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Bump for a good halo thread


none of them > all of them


Much more accurate.

Where do you guys imagine halo 6 will fit in your rankings?


I have zero hope for it desu. The storyline is so fucked nothing short of a reboot of everything past halo 3 would fix it.



They campaign will have a bad story, because 343, but less bad than 5. No nigga Locke at least. Multiplayer will be better than Halo 5, and will most likely be the best 343 Halo multiplayer. Simple because if they fuck up one more time, they're done. There will be bigger maps, and no aiming down sights, and weapons revert classic style with zoom. More content at launch, etc.

Finally someone tha tgets it. Although you should have put ODST there ahead of Reach.

My singleplayer's a bit different but ODST is still before Reach.

Solid agree on this one.

Fucking helll you have shit taste

Campaign (Story)

Level Design



Halo 1 will always be my favorite and have the perfect mission variety compared to the later games

Close but no cigar!


>you will never again come home from school to see what the new Bungie favorites are on Fileshare
>you will never again play custom game modes and maps on H3 with your bros from school

>Halo 3 and Halo CE on the same level
>4 on the same level as 2
>Halo 1 has the perfect mission variety
Nope. Nope. can't be real

>Halo 3 came out 20 years ago
Feels bad man

Thanks breh

>>Halo 3 and Halo CE on the same level
Yeah, Halo 3's campaign sucked.

>inb4 le ebin bait meme xD

2>3>1>ODST>H2A>Reach>(These two shouldn't exist, lol.)

ADS isn't even a big deal in H5. There was also plenty on content at launch, and post launch. And maps don't need to be bigger, just more variety aesthetically (And no more Wargames lore fitting bullshit)

>H2 came out 35 years ago
What have I been doing with my life

Stay bitter and mad that HCE has the best mission.


>4 on the same level as 2
They were both linear hallways and both had the worst level designs of the series.

>Haven't done shit in the last 52 years since Halo CE came out
except these dubs

One great mission doesn't mean everything else is perfect
They were both linear hallways and both had the worst level designs of the series.
4 is WAY worse than 2. Atleast 2 had a great story


Anyone saying 5 has better multiplayer than 3 should assumed to be underage.

I agree, CE should be above 3. 3 was good, but CE was magical. Best campaign experience for sure.

The thing that made it stick out was the fact that it was written almost exclusively from Master Chief's perspective. It blended perfectly with the pulp sci-fi setting and the FPS mechanics. The reason why 2's story was shit on was because they got rid of that, it started jumping around to whoever they wanted to show like a movie, which killed the atmosphere and suspenseful build up that the original game worked hard to achieve.

Bungie tried to dial that back in with 3, but it was kinda too little too late, and the first half of 3 is fairly weak. Second half was great though.


t. atmospherefag


I want to kill Cortana.

Anyone who says 3 is better than 5 in MP is delusional.
>That floaty gameplay
>That gimped AR
>Those special ability things
The only superior thing was the community/custom games aspect, but the general MP was worse

Tsavo Highway to The Covenant were 5/5 fun in my opinion. Cortana and the final level were kinda trash though.

Did Reach have any fun missions?

I want to fuck Cortana. So don't kill her.

>Those special ability things
Equipment you underage shit.

These days I want to as well.

Not watching that shit
2's story was definitely different to CE's, but thats a good thing. I'm glad they didn't try exactly what worked with CE again. It wasn't supposed to capture that same magic back.

> Armor abilities
> hit markers

It's literally CoD meets Halo Reach.

Sorry its been over 5 years since I played the damn thing
> Armor abilities
Spartan Abilities, and they were great additions. Nothing like the shitty balanced shit from Reach and 4

>That gimped AR

The AR and BR play off of each other well in Slayer.
Sorry you can't have an all rounded fully-auto gun

The game isn't even complete two years after launch. 5 modes only. Maps need to be bigger for half the game for BTB. Which is most likely going to be a bigger focus in H6 with actually 343 made maps. ADS is shod honestly, it doesn't make it feel more like Halo so why is it in? Makes it codhalo. I think they've learned from their mistakes.

Or they could make it viable. AR was shit in 3
Halo 5 shows its possible for both to be useful, while not overpowered

Halo 3 > Halo 1 > Halo 2 > Halo 5 > Halo 4 > Reach

>implying H5 multiplayer isn't better than 1, 3, 4, and reach
You have shit taste, user.

The AR is pretty OP in 5, though.

