patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas Thread
Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas Thread
>We won't go quietly, the Legion can count on that.
House is the best option.
If you support the Legion you support being a slave. I bet you love that, you fucking slut.
restarting a new game soon. what is objectively the best build for ballistic guns?
>tfw you will never be a girl captured by the legion
post your gunfu
If you support the NCR you support wageslavery. You must love the smell of Brahmin shit
I was happy supporting Yes Man till the little fucker turned on me.
>turned on me
Didn't happen.
Unfaithful cur.
most disappointing side to join. you get nothing except that sweet machete from the 1st encounter but aside from that nothing really.
maybe it was because i played as a women character
I have a soft spot for single action revolvers
You're playing the game wrong
At the end of the game he claims he'll become more assertive with leftover Mr. House code and implies my input might not be needed in the future.
>ballistic guns
You could just say guns.
Also the answer is Survivalist's Rifle with Vance's SMG for a sidearm. Get the Grunt perk for absurd damage output.
This was my bread and butter gun during my 'Revolver Ocelot' run.
Just more of that shitty Independent ending writing not making anything clear
Like people still thinking their Courier becomes Ruler of All Mojave
>using unarmed instead of objectively superior melee weapons
>posts a gun on a wrist
>only reason it doesn't use ammo is because Obsidian ran out of time to implement it properly
but what tactical advantage do those engravings serve?
>Not having a harem
true to caesar
They make you really really lucky. It was a crit build.
Friendly reminder if you don't side with The Kings you're a faggot
it's not a gun, it's compressed air cylinder
>Ballistic fist
>Any powerfist variant
>Not using just fists or pic related
You're playing the game wrong
>killing your enemies
>not letting them kill you so you win
You're playing the game wrong
i go yes man everytime
literally the only noncuck ending
House literally makes waifus real
The police pistol is double action, retard.
Greased lightning with the ammo swapping glitch to make it use fatboy rounds. It does 600 ammo per punch and sends everyone flying 10m.
Too bad I had a good man commit suicide to get it.
>NCR baubles
Dont worry
Nothing change
Just use a mode for more Quest
House is the best ending. Benevolent and indifferent dictator is the way to go when you're dealing with an apocalypse.
I just wish they had time to implement the BoS ending.
Why was House such a great character?
His VA
A mod you cannot play the game without. Try and pick something that's not a major overhaul, utility of bugfix.
NVAC or it CTD constantly. It's actually the only mod I've ever installed just because I was so sick of dealing with it.
It still crashes, but not quite as bad.
It's an opportunity to live in genuine prewar luxury by becoming a Bond villain's Darth Vader.
A hair mod of some sort to cover the hideous faces better? I've not found a single particularly interesting mod that isn't a utility or a bugfix.
I don't think it was a matter of time. They basically just made it so you had to kill the BoS, because House was starting to look too good compared to the others. They wanted consequences for his route.
but all routes have you kill BoS, right?
Shame because I liked them the most.
You can spare them in Independent, NCR and technically Legion
>good man
Wasn't he ruining supply lines or something? Sorry, been a while since I played NCR missions.
why even live ;_;
Hanlon was falsifying Ranger reports to try and make the situation in the Mojave look untenable so Oliver would finally take his head out of his ass and pressure Kimball into withdrawing the army back to NCR
He wanted NCR out of the Mojave but also didn't want to do anything that could actually get any more people killed
Medicine stick with cowboy perk - you can one shot alpha deathclaws without sneaking.
This gun is seriously busted. Visited the Promontory once and got swarmed. My trusty Medicine Stick just mowed them the fuck down.
Tried playing DUST mod recently. Big let down. It's just hard for the sake of hard, with no fun involved.
.357 Magnum
It's just so satisfying to shoot I don't know why
Bozar. It's shit sadly.
Go my minion, sting them in the name of all that is Mobius!
It was a lot better in earlier versions, when it relied on the Alternate Start mod. It gave you a decent loadout to start with that lets you get on your feet, now you just get a couple broken weapons, armor so weak it's actually no better than being naked, and like 2 rounds of ammo that isn't enough to kill a molerat.
I'm kinda stuck. Doing a dedicated melee character (with robot companions), but I've got several mods that add in extra enemies. I can't go to Primm and pick up ED-E yet because there's 20~ asshole escaped convicts. Trying to do the "kill the ants" quest but without stimpaks I'm dangerously low on health
It changes (i think all) books to be dirty lewd doujins. It's got nipples and shit so I can't post most of them
also really like the mods that add in more perks/traits so I'm not picking the same exact ones every play through
Mobius did nothing wrong. He was just a sad old brain who was driven mad by science.
empy map
Mobius would make a nice grandpa I think.
