This guy gets one of your spots, right?
Top 5 FF Villains
He didn't show up enough to be good. Also is he related to Noct or what?
Gilgamesh > Garland (FF1) > Gabranth > Jecht > Sephiroth > Ardyn > Caius > Kefka > Hojo > Exdeath > Golbez > Vayne > Seymour > Kuja > Ultimecia > Shuyin
If FF15 was given another year or two, and given like an actual story, I think Ardyn would easily be the best antagonist. Its really not hard, pretty much all of FF's antagonists have been boring.
>wears a literal fedora
>muh darkness villains
>no emperor
>golbez that low
>jecht that high.
just kys my man
>no emperor
Is that FF2's villain? You enjoyed that game?
He's meh. Not Kuja tier but not Exdeath tier at least
I did like that he didn't turn into a fucking meme demon angel at the end
He showed up more than Kuja IIRC, and the best part of Ardyn is those handful of walks/drives with him. Rather than being a villain that is far away every time he does something
He did nothing wrong.
Garland = Golbez > Kefka > Emperor = Exdeath > Kuja > Zemus > The rest
It would have made more sense that Kefka or Sephiroth transforming. Ardyn has like a million demons inside of him. Kefka is a clown, Sephiroth is a soldier. That's really all they are.
he is most likely a great great great etc grand uncle of Noct
And what about Seymour was good, other than the fact that you could get the best aeon from his dead mother?
Kefka tapped into the essence of magic though. If I had that much power you bet your ass I'd transform into a god-like being
You get to see why Seymour goes insane instead of him just being insane like Kefka. Seymour's insanity makes sense to me. He's the subject of abuse from both humans and guado, he was born pretty much just to be sacrificed to destroying sin, he sacrificed his mother, which became a horrible monstrosity, and then he never went through with defeating Sin because he was too scared. The religious he follows turns out to be corrupt and he really doesn't mind using machina or allying with the al bhed, compared to other maesters. I put him low on my list because despite being given a good backstory, he has like the most generic villain plan ("kill everyone so no one feels any more pain!").
No because he's the reason we got a sad ending. Unforgivable
>muh abusive childhood
>muh destroy the world nihilism
Michael Bay tier character