Witcher 3

>base game comes out
>wins game of the year
>first DLC comes out
>wins more awards
>second DLC comes out
>DLC wins RPG of the year in 2016

Why is this game so unstoppable? Is it a true masterpiece?

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Where's the competition?

A gift from a nonexistant God

its just way too fucking long and the open world thing is not good

at some point I just gave up

Game would be better if you removed the combat and could challenge all enemies to Gwent

It's great, (but a little too long for sure). Sup Forums hates it for being popular tho.

Desu Sex.

I didn't like it. So everyone who liked it is wrong.

Well, technically gameplay is not that great. It lacks challenge and multitasking even on high difficulties.

That's in the paralympics compared to witcher desu. Such a shame

Started playing yesterday, about 8 hours in. When does it get fun? Quests just seem to be "Go to X and use batman vision". Somehow the combat feels worse than it was in 2.

>Battling swarms of Drowners with a few sword slashes.
>Battling swarms of Drowners one by one using a minimum 5 minute minigame for each one.
Your idea is dumb and you should feel dumb.
If length is a problem, your YuGiOh battle system would magnify the problem 100 fold.

It's the normie rpg of 2016...

>a little too long
That's an understatement, 200 hours base game alone, holy shit the amount of sidequests is unholy and I'm an OCD faggot who can't leave any undone.

>too much content
>a reason for being bad

hahahaha skyrimfag plz gp

>a little too long
This doesn't make any sense. How can you complain that you get more content for your money?

It's a solid game that has had large enough exposure to be compared with western AAA titles, which have all devolved into garbage, so beating them in award shows is like an average middle weight mma man breaking the faces of the best women mma women

well obviously you would remove all the trash mobs, dumbass

if I'm investigating the serial killer I should be able to track him down and once i find him we play Gwent to see if I bring him in or kill him or if he gets away

>It lacks challenge

Not at all, I just got rekt by some water hag after dodging her shit for 10 minutes.

Starting area has 2-3 batman quests and later areas have couple of those, those quests make 5% of all quests or so, you should actually play the game.

>19 hour long movie full of filler for a story that could be told in 2
>"what's your problem, you're getting so much more movie for the same price, who cares if it ruins the narrative or you get bored by the 800 side stories it includes"

No, it's a fucking disgrace. Disappointment of the millenium. Horrible RPG, horrible open-world game, and insulting witcher game.

The only reason why it wins any positive award (as opposed to the "shittiest game ever made" award which it should be deserving) is because of the current state of vidya in 2016.

I've always done every side quest and a playthrough has never been more than 90 hours

tldr; it's popular


The combat was clunky, but functiomal, sure. But adding Gwent games as the primary combat method just means that as soon as you build an anyway half decent deck you will always win, it just wastes even more time.

I think he should say

It has challenge when you start death march but as soon as you start getting talents and sets you can just start left clicking away especially with an alchemy build

>hurr everything popular is good
>durr le Sup Forums hates popular things meme
Kill yourself, redditnigger.

always winning is more fun

>Comparing an interactive media to a passive one.

Good RPGs aside from TW since 2014:

90 is definitely not enough to see everything unless you know exactly where to go.

>2 hour long movie full of "plot" for a story that could be told in an imdb synopsis

well I started it yesterday, got through the 'tutorial' chapter and realised I have no idea what the fuck is going on and decided to go give Witcher 1 another chance.
First time I tried it I hated it, now I can't wait to get home and continue playing

It's obviously because it has Ciri in, the zenith of characters across all forms of media

>reading an imdb synopsis when you could make shit up on the internet yourself
I mean come on, it's just so bad!

Combat wasn't functional for shit. If you want clunky but functional, see TW2.
As for half-decent deck -> always win, the same already applies: once you reach level 8, it's impossible to lose to anything even 5 levels above you (then again you could technically fight shit 50 levels above you from level 1 because you can just dodge everything and keep dealing 1 damage for several hours if you're that autistic, or use the strong attack 5% effect to bypass even that issue).

Such mod is already made. nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/953/?

Your age is showing. Try to make one post without buzzwords.

I am using that build and that build gets good only at late game. And in any RPG ever made you become OP in late game when you get better weapons/armor/magic, it's the case in Baldur's Gate, Morrowind, Gothic etc. I'm yet to play Blood & Wine though.

Read the books too.

This. It's not that long even considering the amount of padding involved. It's a good length for a generic game, but not for an open-world game.

fampai, you're comparing it to movies but 19 hours of TW3 cinematics is more like 2+ seasons of a good fantasy series

overrated garbage
same tier of cringe as undergayall

No, its dull.
Especially if the instant win is just time consuming.

Honestly, the balance in Gwent was utterly FUBAR anyway and CDPR knew it. That's why they had to make so !many hard counters in the game to Nilfgard SpySpam and why all the harder decks where of the same meta.
>INB4 I played monsters
So? A low tier faction is still low tier.
The metagame is to get more cards than your opponent, monsters only burn through your deck.

Nekkers even lower level than you can easily kill you.

Yeah, basically same happened to me. Actually I hated the shit out of the game until I finished it, then couldn't get it out of my head and loved every single bit of the 2nd playthrough.

ghehehehe thats great

T. Never touched Blood and Bones.

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haven't played the DLC, but the base game goes to shit after you find Ciri, it was all pretty rushed

so you finished it more than once?

Yes, you should take your own advice. Shouldn't you be in school user?

I thought the combat was stale as well, until I switched to death march and turned on enemy scaling. Now I feel like a real witcher. I utilize every toll against the monsters and I have to concentrate on which ones to eliminate first. Much better imo.

