VI > IX > IV > X > V > VIII > VII > XII > I > III >>>>>>>>>XI>>>>dogshit>>>>>>II
The rest don't matter.
This is the subjective TRUTH.
VI > IX > IV > X > V > VIII > VII > XII > I > III >>>>>>>>>XI>>>>dogshit>>>>>>II
The rest don't matter.
This is the subjective TRUTH.
Other urls found in this thread:
VII is shit
Otherwise good taste
IX = VII > LR > XIII-2 > X > X > IV > VI > III > V > VIII > I > II > XII > MMO shit.
>Nine finally gets the love it deserved
Fuck y'all i remember way back when, 2009 probably when you fuckers would disregard
>IX cucks
the most pathetic of the whole FF fagbase
This is my ranking of Final Fantasy games that I've played.
Tactics > 6 > 12 > 9 > 7 > 10 > 1 > 10-2
Lightning Returns above anything, especially near the top, is one of the most retarded opinions I've seen.
It's an utterly bland, boring game with a glacial-pace battle system, quests that make ones in MMOs seem lively, and has the most utterly bland and coma-inducingly boring protagonist ever.
>comes into thread just to say VII is shit when OP didn't even have it anywhere near the top
What's it like living in this angry little contrarian virgin world where you're so angry at people liking something that you constantly need to shitpost everywhere? The vocal minority needs to just kill themselves already
This anons a faggot?
7 > everything else
you're a contrarian try hard faggot if you don't agree with my subjective opinion
>yfw VI and IX fags
5, 3, 2 & LR being shit I didn't play. A & A2 do not deserve to be ranked.
11 and 14 I played and enjoyed, but cannot be put on this list.
>X above anything besides II
>III that low
OP is a faggot and a casual as always
I > II > III > IV > V > VI > VII > VIII > IX > X > X-2 > XI >XII > XIII > XIII-2 > LR > XIV > XV
How is X better than itself?
XIV was released before XIII-2 and LR
>XII not at the top
you all have basic, normalfag-tier tastes, and should please fuck off.
b-but it's too different user!
And it had that complicated political story!
>mfw people like XII around me
VI = V = IV > Bravely Default > IX > Bravely Second > III > I >II > VII
Literal facts
From what ive played
wow user
not too much goin on up there is there
>XII's story
see here lads, a XII cuck
me no understand
Not the same user but that was sarcasm. Everyone knows XII is an Star Wars rip-off
>someone on Sup Forums has VII up really high on their list
>muh nig-
>XII really low
also play IV, it's real good
Shit >>>>> FF
>it's another "let's pretend IV was anything above low tier" thread
Yeah sure, never mind that the story makes XIII look like a Lovecraftian masterpiece, or that it introduced many of the staples the series gets hated for i.e stifling linearity and cutscenes full of insipid melodrama and angst. Nope it's totally fine when muh SNES childhood nostalgia games do it.
VI > IX > XV > VII > IV > XII > V > X > VIII > XIII
XV has been a step in the right direction despite being heavily flawed. I can't wait to see how XVI will end up
5 6 7 9 10
1 4 8 12
2 3 13
>referring to FF's past XII
Follow my fucking example. Anything else does not exist.
XII has the most forgettable story and cast. Not to mention the gameplay was awful because you didn't even have to do anything in battles if you had the right gambits.
your career died before FF did
shut up
>there are people who unironically think there is a better Final Fantasy game than 7
Top lel
Isn't that the guy from the disney princess movie?
Why do you think it's better than the rest? I genuinely want to know.
>gameplay is more fun
>has better plot
>has better characters
>has better music
>has better atmopshere and themes
Do you need other reasons?
Doesn't seem like a bad ranking OP
I consider X the best I've played, and I haven't played the three you put above it yet. I also didn't like II.
it just couldn't keep me intrested enough to keep playing even though fran is hottest girl . Why i ranked it the lowest. Heard its good though- same with IV. I have it on ps1 but its on that eternal backlog...
6 > 10 > 7 > 4 > Tactics > 12 > 5 > 14 > 9 > 1 > 3 > 8 > 2
10-2 > 13-2 > Theatrhythm > MQ > 13-3 > Dirge > Crystal Chronicles
Literally all lists are valid as long as they have VIII, II, and XIII at the bottom
It doesn't matter what you put at the top because that's far too up to personal preference
What If I prefer the more fantasy based titles?
Or the ones where my characters have set classes?
What about other titles with music I prefer over 7s?
Dragon Quest > FF Tactics > All other FF
Prove me wrong
that's fine
Looks like I forgot to put 13 in there.
6 > 10 > 7 > 4 > Tactics > 12 > 5 > 13 > 14 > 9 > 1 > 3 > 8 > 2
The spinoffs are listed separately and are all ranked near bottom 3 of mainline.
>introduced many of the staples the series gets hated for i.e stifling linearity and cutscenes full of insipid melodrama and angst
And then, somehow, XIII story is better for you? By your logic every game since IV is equally shit.
6 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 3 > MQ > 2
10 > 7 > 12 > 13 > 10-2 > 9 > 13-2 > 8 > 13-3
Alt. Genres:
Tactics > Theatrhythm > 14 > Dirge > Crystal Chronicles
You put X on top three, it doesn't matter how do you classify FF games, your taste is shit.
