>he doesn't teabag players he's killed
What are you, a woman?
He doesn't teabag players he's killed
Yeah actually
thanks doc
Teabagging/taunting is just a waste of time if you generally have a high K/D or kill rate.
You could be spending that time doing more killing and being a useful team member.
>she doesn't twat squat opposing corpses
What are you, a meek little Italian boy?
Now I am, sexist pig. (^:
thanks doc
titanfall is bringing back teabagging
>that glorious titan crouch on a flyswatted pilot's gibs
>he doesn't berry carry his undeveloped Italian balls over the face of his opponent's corpses
What are you, some sort of Thai eunuch?
I don't play multiplayer FPS games because I'm not 14 years old.
>she doesn't clam slam her rancid Indian vagina all over her opponent's lips
>He doesn't crump his stump on the enemies chin.
What are you, some kind of gay robot?
>he doesn't give his victims a good ol' clobberin time with his elephantitis infested BALLS
>Teabag enemies
>Get killed by another enemy in the midst of teabagging their fallen
>get killed in TF2
>get teabagged
>dominate that player the rest of the match
that's what you underaged bitches get. I'm sure one of you assholes will deny me that sweet revenge, but it hasn't happened yet. Doesn't help you faggots that every fucking one of you pilots a Ronin, so when all the titans start dropping, so do your k/d ratios.
NuckleDu, shoudn't you be out celebrating your CapCup win instead of sitposting on Sup Forums?
>he doesn't pummel his opponents with his saggy baggy
>casuals don't track the mack sack across their backs after every kill
>he's not respectful to everyone online
what are you, 12?
What a kind gentleman
>It doesn't ram its RAM between his enemy's hams.
You some sorta asexual amoeba?
Is that pic real?
Surely they're not gonna make another chipmunk movie
That warms my heart
what a guy.
ha, what a nice guy
Don't have time to teabag when I'm being shot at
>He doesn't shove his flagellum all over his enemy's cerebellum
What are you, some kinda genderfluid dragonkin?
Busy hunting for the next kill.
>hate mail in the year 2016
>woman teabagging
that's kind of hot
>shoot a player in the head, and unload clip after magazine of baby killing rounds into their head
>crouch over them
Am I autistic because this infuriates me? I hate seeing people teabag me
>he does teabag players he's killed
What are you, underage?
I miss
>"1v1 m3 IRL f4gg37".
>Teabag some guy in Overwatch because he keeps walking through the same flank alone and I keep hooking him
>He gets mad at me and starts telling me to go back to COD
>I solo ult him
>He's fucking livid
>He proceeds to waste the remainder of the match complaining in match chat and his team loses
The bounds of people's stupidity amazes me