Yeah? Oh yeah?

Just wait for... for... Dragon Age IV: The Emasculate Conquest!

That will show you a real RPG!

Because the content is actually more of the same. Combat never change. And killing drowners for the 6th million time the same way gets old.

I'm surprised DLC winning RPG of the year hasn't caused any reaction, especially not compared to last year when Bloodborne fans lost their shit.

jojoshits are worse than pony fuckers

nah that way was worse than tw3, objectively
no parrying monsters and no quick dodges

This was meant for

Ah, was wondering when you would show up thebull94

> the base game goes to shit after you open it



Can CuckDPR drones do anything but suck Dorito Pope awards? Do you even play this shitty game? I doubt it.

It goes to shit after you meet the bloody baron actually. Before that you have to deal with:
-garbage UI
-garbage controls
-garbage control reaction
-garbage, casualized potion mechanics
-garbage crafting mechanics
-garbage exp/dosh rates, i.e. grind-or-rush syndrome
After the baron, you end up having to deal also with fuckall choices, no meaningful choices, no long-term choice effects, shit writing, black-and-white, unidimensional characters, bugs out the arse, and more.

>still triggered by Ponies
This site is fucking absurd.


I've played through the game 4 times

it was a clear winner

>including Legion as a best RPG

>n-no u
I accept your surrender. Back to le reddit, from whence you came, you go.

Nudity and sex. Contrary to what some prudish gamers and sjw may think. Sex does indeed sale. Having either in your game will garner it popularity.

Let's be fair Mankind Divided was the only real contender and that played it way too safe essentially being Human Revolution 1.5. Fact people forgot about the game a week later only proves it.

>no meaningful choices

Feel free to explain, try not to use buzzwords and show real examples from the game.

>its a Sup Forums whines about the only good AAA rpg to come out in 5 years thread

you just do a bunch of stuff and things happen, its lame

You are trying too hard to fit in, you must be a Sup Forums underage kid.

Did Bayonetta win anything?

>~360 hours
your kung fu is stronger I literally couldn't bring myself to beat it more than once and I doubt I'll want to do that in next 3 years or so
i'm a huge witcher fanboy but i'm glad they're done with it for the time being 2bh


Now do it without buzzwords and show examples from the game.

All the enemies are the same, there's no enemy to concentrate on first. The lockon mechanic is broken to shit and magically switches to other enemies all the time so even that can't be used. Death march is a joke past level 8 or so, might as well be called "tedious for 8 levels march then so easy you fall asleep!" because that's more accurate.

Nevermind the fact that witchers aren't wavewavewave fighters, they're monster slayers, which, until TW3, meant investigating (still available to some extent), informing yourself about what you're about to fight from the results of the investigation (not available), and most importantly, preparing (not available).

This is your opponent for the Gwent grand final hosted in Oxenfurt. Do you stand a chance? He mains Nilfgard.

Did Bayonetta have nudity and/or sex scenes?

I didn't use any buzzwords, what are you talking about

my example is : witcher 3, bloody baron quests for example

dude I think he was being sarcastic

sadly I haven't read a single book in the last 10 years

>Open-world being bad

What is this meme

I really liked the game and the references to the books
Expansions were goat too
I'm getting the itch to replay it in fact
save me

>Did Bayonetta have nudity

YES it did. Bayonetta 2 had a lot of it and it didn't win anything IIRC.

I read 50-ish novels a year. Step it up, senpai.

Please be badly informed pasta.

>Such mod is already made
Fucking triggered

So a choice where multiple people (and kids) die has no concenquences? Can you explain how djikstra/roche has no concequences?

No it didnt. Don't be daft. Censored nudity is not nudity. You saw ass once. No nipples.

But rolls were shorter so they could be used like you now use dodges. You can't parry 99% of monsters anyway in tw3 so the point is kinda moot. Even when you can, it's stupid to do so when you can just step aside and stunlock them while they're stuck in their animation instead of getting lucky and being able to attack before they finish their recovery animation.

In tw2, if you press the left button (i.e. 'a' key), geralt goes left. If you press the attack button (i.e. lmb), geralt attacks. Simple, direct. In tw3, if you press the left button, geralt sometimes does nothing, sometimes goes right, and sometimes goes left. If you press the attack button, geralt sometimes attacks, and sometimes sheets his sword and stands there until you get hit again, unable to move. Moreover, when you attack, geralt always moves to the side in tw3 which makes it a pain in the arse to keep on an enemy. In tw2, geralt stays on the enemy so that problem doesn't exist.

Not to mention the FUCKING ankle-height debris getting you stuck because you can't roll over them and you're not allowed to abandon combat for even half a second to jump on shit or anything.

>wins game of the year
must be a truly amazing game to win game of the year

the consequences are the same regardless, that is why it is meaningless, of course shit happens but it happens just because you play not because you do anything

not really, CDPR just knows how to appeal to casuals really well, in the same way Skyrim did.

anyone who tries to find depth from Witcher 3's gameplay, or plot and themes will be sadly disappointed

hahaha he sure trolled u bro. No choices xD shit combatxD

You saw ass many times during climax.

>Censored nudity is not nudity

Yet Japanese porn industry is better than ever, makes you think huh?

I'm sorry you're clinically retarded at video games, user.

I just keep playing through the game saying I'm going to make different choices, but I actually just make the same choices with slightly different hair.

get that jew out of my face

People and kids dying or not that you can influence is the same? Strong argument there.

CDPR shills never actually play this game, only advertise it through their bribed reviewers.

Sasuga, Polacks.