTE

still better than sony cinematic shit

Yes? It's the same, don't pretend you didn't play bayonetta.

You get a window of time to attack, and you press the attack button to attack

It's just that Zelda has no other-button combos

Waiting for more mental gymnastics to come

Dodging does break the flow in combat, and it interrupts your attacks, only allowing you to attack right after you finish the dodge, which is what the "QTE" does

So I don't see a problem

>special action based on successful completion of indicated button prompt on screen with a certain timeframe

Explain how what we're seeing in the Zelda gameplay is any different.

>zelda has no other button combos

Sorry user but no.

Oh fuck now i'm going to sell my Ps4 to get a Nintendo Switch® and The Legend of Zelda :Breath of The Wild™!

>it's a sonyfriends shitpost Nintendo game because they have nothing to play thread

Sup Forums sucks

Oh fuck now i'm going to sell my Ps4 to get a Nintendo Switch® and The Legend of Zelda :Breath of The Wild™!

>unironically buying a PS4
Haha oh wow

Having been lurking for the past month, I've just come to the conclusion that everyone in Sup Forums just don't like anything ever.

Unironically buying Nintendo anything.

>nintendrones continue playing the victim when their opinion is clearly the majority on Sup Forums when compared to sony fans

Lovin every laugh. Why does every single one of you have such a victim complex?

>frame-rate 20

The open world meme is what went wrong

I never said anything about Nintendo, dumb sonygger. You need to stop being so autistic, senpai.

Does that disprove my point in any way? There is one attack button. You use it.

>Sonypony makes up shit and contradicts himself in a Nintendo shitpost thread

Every time.

Yeah but you're low key defending Nintendo from all their shit.

Dodging is an essential part of combat. Dodging can be designed to be very satisfying and well paced. The problem is with the slow motion and the way it impacts player movement and narrows their combat options.

It's a Nintendo thread you retard

Sonyfriends, can you go fuck off back to FFXV and TLG?

It wasn't meant to disprove your point, it is meant to show their laziness.

A QTE is laziness, having four clear, potential options for attacks but only making one of them useful is laziness. They could have made each button its own thing during this "witch time," but instead they decided to be bland. They could have made this QTE dynamic, but instead they decided they didn't care.

oh wow user what shall I do after dodging?

Seriously, what else do you want to do? What combat options are there? Bow? Bombs? At close range?

So you can keep playing the same games over and over again? Ok.

>this QTE

If it is a QTE (it's not), I would rather let it be simple to perform then a clusterfuck.

Are you retarded or just merely pretending? Whatever, have this (You)

Is there anything more sad and pathetic then a male over the age of 18 playing nintendo game?

>Someone shitposts something


It's no wonder we can't have good conversation on Sup Forums with faggots like you.

>not a QTE

>What combat options are there? Bow? Bombs? At close range?
Fleeing, attacking a different enemy, using any of your items, using some other attack like a spin attack. The slow motion wailing has no grace and feels very arbitrary.

>playing any videogame past the age of 14
Now that's what I call autism.

Nobody in Sup Forums play games, just shitpots about them

>criticizing something created by our high lord and savior that can do no wrong, nintendo, is the equivalent of shitposting
kys drone

>Video games
>Good conversations

That's rich coming from a Sonypony

"$15 PS2 GAMES"






Seriously this explaination is so general it can apply to almost everything

For me it's
>an action not triggered by the player, that requires successful completion or a failure state results, and cannot be skipped

You could try and make distance.
What if your enemy has an auto-block after a dodge? You would be stuck on this slowmo shit before being able to move away, thats kinda of a shitty way to implement combat you either go full QTE and bombard the player with prompts or you just make the combat completely out to you, trying to mix them is possible but really easy to fuck up.

Yeah, that's a perfect reason, actually. Better than what I'd pull out of my ass as a reason.

Yeah a real loser autist if you play a nintendo game past the age of 14. lmao

>he says this while cumming from remasters and portstation 4
>b-b-but Nintendoooooo
Shut the fuck up nygger, nobodyikes your kind

Woah buddy. You're getting a little heated over video games.

counter attacks? go play the arkham games for dodges done well

Souls combat is shallow guise XD

I'm just giving an accurate description of their hypocrite fanbase.

Yeah but Crash hasn't come out with a million similar iterations like Mario or Zelda or Pokemon.

You can cancel it by pressing literally any other button so it's not a problem

>worse than 5 year old skyrim
Will nintendrones ever recover?

>failure states in Zelda
Sorry m8, can't have challenge in our games y'know? We'll just take off 1/4 of one of your 17 hearts okay ;)?

Arkham games have terrible dodging, nigga go play God Hand.

Still pretty obnoxious.

Is that frame drops?

>Arkham games have terrible dodging, nigga go play God Hand.
contrarian as fuck

Considering literally every single other person on Earth is judging by it's sales, why not?

>unironically praising bamham combat
Next you'll be telling me Witcher 3 has good combat

No it's just the stream, I mean youtube, I mean Twitch's, I mean the compression's, I mean literally the fault of anyone but Nintendo. Your eyes are playing tricks, Nintendo can do no wrong.


>every tree can be cut
>every tree can be climbed
>every patch of grass can be cut
>every patch of grass can catch on fire
>live animals hide in both and hunting exists
>static empty world

No, Breath of the Wild is better than Skyrim.

>bu-but what if I want to do something else?

This prompt only appears when you time it perfectly, so to trigger it, you must have the intention to trigger flurry rush in the first place

If you don't want to, you can still dodge earlier than necessary

The video was encoded at 24fps.


I mean, Bloodborne Fps sucks too, and it's still a great game

>the game is better
>even though I have not played it

>it's only ok when the last guardian does it