Where's the remaster for THIS, Activision and Sony? I'd kill a man for the first 3 done the way they're doing Crash.
Where's the remaster for THIS, Activision and Sony? I'd kill a man for the first 3 done the way they're doing Crash
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If Crash sells well then we're definitely going to get Spyro Remastered.
And I can't fucking wait.
Spyro 1 was and still is one of the most aesthetically pleasing games ever made, no doubt they will fuck it up somehow
If the Crash Remaster sells well I expect that will be next.
>yfw there's a hidden spyro remaster demo by using the old cheat code
Yes, you'd kill a man.
But this crash remaster is being done probably because Skylanders just introduced crash bandicoot and this is probably some kind of sickening tie-in.
You'd kill a man because they'd remaster the Spyro trilogy with Skylanders Spyro.
I just wish anyone competent made a new Spyro game that had all the extra mobility from 2 (except fucking ladders) but was otherwise like 1.
That can only happen once Skylanders is dead.
this is true
the fucking thing has a cartoon now, probably a movie soon and a shitload of money tied up in those silly figures
I can't see them doing it when they make so goddamn much off of it as it is
>they remaster the Spyro games
>they use the skylanders model
How would you feel.
They ported it to the PS4, that's all we're getting.
The model from the tv show or the game?
10/10 mad
10/10 would hang myself again
You know how some people go on a shooting rampage? Yeah it's things like what you said that cause those.
Mad as hell.
Mostly because they'd use the TV show voice actor too.
And at that point they'd just reference Skylanders a lot as well with cameos of generic ass characters.
I would just pretend it never happened if I could.
This would be a real monkey paw type situation. There's a very high chance they'd use the skylanders model, skylanders VA since Tom Kenny is a high profile VA these days, and they probably wouldn't get Stewart Copeland to do the OST again.
I love the games, but i'm not sure if I want to see a remaster.
there are multiple reports from sources saying that the next Skylanders game is going to be cancelled due to a drop in profits.
Playing devil's advocate here.
The purpose of a remastering is to allow new generations to enjoy a classic title that is inaccessible in its current state for technological and/or aesthetic reasons. This new generation is most familiar with the Skylanders version of Spyro, being both the most recent version of the character and the most accessible. Reverting back to classic Spyro, there is an extremely small chance that it might incite a backlash, much like to what Skylanders initially received five years ago, especially if is right and the core Skylanders series is cancelled around the same time. I really can't see thia happening though, as 1) your dealing with kids here, and 2) Spyro is just a side-character in Skylanders.
Best case scenario: Spyro himself being the only aspect of the games altered to resemble Skylanders, with an option to play as the original Spyro. I'm only going to ready the pitchforks if they fuck up the game formula itself.
The skylanders VA would be fine imo, he's pretty damn good (that's not the problem with skylanders spyro) and I was never a fan of the original spyro music anyway so I'd give a shit as long as it went to somebody talented and melodic it won't bother me.
I'd be WAY more worried about them messing up the basic gameplay, a whole generation of spyro games managed to mess that up. (spyro PUNCHES things in some of them)
Would convert to islam and religion of peace the studio desu senpai
> I was never a fan of the original spyro music anyway
This is not ok. The music in the original games really helped bring the levels to life.
Thats retarded.
Meant for
>I was never a fan of the original spyro music anyway
the spyro games have some of the best music on the PS1
>I'd be way more worried about them messing up the basic gameplay, a whole generation of spyro games managed to mess that up
it's called a reboot for a reason you idiot
also fuck you I enjoyed the legend of spyro
>>yfw there's a hidden spyro remaster demo by using the old cheat code
This would literally be the hypest shit man. I would actually fucking splooge if this happened.
Is skylanders even about Spyro anymore? I don't think I've seen hide nor horn of him in any recent ads for the game- it's all about every other wacky hero that comes out every 2 months.
It looks like Activision used Spyro's name to sell the first game, then when that game was a success they could take his name off of the rest of the games.
I still play the three Spyro games regularly. I don't think they should do anything to them.