What are some games where I can get banned for talking shit by nu-male devs?
What are some games where I can get banned for talking shit by nu-male devs?
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A well deserved ban.
>Those insults
So I see that this is a cringe thread.
Is that "cowards" censored
Jesus christ
You honestly expect us to sympathize with you? Serves you right for being a little faggot.
>get rekt on plebbit of all places
>come to Sup Forums to cry
not your personal hugbox
>people should be banned for "cringe"
hola reddit
>implying im the banned guy
i think it's pathetic that libcuck devs think they can act like this
I think it may be "Cuntards"
Maybe if you didn't get mad at video games they wouldn't have banned you.
Check my 7
>shut up mom
They should implement kill by electroshock through the internet.
thread over, everyone go home
>raging in chat
Nice 7ry.
Shit thread suddenly became good.
>accept terms of service during installation
>cry like a little bitch when you violate the terms of service and get reprimanded
everyone knows if you're gonna talk shit in a game you do it through voice chat because nobody logs voice chat
This thread is going places.
Nice one, user. 1'm impressed.
>Playing games where you can be banned for racism
Don't buy games that'll ban you for racism.
gg faggots
You just couldn't dodge that 7, could you?
v3ry nice
I could give sympathy for the ban but what sort of useless faggot thinks giving Ubisoft money is a good idea?
Like, you can read their ToS and it literally has an anti-bullying section.
That very obviously means "we are uptight faggots who cannot handle banter".
And you buy it anyway, and then banter.
Dumb ass.
Stop buying games that are blatantly banhappy.
Check my 8
It's actually just a slightly modified 7, so it still counts. Speaking of which...
This thread improved dramatically in quali7y
Can you stop making this thread over and over again, you dipshit? Everyone fucking knows that you get banned for it nowadays, still doing it simply shows your inability to think for a moment because you lack impulse control.
>repeatedly swear in a video game
>get banned
how about you check my 4, FAGGOT
As long as there are people too retarded to be able to properly interact with others, devs/mods will have to ban those fags.
Also, isn't that game rated 18+? Because if it is, you should have been banned anyway. There is no way I could be convinced that me someone who acts like that is older than 16.
Somebody ban this guy for interacting in an offensive manner.
AAA titles like LoL and Blizzard games put in actions against "toxicity" and bullying, going so far as wordswapping certain phrases or removing chat altogether.
And if these big games are making millions of dollars by doing that, why shouldn't everyone else?
Eventually the pendulum will swing backwards and we'll have a game that actively forces players to bant
We need to get the ACLU on this..... it should not being allowed to happen..
Yeah bro, they're violating my constitutional rights.
pay for that product you own the right to play it
>he wants to act like a psychopath online and bully people and think getting banned for this behavior is somehow wrong
what's c******ds
why have devs started banning people for what was understoof before as just words on the internet? sticks and stones?
makes you think (the answer is numale cucks)
>muh cyberbullying
i pray you are not serious and this is an ironic post
what's b*****h?
>wondering why no one wants to do something with an obnoxious cunt
that's nothing user,check this
>numale thinks he has friends
sorry you didnt have a father figure
thats why you are so empty inside
if you can mute people's mic why can you mute people's text as well?
no need to ban people because of hurt feelings
if these people are mad then allow them to mute text from the offender - enable them to solve their own problem
also if that guy doesnt get the option of a refund that's bad practice
same thing should happen with cheating
it would seem ethical to give a person's money back if you disallow them from using your product on any grounds
are you self inserting faggot?
i dont understand your mentally ill LARPing terms, sorry
8 years bitch
biyatch, of course
but what's c*****ds?
No wonder you have no friends
This thread is shit so check this 8
why is the world full of nu-male cuckold leftists
>publicly revealing information they should be keeping to themselves
He should sue them for that only.
N1ce try
>muh numale cucks
if 6 im a faget
>started banning people for what was understoof before as just words on the internet
hop into a time machine, go to a forum from 15 years ago and try calling everyone a faggot, nigger and bitch and see what happens
>too smart to vote for trump
Oh yeah, kid? Check out my 5.
waah waah
I accepted their user agreements and when I get banned for breaking them I will complain and cry
no friend its always been this way...yes abandon those thoughts of a normal society...good goy
Check this 4
>prone prone crouch crouch
>ok then
fucking brutal, absolutely deserved a ban
you are obviously triggered beyond belief, but I have to point this out
that doesn't even make sense, reddit are the ones who want safe spaces in vidya
nice one furfag but here's the real 4
Nice one my dude
Check out this sweet 8
Hey you dropped this four
so because of something he said in the game the company that he paid money to now thinks it's ok to shut off access to the product he paid for?
the level of cussing isn't even that bad, if he said only these things in the span on 2 hours some of which isn't even offensive in the slightest, you'd have to be a complete sissy not to be able to handle that. Grow the fuck up and deal with it maybe, also considering rainbow six siege has MASSIVE cheating issues that I'd rather they work on.
في وعاء كبير، تدقيق معا الدقيق، ومسحوق الخبز والملح والسكر. تقدم جيد في الوسط وتصب في الحليب والبيض والزبدة المذابة. مزيج حتى تصبح ناعمة.
تسخين يتأهل بخفة صينية أو مقلاة على نار عالية متوسطة. صب أو مغرفة الخليط على صينية، وذلك باستخدام ما يقرب من كوب لكل فطيرة.
hey fellow /r/The_Donald subscriber
no this one
>he didn't choose to look up cheese grater
What is hyper anus?
>hard vore
What? As opposed to fucking what? Soft vore, where you're somehow eaten softly?
You know, if you put all the psychopaths together they seem quite happy with each-others' company.
It's probably not about hurting others. It's probably about finding joy in the conflict or the argument.
Hyper just means really, really big. You can extrapolate the rest.
Come on, user, that's clearly bag sportsmanship.
if 3 the last of us 2 will be blunder
Hard vore involves digestion and disolving
Soft vore is just being eaten and usually glosses over the fact that the prey is about to die horribly
if 3 pccucks get bloodborne
Soft vore is just swallowing. Maybe an internal shot of the thing inside the stomach. Sometimes they even crawl out, or get passed whole. It's non-fatal and meant to be an erotic experience instead of a painful or violent one.
Hard vore has digestion, dismemberment, chewing, bloodshed, suffering, death, and/or being passed as gas or feces.
>talking shit
>getting banned
fucked up
>forums = in game chat
confirmed for never playing old school CS or quake
These threads always bring out the tumblrina faggots and the people who sympathize with them.
Ya did good getting them angry OP, damn good.
>getting someone angry on the internet is an achievement
this is how you spot edgy teenagers
>Call someone a faggot for going on Reddit and then shitting up the board by complaining about getting banned on Reddit.
>getting angry on the internet
no, this is