Marvel vs Capcom ∞ Post your rosters

Ryu - Chunli - Juri - Necalli - Bison - Akuma

Guy - Cody - Haggar - Poison - Hugo - Rolento

Dante - Vergil - Lady

Chris - Wesker - Nemesis

X - Zero - Tron Bonne

Felicia - Jon Talbain - Hsienko - BB Hood - Morrigan - Demitri

Frank West - Strider - Spencer

Phoenix Wright - Arthur - Joe

Captain America - THOR - IRONMAN - Hawkeye - Black Panther - Carol - Hulk - She-Hulk - Vision - Scarlett Witch - Winter Soldier - Ultron

Daredevil - Power Man - Ironfist - Punisher - Ghost Rider - Blade

Spider-Man - Spider-Gwen - Venom - Carnage - Lizard - Green Goblin

Doctor Strange - Dormmamu - Shuma

Starlord - Gamora - Rocket Raccoon - Groot - Drax - Nova

>12 SF characters
>6 DS characters
>6 Spider-man characters
>6 GotG Characters
>No Ridley

>Six Street Fighter characters
>Six Final Fight characters

He's too big for this game too. You should've asked for him in MvC3

I'm fully expecting Sigma, honestly. If we get Ultron, it would have to make sense they try to team up, because hey, powerful artificial life forms that can change bodies.

>66 characters
Good fucking luck. Expect half or less of that.

Who /mephisto/ here?

I want them to go nuts and finally add Gene from Godhand and The Arisen from Dragons Dogma.

Everything else I could care less about.

The last true Final Fight game was released 20 years ago user

Suck me cock niggeru~

Is this a jojo reference?

Let me just cut this down for you.

>Ryu - Chunli - Bison - Akuma
>Haggar - Poison - Hugo - Rolento
>Dante - Vergil
>Chris - Wesker
>X - Zero
>Felicia - Jon Talbain - Hsienko - Morrigan
>Strider - Arthur

>Captain America - THOR - IRONMAN - Hawkeye - Black Panther - Carol - Hulk - Ultron
>Daredevil - Ironfist - Punisher
>Spider-Man - Venom
>Doctor Strange - Dormmamu
>Starlord - Rocket Raccoon - Groot

>Chun Li
>M. Bison
>Mega Man X
>Viewtiful Joe
>Leon Kennedy
>Frank West
>Mike Haggar

Disney's Marvel
>Iron Man
>Captain Marvel
>Captain America
>Black Widow
>Iron Fist
>Dr. Strange
>Star Lord
>Rocket Racoon
>Ghost Rider

I'm lowballing the roster size super hard here.

Whoops, I accidentally imbalanced it. Just cut off Strider and Arthur.

* = Reskin/Clone

Iron Man
Captain Marvel
Captain America
*Spiderman (Miles Morales)
*Spider Gwen
* Wolverine (Old Logan)
* Wolverine (Laura)
* Gwenpool
Rocket Raccoon & Baby Groot
Doctor Strange
Ms. Marvel (Kamala)
Black Panther

Megaman X
Leon S. Kennedy
Tron Bonne
Chun Li
Phoenix Wright
Franzizka von Karma


DLC (Marvel):
Luke Cage
Scarlet Witch

DLC (Capcom):
Frank West

Kind of mixed what I want with what I think will happen.

If Kamala is in, Dhalsim could be in with a shout as a competing choice.

The character I'd most like to see is Death's Head, but fat chance of him being there, yes?

What I wouldn't give to see Franziska playable. She'd have an actual moveset involving her whip, rather than Phoenix's weirdass kit.

I was right for 6 characters, I hope the next one is Gene or Asura

X, Zero - RockmanX
Roll - Rockman
Tronne Bonne - Rockman Legends
Arthur, Firebrand - Ghost N Ghouls

Ryu - Street Fighter
Chunli - Street Fighter II
Ibuki - Street Fighter III
Decapre - Street Fighter IV
Necalli - Street Fighter V and suitable Wolverine replacement
Akuma - He's fucking Akuma

Haggar, Cody, Guy - Final Fight
Felicia, Talbain, Morrigan - Dark Stalkers

Chris, Jill, Wesker, Nemesis - Resident Evil
Dante, Vergil - Devil May Cry

Frank West - Dead Rising
Spencer - Bionic Commando
Strider - Strider
Joe - Viewtiful Joe

Captain America, Bucky, Hawkeye, Scarlett Witch, Hulk, SheHulk - Avengers row1

IronMan, Thor, Vision, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Black Panther - Avengers row2

Daredevil, Punisher, PowerMan, IronFist, GhostRider, Thunderbolt - Netflix/Marvel on ABC

Star Lord, Gamora, Groot & Rocket, Drax - Guardians of the Galaxy
Nova - The Man Called Nova

Doctor Strange, Dormammu - Doctor Strange

Fuck me if Starlord gets in I'll roll him and Strider all day long

>95% protagonists
>barely any villains

Someone post a template, I ain't reading shit.