That's a commercially published magazine.
>Siding with a bunch of faggot Elvis impersonators who don't even impersonate Elvis
Oh whatever, it's jap, it's magazine/books, it's nude
If you support NCR your propping up the exact same corrupt and bloated democracy that dropped the bombs in the first place.
Go House or Go Home.
like how y'all worship jesus but act nothing like him
>tfw not enough quests for each faction
I don't like how quickly you escalate the ranks with Kings or Followers or anything. It seems most attention went to NCR, and you can't even JOIN them
I only worship almighty Caesar who is the true born son of Mars. Don't lump me with fags like Joshua Graham.
based on real life millionaire magnate Howard Hughes
'It consists of a wrist-mounted shotgun, with a pressure plate trigger worn over the knuckles, which fires when a punch connects with the target.'
straight from the wiki
also the name 'ballistic' fist is a bit of a clue, isn't it?
Mandatory for me is a combination of Project Nevada, Nevada Skies (darker nights), Electro City.
Enhanced Camera (you see your body in first person) works really well and feels very nice.
Weapon Retexture Project is also really nice since you'll otherwise have those ugly low-res weapon textures taking up half the screen.
And now with my new hardware I can play the game downsampled from 4k. And holy fuck it's so much prettier.
I strongly recommend if your PC can handle it.
it's enjoyable if you don't mind tagging sneak and survival. there's not a lot of room for variety but i ended up playing as the same type of character that i usually use in vanilla.
> Killed 10 deathclaws in the first hour
> Zero challenge whatsoever after this
> Went straight to lonesome road DLC in a new game and no levelling up
> Strolled through DLC with almost no difficulty at all, despite suggestion needed to be a higher level
> Defeat every enemy by spamming VATs
> Used not VATs combat about 1% of the time simply for the experience of not using VATs
And somehow Sup Forums says that Fallout 4 is a dumbed down version.....
>grandpa I'm a girl, why are you always shouting.
I'd love that
>you read it in his voice
nice made up story pal
git gud
you wouldn't have to worry about putting him in a nursing home. you wouldn't have to worry about how they treat him. you could keep him in your house because he's a brain robot and you wouldn't have to worry about him being mistreated, or lonely. you could fix his monitors and and give him a little doggo bed next to yours.
>I miss you, grandpa.
Secret Stash. There's nothing like receiving a quest while its song is playing on the radio.
What's made up? Go to Quarry, you can walk straight there shortly after starting the game, shoot a whole bunch of deathclaws from distance, you won't face any other challenge as difficult in the entire game.
When you reach the casinos you can save before gambling to make caps virtually unimportant because you can easily cheat to get unlimited caps (until every casino blocks you out, which will take considerable time).
VATs freezes the entire gameplay, non VATs combat is awful, which is why nobody uses it, nor would they need to when you can just spam VATs.
The game is fundamentally flawed, goodgame at the time, but could never go back and play it after FO4 because it's issues would be glaring.
Didn't need to, the game was beyond easy.
I decided to replay New Vegas and I made a He-Man using a bumper Sword and a stripper outfit.
I had the power as I slaughtered the ghoul minions of skeletor.
so's ur mum
>killed ten deathclaws
You missed misspelled deathjaws
Sooper tr0llz
Sounds like reddit is mad.
>Abuse game mechanics using meta knowledge and save scumming
>Upset this makes the game easy.
cute little SMG
god this thing was based
there aren't any weapons you can obtain that early that will do enough damage to kill a deathclaw, let alone the alpha male and the mother. you're a liar and you know it.
Hands off, she's mine!
now type tgm in the console again and see what happens
Abusing game mechanics is using VATs? Non-VATs combat was so awful and completely unnecessary, I can't imagine why anyone would ever not use VATs. Unfortunately it is an absolute cheese, and given that every perk/levelling up all pretty much links back to combat, it makes the RPG elements of the game essentially irrelevant.
Good gaming experience, but clearly fundamentally flawed.....
With me 'till the very end.
kool may mays bro lol kekz
Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System. The S is also capitalized.
stealth sniping is clearly OP, I cleared out the quarry on my first visit.Took a bit of time admittedly, but posed no real challenge.
As was the case re: lonesome road. I'd already done a run through, got the ultimate edition (sold / bought new PS3 so lost save data) went straight to lonesome road because heard it was the best, had a warning about being so low levelled, but waltzed through the entire DLC with minimum bother not using any guides etc.
It was an easy game, pales in comparison to survival mode on FO4.