Playing an RPG

>Playing an RPG
>Walk into random house
>"What are you doing in my house!? Who just barges into other people's place like that!?

That's how it should be unless you've met and know the character before

Well fucking lock your door next time. I thought this was my house. It doesn't help that they all look exactly alike.

>playing an rpg
>go to the store
>all they sell is gigantic swords, spears, megaphones and gun-arms

I always assumed it was normal in Japan

>Playing an RPG
>Enter store
>Weapons and armor align the walls of the shop
>Shopkeep only sells basic tools/food/nothing the shop is visibly filled with

Good ol stick of truth

>playing an rpg
>enter store
>can steal what's on display
>guy is selling way more than what's on display
>if you kill him you can't loot any of it

>playing an rpg
>enter store
>can steal anything in the shop
>shopkeeper instakills you if you ever come back to that store

>playing rpg
>go to a small village in bum fucking nowhere on a nonsensical errand because main quest forces you
>party member gives you shit for running a nonsensical errand in bum fucking nowhere

>You can buy pretty much everything that's on display in the store.
>Shopkeeper doesn't even mind you having wild gunfights with the cops in his store.

Good ol' AmmuNation.

>I always assumed it was normal in Japan

meh, it's not normal in today's time but it was actually fairly normal around 1700s and before. Locks weren't exactly common among middle class and poor. It wasn't really until the industrial revolution that locks before more and more common and affordable.


I always go there quick so I can beat the shit out of Sten then become best buds.


>guy builds his house in the middle of the road
>gets depressed because everyone keeps walking through his bedroom all day long

A whole nation of people visiting each other's homes, taking off their shoes and proceeding to make polite conversation while rummaging through their drawers and smashing their pottery

>Playing an Rpg
>Enter town's trading post
>"Never fucking trade with me unless you're contributing to my business

>Game renames you "Thief"

>Playing RPG
>Sign warns you not to step on the grass
>If you step on any grass at all the game gives you a game over near the end of the game that forces you to restart the whole game
>You have to step on the grass to read the sign

>game makes fun of shitters who can't handle the trading mechanics

gothic 1?

>Playing an RPG



well he explained that one day the guard just fucked a hole in his wall and told him "this is now a passage"

it's not like he built it that way on purpose

well they told him he shouldn't build his house in the middle of the road