Who else is hyped?
Who else is hyped?
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Ask again after Tokyo Fanfest.
I'm still hyped, new things always get me excited.
After starting this as my first proper MMO, I'm excited to see what's next. Hopefully I can get some cool shit going between now and Stormblood.
I just hope that they don't fuck the game up with the ability pruning
When's the next fanfest anyway?
Also, does the chemistry that your squadron get random? I really just want the chemisty of getting blue scrips.
>yfw Greased Lightning IV
>yfw SANIC BOOM PUNCH AND KICKS with fists of the wind making you be kinda semi-ranged
>yfw GL4 has you in a bluish-white lightning state aura
>yfw they make Chakra oGCD
>Monk is the WE WUZ job
>Rogue is the one with a steal skill
mnk mentor is mhigger
prees rook forward to it
Sam better be a dps, I want a new main, and tanking is boring as fuck.
Depends on if they actually do anything but increase numbers.
What is this? New expansion?
its supposed to be next summer
>15 seconds of two monks fighting
Will they lower the price on HW?
We all know if it's released as dps it will overthrow drg as the new scrub master class.
What are you saying? There's a bundle of ARR+HW for 20$ in Amazon right after they announced SB.
but what if i already have ARR?
yeah but it's still 6 months away and that doesnt help me be unbored right now
Yeah but why would I buy ARR again?
Hyped, but right now not too interested.
Would like a detail explanation about the abilitys rework.
Can't wait for the next fest so they can get us hyped more.
>DF Sohm Al
>Notice our DPS is really low
>Other DPS is a Summoner
>No DoTs on the mob, they are just spamming Ruin 1 over and over
>No egi out
It's a level 53 dungeon and they were synced down. It's fucking unacceptable that people can get so far into the game without ever learning even the most basic aspects of their job, but they can, because DPS has no responsibility at all.
just leave then
or are you another dps?
Your responsibility is to kick them for being bad.
post more sophia
I hope this is not too lewd
why is there no more art of her
MNK REALLY fucking need a projectile of some sort.
Like, some kind of hadoken that hit all your GL?
>you know what, mnk needs kamehameha
>but to the ground
Why? it's not like DRG and NIN use theirs.
As someone who like to play MNK, here are 3 example I can think of the top of my head:
>Being able to use your GL stacks before they ran out during mechanics but being unable to be close enough for Tornado Kick
>Being able to pull mobs in PTOD without fearing to trigger traps (especially for solo runs)
>Being able to finish an opponent in PVP when you have both Sprint and Shoulder Tackle on CD
Lvl 54 MCH here. Should I be using Rapid Fire on cooldown, or should I save it for movement? Similarly, should I be using Reload and Quick Reload on cooldown, or should I save them for getting procs (i.e. don't use them if I'm going to use Hot Shot/Lead Shot/Clean Shot)?
Images of the new relics when
Will there be more stuff in Stormblood that makes direct references to your class like there is in Heavensward? I liked that shit.
you mean 260?
270 duh.
her armor looks like shit and she looks like shit
Please don't bully
I want asses.
>weeping city
>last boss actually have a few decent dps with 3 over 2k
>the minion drops
>the sub 500 dps ninja wins
I fucking hate this game
Now post the one where she has two dicks
I want big/huge boobs and fat asses.
But you will never be able to make such a character in a mmo.
>tfw my character's name is Sophia
>tfw hearing a joke about it every time I do a farm group
Here you go.
>main BLM as my dps
>main WHM as my healer
can't wait for RDM to be my tank
I hope we get expanded character options with ps3 being dropped. Who knows, we might get an ass slider
If it's as ridiculous as the breasts slider it won't change much.
user is a cute puppy confirmed
What do I do for highlander.
Dunno, I took it on this thread.
>Who else is hyped to do 2 experts, 1 raid, and dailies
nah im good
for the MSQ? Sure. I'm hype.
for everything else? Not really. I hope the format of the game changes. As usual the retarded playerbase only cares about new classes which won't really add anything to the game
>solo tank comps that just make the fight more difficult
What's the point
I kinda am looking forward to trespassing the garlean wall
>Tokyo fanfest is on the 25th
We're getting samurais for christmas
>As usual the retarded playerbase only cares about new classes which won't really add anything to the game
Not always. MCH is still the least popular job in the game.
Any ideas what they meant by Combat revamp?
Their end goal is to close down the skill gap between shitters and good players who mastered their job.
Basically turning the game even more casual, which scare the shit out of me.
Reworking useless skills like Featherfoot and Feint, making each role have a pool of crossclass skills (e.g. all tanks can get Provoke and Convalescence, all casters can get Virus etc.), updating the UI to make it easier to watch things like BotD/Enochian timer. Yoshi said he wants job complexity to stay about the same as it is now.
Ahh i see, i was hoping for a slightly shorter gcd or maybe faster cast times
I think they also wanted to make buff timers easier to manage right? It used to be monk's thing but now so many jobs have a buff they have to keep up
I've been itching to resub but I know that if I do I will have absolutely nothing to do and get bored in a day
At least stormblood will give me some new jobs to level
Reworking or removing unused skills like haymaker and feint.
New NEST video is out.
>MNK gets pissy when I goad the PLD MT over him in a9s
Maybe they'll give MNK a second invigorate in Stormblood.
Oh wait
No. The game is flawed by design to make it accessable to casuals and they have absolutely no interest in changing the formula. Itemization is completely uninspired, there is virtually no build customization, via gear or otherwise and all content makes old content pointless. And they have no clue how to make their game better, at all. It took them a year to fix mudras being broken. Hell it took them 3 years to allow users to queue up for dungeons with chocobos.
They're so out of touch with what would improve the game and just continue pumping out the same shit because they have the Final Fantasy name to ride on and people will just eat it up regardless. Even the fans expect the same crap as heavensward to happen. 3 new classes, one tank, dps, and healer. It's all just too fucking formulaic.
Plus does anyone even give a flying fuck about Ala Mihgo or the Monk storyline? The Monk storyline was utterly pitiful and among the most poorly written Job stories. There are instances where the dialog is literally "blah blah blah". Not sure how anyone could get hyped about that kind of trash.
>Hell it took them 3 years to allow users to queue up for dungeons with chocobos.
Wait, they finally fucking did this?
Not subbed currently
>Plus does anyone even give a flying fuck about Ala Mihgo or the Monk storyline?
I do. I want to fight The Empire, I want to see cool Tibetan and other type of "monkish" imagery and locations. I want the final boss to be Rhalgr
It's apparently happening next patch.
Actually their patch record is pretty great. Not only are patches consistent but they review and add in QoL changes constantly.
Design is subjective. Itemization is overrated and would require a rehaul of the entire game, which is unfeasible. Wanting the game to revamp itself after 3+ years of progress is silly. Build customization is also redundant if you look at WoW's talent trees, how many people deviate from those in a meaningful manner in a role by role basis?
>all content makes old content pointless
They make you do old content all the time though.