I know, but it's not like there is a lot of good villains in the MCU that you will remember after a day or two except Loki. Capcom side is just characters I really want, but yeah, Wesker is much more likely to be in than Ada for example.

ALL of the Fantastic Four
Doctor Doom
Captain Commando
Jill Valentine
Jessica Sherawat
Lady Hunk
R. Mika

Marvel side:
>Captain America
>Iron Man
>Captain Marvel
>Scarlet Witch
>Black Widow

Forgot Dr. Strange.

>ALL of the Fantastic Four
>Doctor Doom
I've got some bad news for you

Yeah, I know, but it'd still be cool.

Add Nero please.


I'd like him, but Dormammu is much more likely to make it in.

Can anyone tell me if it has been confirmed :
2 player vs 2 player???

I can't find a source that outlines this. I don't know if they mean two players can pick two characters or there actually is a 4 player total match.

2 player vs 2 player hasn't been confirmed. Just that instead of switching between 3 characters, it'll be 2.

Instead of Urien they should put Gill in the game

He has the same powers and you don't really have to hold him back in Marvel as every character is crazy.

Excluding people already announced

- (Superior Spiderman costume with Doc Ock ' s personality)
Star - Lord
Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
Ms Marvel (Kamala)
Ronan the Accuser
Doctor Octopus

Masamune Date
Yukimura Sanada
Monster Hunter NPC
Apollo Justice
Captain Commando
Tiffany (Rival Schools)
Sissei (Ghost Trick)

Nero is gonna get in. My dad works at Capcom.

That fucking blows. Why is it every fucking game is allergic to fucking coop?!?

Gonna do this assuming X-Men/F4 are off-limits and it's 12 on each side excluding bosses with 6 DLC for each


Iron Man (confirmed)
Captain America (confirmed)
Doctor Strange
Rocket Raccoon

Captain Marvel (confirmed)
Black Bolt

BOSS: Ultron


Ryu (confirmed)
Morrigan (confirmed)
Viewtiful Joe
Strider Hiryu
Phoenix Wright
Frank West (likely DR4 Frank)
Dante (DMC3 outfit, but DMC4 as an alt)

Mega Man X (confirmed)

BOSS: Sigma


Thor 3 character (Hela?)
Kamala Khan
Scarlet Witch

Power Stone character
Monster Hunter character (if launch character, replace MH rep with Asura)
Rival Schools character
June Lin Milliam or Hayato
Jon Talbain or Donovan


also replace Star-Lord with Black Panther

Rashid was born to be in marvel, he'd be so sick

Not a bad list desu

>Want to have projectile based characters like blackheart, dormammu, X and chris to be in bu t don't want them to be meta so the game lasts for more than 2 months
Honestly, i just want the game to look good and the game has interactions between characters, and the gameplay to be good, of course.

Thanks m8, truth be told I'd probably replace Necalli with Rashid thinking about it, Necalli also has the whole screaming super saiyan deal like Asura.

Out of the new ones you're looking at Laura and Necalli

But honestly I hope they keep away from Street fighter reps.

The good thing about necalli is he would kinda fill Wolverine's role, but a lot of people have said Black Panther could do that as well

If they do go that route, I'm thinking Panther will still have his own touch at least, maybe he'll just have Berserker Barrage and the divekick but nothing else.

Nobody like him and he is underplayed.
Only Juri could be in because of how popular she is. and no, I'm not a Jurifag.

>Nobody like him
That's wrong though, not only did his theme make him blow up a bit you see people like john takeuchi getting big in part cause they play the character and start doing crazy stuff with him

I personally think Nash has more chances than Rashid and even Juri.

Nash technically isn't a new SFV character, and they're surely going to want to have at least one original from there. Keeping that in mind, Fang seems unlikely, as does Laura, and it really comes down to Rashid or Necalli.

nigga where's captain commando?

