>"why dont we take the shitty parts of SA1 that were optional and force people to play them to get to the good stuff?"
Why do people consider this a good game again?
>"why dont we take the shitty parts of SA1 that were optional and force people to play them to get to the good stuff?"
Why do people consider this a good game again?
None of the 3D sonic games are good m8
Utopia is as close as anyone's ever got but It'll probably fizzle out
Because it's fun and memorable?
What part of SA1 were optional? You have to do all the stories to unlock super Sonic and beat the game.
i like emerald hunting & fishing.
mecha missile spamming can suck fat chao cock
Really enjoyed this back in the day.
Went back to play it recently and realised I only liked a handful of stages, mainly Sonic and Shadow. Knuckles and Rouge had some okay levels, but they weren't my favourites. Eggman and Tails had boring as shit levels.
Chao Garden was fun as fuck though.
because only rouge's stages are actually less then good on average
Sonic was never good
As a kid I never like the original Sonic game style, too much of a clusterfuck of seizure inducing level and audio vomit.
I liked the idea of Sonic, and Adventure 2 was story driven, had a wide variety of level styles, and the Chao garden. It was comfy and easy to pick up no matter what kind of mood I was in.
You could sink an almost unlimited amount of time into it and still be entertained, and it also linked up with the GBA games as an added bonus.
AND had multiplayer battle mode.
Also had GOAT music.
I liked Rouge titties
My second favorite sonic game, fuck you op
only part that wasnt needed were sub games like the 4 flying segments you have to play through
only those 4 sub acts are what kill adventure 1
big the cat is not hard to deal with and takes little to no time so you cant even use this as a real point
Great game, wish the Steam version had online multiplayer
SA1 was okay, I ran into an extreme amount of glitches but that's probably bad luck, I haven't seen anyone else complain about them. Actually SA1 was pretty bad now that I think about it. What the fuck is wrong with SEGA? Can't they make a regular Sonic game without all these fucking gimmicks? I don't want to play as anyone else, I bought this game so I could run fast, not find emeralds or use a fucking snowboard. (Actually I enjoyed the tails levels)
>Why do people consider this a good game again?
Oh gee I don't know.
>Sonic/Shadow levels are fun
>treasure hunting level gimmicks are often fun
>GOAT bosses
>shitton of replayability
>Chao Garden
>fucking fantastic music
>decent multiplayer
Mediocre fucking game
It would be an even better game if it was nothing but Sonic/Shadow levels. Hopefully with Sonic 2017 SEGA will actually remember to make it nothing but Sonic levels and not bullshit gimmicks like the last 10 games they made.
SA2 is infinitely better than 1 just by the sole fact of how the controls are handled better. 1's controls and handling were fucking terrible i dont know how anyone could prefer it
That's subjective and not everyone wants to sift through shit they don't like to get to the "good parts".
It's shit game design and it plagued modern Sonic games for like an entire decade.
My nigga
Why did rouge stages have the best music?
>I ran into an extreme amount of glitches but that's probably bad luck,
Are you playing on PC? If so, download the Fixed Edition or BetterSADX.
SADX is a buggy game btw.
>and not bullshit gimmicks
Well, they already confirmed Classic Sonic, so you're fucked there.
But it's not subjective. I have the ability to look at games and movies objectively. I know.
>Why do people consider this a good game again?
First level
Chao Garden
It was an okay game
Didn't stop me from playing city escape a million times and getting a perfect Chao though
It had that 70s anime thing going on, like Lupin and Cutey Honey
Raising chows and making them compete was my life for a while
fuck, im getting too old for this place
I'm like fucking 30, dude. If you are that much older than me you probably really should get off Sup Forums, grampy
Its not sonic unleashed but adventure 2 is a really special game. Captures the era perfectly and was a great send off for the dreamcast.
This is why I just downloaded a hacked save file and played the ~10 good levels.
Shadowank nostalgia. This game sucks much more than it does any good.
>SA2 is infinitely better than 1 just by the sole fact of how the controls are handled better
In no way whatsoever. Also Eggman/Tails are awful for platforming.
>treasure hunting level gimmicks are often fun
10/10 joke
Treasure hunting levels were normally pretty fucking bad and were only sometimes not completely bad.
Unless you're the Game Grumps and spend 7 10-17 minute parts on it. Jesus fucking christ Arin.
The only outright bad one I can think of is Mad Space, which is the worst level in the game.
>this game is so bad blah blah blah blah game FEEL blah blah look at me guyz I'm being contrarian blah blah blah I'm so insightful guyz
>game grumps playthrough
>arin is terrible at the game
every time
The part I'm talking about is the Big the Cat portion of Sonic Adventure 1. 7 fucking parts
>treasure hunting level gimmicks are often fun
Not even once.
>GOAT bosses
Bosses are lame and character battles are fuck awful.
>shitton of replayability
Only the Sonic/Shadow stages have some.
>Chao Garden
>fucking fantastic music
It's alright but pales horribly next to the prequel.
Underrated post.
>only liked the Sonic/Shadow levels and Chao Garden as a kid
>replayed it recently and liked all the levels but no longer like Chao Garden
the super sonic fight was shit, you could 'complete' the game without doing everyone's story and the games got worse with each release.
>You have to do all the stories to unlock super Sonic and beat the game.
Yeah just like you HAD to play S3 and K and get all 14 emeralds to complete Sonic 3. It was the same weak ass super stage. NO super stage has ever been worth getting to and the later 3D games made super mandatory for the final boss fights which was fucking retarded.
At least SA1 had the decency to let you play an entire story as sonic instead of chopping that shit up and making you play as everyone else just to progress one story mode. Fuck, the whole thing was broken even up to unleashed which basically split the game between actual sonic and bullshit slow ass brawler stages. Why we couldn't have just had a proper sonic game is beyond me. Now that snap back has gone too far the other way with no characters BUT sonic playable because of SA2 and the bullshit it caused. We should always have had optional paths like SA1.
It's not your fault that they are shit at the game and have to drag it out to appeal to their 13 year old audience
a lot of Sonics didnt age well at all but the epic egoraptor meme that every single Sonic game is bad needs to disappear.
There was nothing nearly as shitty as Big or Amys levels in SA2, so it gets some points for that