This game is great but the dev is not giving us free stuff so I'm gonna give it a thumbs down

>this game is great but the dev is not giving us free stuff so I'm gonna give it a thumbs down

Why are PCucks so entitled?

I wish there was like.. some kind of setting where you can only review games if you have 50hours +.

Not talking about voting (like or dislike), just about reviews

>almost 40 hours on record
>it's too expensive at $20 waaah

>le lazy devs

>console port as a negative

Are these fags serious?

steam reviews are literally worse than metacritic reviews - every single one.
>"""funny""" reviews
>negative reviews over a miniscule detail someone didn't like
>pompous assholes whose heads are so far up their asses (curators)
>greentext reviews

They're all right though. Paying more for a game that isn't worth the price is pretty stupid. And console ports do fuck up the PC version since consoles have limits and PCs don't. You can't add whatever you want to the game and expect it to working on a console

not op, but are you stupid user

>>console port as a negative
Are you implying that being a console port shouldn't be a negative?

He's saying that it's great and and he played it for 37 hours. That's more than worth it for $20 especially with most $60 games being 10 hours or less these days.
Most games are "console ports". This is not a bad thing nor is it an argument.

But he's entirely right

>Most games are "console ports".
Most games are also shit.

Please tell me how a 20€ game is not worth the money if he played it for 37 hours

It is priced too much.
Why didn't they roll it same way they did Magicka?

And it's not because they're console ports.

cherry picking at it's finest

>I wish you had to spend TWO ENTIRE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE ON A SHIT GAME just so you could put out a meaningless review on it

Hi nu-Sup Forums

You really think so? Well aren't you the smartest guy in the thread. Here's a gold star, try not to digest it.

Actually its usually a good part of it.
Like Helldivers for example, is a shitty consoleport that came to us a year late and full of dlc while already being a tiny ass game where you fight the same enemies endlessly.

>DLC cancer is a good practice
fuck off idiot.

thanks random condescending user


normie pls go

That's part of the game's design and not its port.

This game is fucking amazing honestly, if you like starship troopers or the imperial guard from 40k its a wet dream

Yes, being a shit game aimed at consolefags and made for consoles is part of the games design, we usually call it "a consoleport".

>averaging 50p per hour of fun
>not worth the money

I'm a stingy bastard and even I'd consider that a decent purchase

Most console ports are bad. This has created a legitimate stigma around them. Yes some are good but you still need to be wary around them because most are bad.

Are you implying that PCucks are relevant?

If you're somehow considering buying a console port while also spouting the word "PCuck", then it's a possibility.

Such little time played. All of you are like little baby. Watch this.

PCucks are literally second class citizen like niggers.

Like 95% of games are shorter than 50 hours.

Possibly more than that.

>2000 hours on record.