Nash isn't a new SFV charcters but he is really different from his old self, so I think that counts. For a 100% SFV character that would be Rashid for sure.

There's nothing stopping them from just having logan as logan before the xmen.

I just want asura, nothing else matters

So fucking tired of Morrigan. At least use some of the other semen demons of DS.

1 returning character I want to see again is Nemesis. I loved using him so much.
1 New character i'd love to see is Will from Dark void.


>No Wright

Any other Ace Attorney characters are more likely to be Phoenix Wright assists before they are actually playable

Motherfucker we don't even know how the game fucking plays.
Also SFxT has 2v2 co op matches.

>it's 12 on each side
I really doubt they'll go that low. I'm betting 16 base for each side at launch, which is just slightly below Marvel 3's launch roster.

Does he have a chance?

I could see this. Minus blanka and the final fight characters

Probably not since it's a fucking space ship.

What are they going to do? "vulgus pilot"

>They're actually ditching Wolverine

Come on.

Devil Dinosaur and Galacta for Marvel
Gene from Godhand and Regina from Dino Crisis for Capcom

They will probably match or exceed Marvel 3's base roster (Originally 40 but Doctor Octopus and Frank West were cut at the last minute due to framerate problems)

Also going to assume there is no FF/Xmen ban since Marvel seems like they will lift it next year (Looking like Logan will be the last Fox movie in the Fox bubble since Apocalypse was a big flop. MCU is the only way to rescue that shitpile)


Iron Man
Captain America
Doctor Strange
Ghost Rider
Doctor Doom
Rocket Racoon
Captain Marvel
Ms. Marvel
Black Widow


Mega-Man X
Chun Li
Frank West
Tron Bonne
Phoenix Wright
Rouge (Powerstone)
Nillin (Remember Me)
Regina (Dino Crisis)

At the same time I'm not worried about a base roster because it's clear they are going to long term DLC the shit out of this game and Marvel were the ones who approached Capcom this time.

No one loves Howard the Duck?

>(Looking like Logan will be the last Fox movie in the Fox bubble since Apocalypse was a big flop. MCU is the only way to rescue that shitpile
FOX is rebooting X-Men post Logan, and New Mutants is a thing. Only F4 might be rescued at this point.

He legit might be the MODOK of the starting roster for this.

I really hope so. Was begging for him since MvC3 vanilla was announced.

True but it sounds they are way more open to rebooting X-Men straight into the MCU since Civil War made gorillions and Apocalypse flopped. There's been rumors of behind the scenes talks between Fox and Disney (Since Inhumans is dead as a film. Audiences weren't thrilled) along with the big ResseurXtion event coming next year in the comics that there may be a deal to introduce mutants into the MCU again.

Honestly I think people are reading too much into the pre-release "Leaks" when most of them were bullshit (No MCU Presence for one. In fact the voice actors for Iron Man and Captain America are returning from MvC3/Avengers EMH). We will see FF and X-Men reps though maybe scaled back a bit

Your Marvel roster seems plausible, except fot having Songbird. Also, you only have 2 villains.
Not to mention that Ultron is pretty much confirmed.

Feige straight up said that it's impossible to work with FOX at this moment (this moment being in an interview for Strange) so I highly doubt X-Men will ever leave FOX's hands. And Apocalypse flopping doesn't affect their plans for their reboot.

As for the voices, I'm pretty sure most of them are recycled from Marvel 3. I mean, I doubt Disney would go back to that cast for this since they can just provide the Avenger's Assemble cast.

I hope Venom-carnage makes it in. At least as a boss.

At least they managed to work out a deal with Fox to use Ego the Living Planet in GotG Vol. 2.
Speaking of, I want an Ego stage, or a stage with Ego in the background.


Why would Ultron have eye nipples? Couldn't that be another chracter?

Rumor has it that it's Ultron merged with Sigma.



I can't see it happening unless Venom makes a cameo in Spider-Man Homecoming. I think Disney only want to push characters up to phase 3.

It's Ultron/Sigma, since X and Iron Man (barf) are the focus of the story.

Also, it's interesting how pretty much all the Ultimate 3 Capcom additions are characters that topped the DLC poll for MvC3 aside from X, and now X is the first revealed character, with his own stage debuting as well and Sigma as a possible boss character.