>All these Halo 3 babies think its the best in anything but community

>that slow movement
>that slow ttk
>that shitty random spread projectile br
>that shitty netcode

Except its not. Halo 5 probably has the best balance out of all the Halo's (Damn I sound like a shill)
The Ar can be beat by range. Every weapon has strengths/weaknesses

It isn't Halo without Joe Staten, Marty O'Donnell, Eric Nylund, Jason Jones, etc








It was, brilliant campaign that returns the series back to the roots of CE after Halo 2's disappointing campaign, multiplayer that improves on what was already there from Halo 1 and 2. Innovated with it's different community features, Halo 3 was fucking awesome. Everything after though has been questionable at best.

The AR shreds at any range, has a faster killtime than weapons that take skill, and has a ton of autoaim. It's way too rewarding for the low amount of risk needed to use it.

Wow. 343i employees working overtime tonight. Seriously dedicated guys, good job.

Enjoy CoD of Halo 5.

This is something I'm liking about 5. Nearly every weapon seems viable, though some really only in certain situations

>Finish the Fight
>One Final Effort
>Hey Bungie, we need you to make 2 more games and then we will build a team that makes 5 more!

No Halo game plays like CoD.

Tha campaign was totally shit though.
>Ruining the Prophet
>Miranda is a dumb shit
>Oracle AGAIN
>The Flood
>Arbiter taking a backseat when they should have kept going further with him
The best part was the perfect ending

CE has better balance.

5 fixed the multiplayer that Reach and 4 fucked up.
i just wish i could play it on PC. I hate FPS's on console.

You can't say that when the game has the Pistol

Halo 3 doesn't need it, environments are the best in the series, it was the most modern Halo before Bungie and 343 changed the series, still holds up today, is 1080p and 60fps already, and was already HD to begin with (not true HD of course). Why the fuck would anyone want to ruin Halo 3's art style, water, environments, color, lighting, snow, sand, metal, and biomass for another shitty, broken, half-assed remaster?



Halo 3 was the best in the series

you know this to be true

Actually it was worst of the original trilogy.

This, Halo 2 and 3 are a big mess



>The flood is bad
Yes, the prevalent enemy of the trilogy is bad.

>Ruining the Prophet
What do you mean by this?

>Mirana is dumb


>Arbiter backseat
MC > Arbiter

ODST mp is just 3 mp.

This bad hombre knows what's up

Firefight co-op was the shit though

Every weapon has a use except needler.
Halo 5 has a bunch of overlapping precisions and automatics and at least two useless weapons.

Anyone who doesn't put CE as worst single player is an idiot.

Literally the entire second half of the game is repeating the exact same room

2 > ODST > Reach > 3 > 5 > 4 > CE
5 > 2 > CE > 3/ODST > Reach > 4

>Ruining the Prophet
So, he was the villain, all I needed to do is kill his ass that's all that matters
>Miranda is a dumb shit
She was retarded in 2 as well
>Oracle AGAIN
So he was in Halos 1 & 2, keep up with the games m8.
>The Flood
They were worse in 2.
>Arbiter taking a backseat when they should have kept going further with him
Who literally gives a shit, Halo is MASTER CHIEF'S game not some fucking alien who ruined the second game with his boring, shitty, horribly designed levels. Halo 2 was your first Halo wasn't it?

This. Only scrubs think the Pistol is OP when it's one of the most difficult weapons in the game to be consistent with.



tell me why

Firefight was stupid fun (if you had friends)
Even splitscreen it was fun.

If you don't think CE has the best multiplayer you are in fact a pleb.

If they made an ODST 2 before or after Halo 6, I'd be cool with that. But I don't know what they'd do with the story.


Not him but that's Halo 2, user.

3 is the same thing as 2, but with everything slower and less accurate.

>Yes, the prevalent enemy of the trilogy is bad.
>So, he was the villain, all I needed to do is kill his ass that's all that matters
You guys are trying to be retarded, right?

>3 is the same thing as 2, but with everything slower and less accurate.

Did you even play 2 when it came out?

Yeah, same with 3.

I'm talking about campaign, Halo's main attraction to me and Halo 2 fucked up there.

So is your faggot ass going to answer my question? Was Halo 2 your first Halo game?!


>tfw actually liked Reach despite the cliche plot

I think most people would agree that it was better than what came afterwards though, right?

Halo 1 and Halo 2 had the best maps imo.

Fun fact, Bungie never called it HCE (that's why it never appears anywhere in the game). That was all Microsoft's idea to not associate it with religion.

>DMR/BR/Needle Rifle/Carbine: The Game

No thank you

Yup, I rather just call it Halo and leave it at that.

Why must you hit me with this feel right now? I was having a good day, man. Pic unrelated.

>I think most people would agree that it was better than what came afterwards though, right?
yep. Bungie's weakest effort was better than 343's strongest endeavour

2>3>1>I don't care about the rest