6 > 8 > 7 > 10 > 15 > 5 > 12 > WOFF > Dis/Dis012 > 9 > 0 > 13-2 > 4 > 10-2 > CC > 13 > 3 > 2 > 1 > LR > MMOs
First ff with voice acting, allowing movie-like storytelling instead of having to read nonstop.
Mid-combat minigames, character customization, tons of sidequests, likeable characters, and the first 3d FF to not look like a disgusting mess of polygons.
FFX is a defining moment in Final Fantasy history; the modern ffs do not compare because X did what the genre should do so well.
Unfortunately, it means all newer 3d FFs feel like a massive decline in the series.
Where would you rank 15?
Out of the main ones I played and beat:
XV > VIII = XII > X > III > LR > XIII-2 > XIII
I love how so many of these lists refuse to put the two ACTUALLY MOST POPULAR games in the series at the top simply because they are the most popular. Get over it contrarians. Popularity doesn't mean it is bad just like it doesn't mean good either. However in this case the games are good.
And those games are VII and X. The true most beloved of the series and the highest selling/grossing not counting the MMO's. Of course this really pisses off the VI and IX babies especially.
>LR and XIII-2 that high
neck yourself
>VII and X
This isn't about popularity though, it's about quality and on that metric neither of those two belong at the top of the list.
low score on 9 try again.
why do people like x? it is by far my least favorite in the entire series
-slow as hell battle system that is click attack to win and use magic and summons sparingly(tactically a very shallow game) ff12 improved upon it by making the gambit extension of this system where you dont have to even click
-unlikeable characters, auron and lulu are the only decent ones and thats because they're not annoying as fuck because lack a personality
-cliche jrpg plot and a villain that it laughable
i cant find anything i like about it.
Actually if you go by metacritic (which you shouldn't) IX is the highest rated. However X and VII are tied with many other FF games. X and VII are the most popular and also the best. Best story, gameplay, characters, music, etc.
I didn't say anything about Metacritic you illiterate fuck, I said metric.
Definition of metric
2 : a standard of measurement
>VIII > IV > VI > VII > IX = XIII > V = LR > XIII-2 > XII > III > II > X > I >>>>>>>>> X-2
Objectively VII would be on the top, X and XII a bit higher, LR and XIII-2 lower.
tactics>9=6>7>4>5>15>3>8>1>10-2>10>2>all of 13. This is truth, sorry anons.
>I didn't say anything about Metacritic you illiterate fuck
I never implied you did you moronic fuck. Read your post and mine again before mouthing off like a cuck.
But if you go by Sup Forums's votes, it's pic related.
XI and XIV are good then again you rated LR and IX pretty high so who's going to take you seriously?
>FF8 bros
My niggas
Having a main villain who had her husband build a school to train her fosters kids to defeat her when she turns evil was cool
V = VII = XII > VI = IX > I = X > IV > III = VIII = XV >>> II = XIII > XIII-2/LR
XI >>> XIV > ARR
Tactics > *
>XI that low
VII > IV > X > VI > IX > V > III > I > VIII > II.
I remember one of those little tournaments that Sup Forums did VII came out on top as well. It's okay because VII is always going to have its detractors due to its massive popularity. These naysayers will always find something to hate/dislike about it. Doesn't mean what they say is necessarily true. VII is best and that is FINAL
>anyone putting 2 anywhere but the bottom
>Final Fantasy ll always at nearly end of rankings
What's wrong with it?
Have you played it? It sucks.
>I so low
What are you even doing with your life?
you have to battle thing a hundred times to level shit up.
That's the problem. There aren't levels. Stats are determined by specific actions, so you end up beating the shit out of your own party so they can get bigger health pools
According to 90% of people here there is no good ff game but the game they like
>All these fucking children too poor to be able to afford playing XI
>when XI is a better FF game than the majority of FF games
Simply amazes me how retarded or poor people are
>All these people putting XI at the bottom
AKA "I played it for one month because it had Final Fantasy in the title and didn't understand jack shit."
Mechanically it's one of the best ones
I'm playing it right now and met some difficulty against these 3 giants inside a chest that I was trying to open.
Pretty much the point what rpg's about instead of easy way.
It's so weird to me that there are people who hate FF12. I don't understand what you want in an RPG
well I met for just one single level and it's not a whole level it's a stat.
XI not winning music is testament to noone playing it
Which Final Fantasy that forces switching your parties through out the stories?
Those always kept me nervous to think I could make it through.
that one I didn't like because of Vaan, and it being like ff11 which turned me off to it. In then end though it's a solid game.
What I don't understand is why people even like 13. That game was near all round awful. Except for the graphics, the rest was garbage, the design, the music choices for areas, characters, the story, the game play, just fucking awful.
I liked FFXII, it was ________fun
IX is like VI, if VI were good.
You are right, one of the best OSTs from Square next to VIII.
this is true, and a fact people don't want to admit. The reason they hate it is because of the design choice. They judged a book by its cover. Also the slow battle system, but thats a few amount of people.
Very few Final Fantasy games have anything to do with each other design-wise and it's stupid that people feel the need to rank them just because of Square's marketing tactic of putting them all in the same "series"
Only finished those, all are good games I would recommend though.
that and rehashing monsters spells summons and weapons with new graphics.
whoops wrong game sorry