Tron Bon should be replaced by Dr. Wahwee

>Ryu (SF4)
>Frank West
>Rathalos Hunter
>Lost Planet 2 Mercenary
>DMC 4 Dante
>Battle Network Megaman
>ZX Zero

>Moon Knight
>MCU Iron Man
>Modern Comic Captain America
>Old Man Logan
>Comics Star Lord
>Phoenix Force Cyclops
>Movie Blade
>Black Suit Spidey w/Partial Venom Moveset
>Netflix Daredevil

Team up of Fatalis and Fin Fang Foom is final boss.

Combination of X3 Sigma and Ultron is your true/secret final boss.

>Your Marvel roster seems plausible, except fot having Songbird.

Marvel's rushing Thunderbolts into production because of Suicide Squad and she was one Capcom was interested in for UMvC3 but didn't make the cut so I think she might be a big "Left field" pick you wouldn't think would make it

>Not to mention that Ultron is pretty much confirmed.

True. My bad for not having Ultron/Sigma

>Feige straight up said that it's impossible to work with FOX at this moment (this moment being in an interview for Strange) so I highly doubt X-Men will ever leave FOX's hands

They said that with Sony as well. And welp. Money talks louder than rights issues. Especially when they are cutting character deals. Fox will fold eventually. MCU movies just make tons of cash and keeping themselves out of the bubble just prevents them from making more.

Also It's brand new lines in the trailer. Also Captain America in Avengers Assemble is played by Roger Craig Smith who also voiced Chris Redfield in the last few RE games so they would have to use different VA's anyway to prevent confusion as it would be really obvious (In fact Marvel sourced a ton of VA's from Capcom's side for that Cartoon, Roger was used for a "younger" cap). Brian Bloom is back as Cap for Infinite which is great because he's a pretty good Cap.

Venom is a popular character in his own right regardless of movies.

Why doesn't Marvel makes a film about Kang? Does Fox have his rights?

He was actually considered for MVC3 but they couldn't make his time abilities work.

Toxin would be a better choice in my opinion. He has the mentality of a child.

>Does Fox have his rights?
Yes, because he technically debuted in Fantastic Four under his original identity of Rama-Tut.

Source on that?

Yes but crossovers are usually used as advertising campaigns and currently Dinsey doesn't have plans for Venom merchandise.

Sony and FOX are in way different positions. Sony has lost a fuck ton of good will and everything they do outside James Bond is a fucking flop. X-men have done decently, with First Class-Wolverine-DoFT all doing good/great numbers. Again, Apocalypse flopping doesn't really matter in the long run, specially since Deadpool made mad stacks of cash. It was in Sony's best interest in making a deal with Marvel, but FOX seems content with what they have.

The only thing that might lead credence is Legion, which is a FOX/Marvel TV joint, and the Marvel producer for this saying that he doesn't want to lose the heritage of the X-Men in MvC.

But there are too many Kangs due to timetravel bullshit, couldn't Disney use a Kang that never was Rama-Tut? Kinda like Iron Lad.

Watch nigger iron man and female Thor be in this game.

It's not explicitly Kang, but Seth said years ago that they had to cut a character because they couldn't get his time powers working without breaking the game.

what game?

They're legally considered to be the same character regardless of time travel shenanigans, licensing contracts don't care about that shit.

Songbird is one of the few non-MCU characters that have a chance to be added.

>got included in 4 games this year, not counting the MUA2 remaster
>won Hasbro's Marvel Legends poll
>was in the Avengers cartoon
>2017 is the 20th anniversary of the Thunderbolts book and they will be a core part of the next comics event
>Civil War directors said Zemo will return later and with the success of Suicide Squad with the normies might lead to a Thunderbolts movie
>ranked high on most of the UMvC3 DLC polls
>waifu factor

BB Hood
Phoenix Wright
Monster Hunter hunter
Tron Bonne

Dont give a fuck about the Marvel side, I just want more Darkstalkers in the roster

This, but I wonder how the X-Men themselves will do once Jackman fucks off after Logan since Apocalypse was a flop. Wonder if Fox will rely solely on Deadpool if the reboot ends up like ASM and New Mutants flops.

We probably won't get many villains. I'm expecting Ultron, Thanos, Loki, Dormammu and at least one Spider-Man villain like Venom or Dr. Octopus. If X-Men are included, Magneto might be in as well.