Nice and "obscure" game clothing thread?
Nice and "obscure" game clothing thread?
There's nothing obscure about Pokèmon, OP.
what is it with normies and zelda?
It's popular but not as well known as Pokemon so normies can claim they're gamers/nerds and most likely get away with it. The "Link is not Zelda" meme is a result of this.
>Why are you still listening to metal, user?
Is Metal Gear Rising an obscure game?
Would wear if the game wasn't so painfully mediocre.
Zelda is part of the Geekdom Starter Kit
Only the greatest alphas are able to wear this
Do you have the autistic balls to wear something like this for Christmas?
Ironically bad sweaters have been a normie trend for years. People would wear that without a sweat.
What subtle vidya clothes do you wish you could actually pull off? I really want Chie's track jacket but in red
I actually had that sweater, most people thought it was a funny bad sweater bar this one nerdy guy who just stared at me with this dead inside expression.
I wear this all the time because I don't have autism and can pull it off.
>tfw he is a millionare by screaming in front of videogames.
I am so fucking jealous.
Hey Bros
Bro fist amirite?
oh I'm sure user
You're a cool guy.
I post this every thread because its honestly my new favorite jacket.
MGS patches go with anything black, brown and kaki, and are obviously very stealthy.
I guess I could insert a joke about brick walls in there but I'm too tired, so I'll let someone else do it.
>wearing a letterman jacket outside of highschool
You ARE out of highschool right?
Yes. Also I've been complemented on it quite a bit.
>gaem i dont like
>call em reddit hurr
buy it, but only if you're 100% Chad
will do - sorry
Normies aren't going to get this
Hell most ADD fuckers on Sup Forums wouldn't even notice, hence no one shitposting about it
This one less so, but still 'obscure' enough for outside
Ariagotou my anonymous friend.
>some people still haven't goten their MGS patches
>that UI
It's like something that slipped through a wormhole from bizarro earth
I mean how the fuck else does something this...Frankensteinian come into existence
I wear this shirt from Catherine. It's pretty obscure, as normies think it's just a bar IRL
i really like this diamond dog shirt
Stop resisting.
Not vidya but Loadsamoney's track jacket.