We don't need japanese voice ac-
Persona 5
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Why do we even need any VAs voicing the full damn thing.
Please don't tell me I'm not the only one who quickly reads the text and then presses X.
English or Japanese they both talk way too slowly compared to how fast I can read it. And I'm not a genius by any means. I liked how Persona 3 did it where they just had VAs just say the first couple words or the most important parts of the script.
Why does her voice sound like grandma?
Why do the hottest girls often get the worst voices in dubs?
Still waiting for best girls voice
I can already hear the rest of the cast call her THAW-HEY THAW-KAY-ME
tae ka rin
tangina mo ulol
post the japanese voice
her voice reminds me of oldhag teacher in P4
thank you
>that fucking voice
That neck is ridiculous
I also can't wait for Suh-day-oh Kuh-wah-koh-mee's voice.
Thank god for dual audio.
>Not setting text scroll to automatic and just sitting back curled up in a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate.
Welcome to Persona
the worst voice
I listen to every line to the end. It adds a lot more to the game, to the point that I get bummed when some lines aren't voiced.
I'll do that if it's my second time seeing a scene, but I usually just let it play out the first time.
I'd love to see some sort of statistics that tells me how many players played with the dub and how many played with the Japanese voices.
Sojiro isn't terrible. They got someone who was vaguely close to the original at least, the problem is the direction is all over the fucking place.
You can tell every single line was recorded in a single take, and nobody told them what kind of character they were portraying.
>nobody told them what kind of character they were portraying
>nobody told them what kind of character they were portraying.
Because the staff doesn't know the characters themselves. Did you watch the AtlusUSA gameplay stream? There were 3 people from AtlusUSA and 1 voice actor and no one, except for the chubby woman who was playing, seemed to know anything about the game.
It's already confirmed you autist
He didn't say it wasn't you autist.
In the 5 seconds of Sojiro I listened to, I could tell they completely fucked his character. He's meant to be overly stern and loosen up a little over time, but he's way too buddy-buddy from the get-go in English.
I'm not saying they walked in totally clueless, they obviously know the absolute basics of the character background, but the performance is subpar and often doesn't even remotely match to the text.
I'd rather pull my teeth out with rusty pliers than watch a fucking AtlusUSA stream. I'm glad I'm already finished with the game.
Read it again you autist
Don't get me started on Morgana.
Everyone seems to be fine with the English because the actress is kinda famous(?) and the voice isn't as annoying as Teddie's, but it totally misses the point. It's supposed to be a more androgynous voice. It's gonna be really awkward when Morgana flirts with Ann now.
Ok i was about to say i like the English voice actor but damn who ever did the original did a really good job
Sounds comfy, but you might as well watch a movie.
He's referring to how everyone kept saying "We're not weebs. We don't need Japanese voices." before we got the Japanese voices.
That's not an argument. Why not watch an interactive movie?
why is japan so superior to america
>Yet another traditional Japanese female voice
>Sounds almost exactly like the other 1000 female actresses out there
Not to knock you weebs but sometimes different is a bit better than boring.
>Then it's a deal
A deal's a deal.
It's been many years since I longed this much for a game, I kind of feel 16 again and it's like 5 more months left.
It's not that Japanese voice acting is always superior. It's sometimes bad.
But it is never as bad as fucking pathetic americunts trying to "act" and sound like 6th grade acting club holy shit. I'd listen to fucking polski or spanish rather than your shameful excuses of "voice actors".
Sounds fine to me. The only Persona voice that's ever bothered me is Fuuka's. Well, and the shit new Chie in Golden, but she's non-canon.
Oh fuck off, there is nothing wrong with this.
Not so much androgynous, more "female voicing a young boy" character. Something along the lines of Ash Ketchum is where I would have gone with it in English.
Just getting a girl to do a fucking mascot character in a regular voice is hilariously lazy.
damn, American voice so ugly
>sometimes shit is a bit better than boring
No, it isn't. There's nothing about her character that implies that she shouldn't sound like a normal Japanese female.
thank god for dual audio
Well, it's gotten to a point when everyone is just glad and happy when the English voice isn't extremely annoying. No one cares about whether it's fitting or not anymore.
Is this a troll thread? Her voice sounds good for a woman.
She sounds too old.
>They still haven't fixed the font
>It doesn't even use the entire fucking text box.
I remember getting the undubbed Persona 4 and I almost regretted it when I heard Saki's Japanese voice, then she died within the first hour and it was all good from there.
I agree somewhat. I also read quickly and mash A, however I like to hear some voice while doing it. What you said about P3 sounds good.
Saki's voice wasn't very popular among the Japanese either. Especially her "old woman" voice. She voices like 3 or 4 characters in P4 and it's easily recognizable.
Europe gets a DLC with the jap voicesm right?
I guess that's the best you can hope for with budget localisations.
Teddie was really more of a cultural issue than a voice acting one. The west doesn't have any shows with an annoying half-broken robot cat that takes the human characters on adventures. There's nothing they could really ape that would make sense in the west, so they just went for generic annoying.
That voice is awesome.
What the fuck is that.......WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?
Weebs gonna weeb.
Wat? She is an older woman in the game.
I think Japanese cartoons have left many people in here jaded.
It's been a long time since I played the undub. The last time I played Persona 4 was Golden back in 2013 or something where I had to deal with the English cast who I ended up liking.
>She is an older woman in the game.
That Japanese audio DLC better be day one, goddamn.
Yeah nigger you do know what happens when. You hit puberty right? She sounds her age.
If you are gonna be a weeb at least do it right.
I feel like one of the reasons the Nip audio is DLC is so they can track how many people install it. It'll help them know that most of their fans hate dubs hopefully.
She's in her late twenties.
Yes and not every young American woman sounds like a valley girl. The voice in the OP sounds like a perfectly normal female voice that could cover anywhere from 25 up. Not everything needs to be fucking squeaky and """""cute""""".
If this shit doesn't have nippon VO, I'm selling my ps4.
She sounds like it too. People have different voices.
This is another problem with the squeaky Japanese voices that weebs and the like are used to hearing.
Listen to the Japanese voice. Is it squeaky? Did anyone say they wanted a squeakier voice?
Her Jap voice is just as deep.
>He doesn't know
>Not everything needs to be fucking squeaky and """""cute""""".
Nobody said that, stop putting words in his mouth. Nobody said anything about her sound cute.
God its like a shittier version of GITS SAC Motoko when she's supposed to be a sly, maniacal Christmas cake.
So what do you want exactly? The voice acting in the OP is perfectly fine, and entirely fitting for the character if she's in her twenties. I don't understand the complaint here. If you just don't like the voice because reasons then fine, but there's nothing objectively wrong with it. If you think she sounds like a grandma, you've been watching too much moeshit anime and have forgotten what a regular female voice sounds like.
See above.
I like dubs, but I'll probably be forced to use the Japanese voice option. Then again, the teacher sounds a little too young in the Japanese version.
What are the odds that the American casting director will get the boot?
Japanese VAs are told to sound more childish and squeaky. Japanese one is fine
Nothing is wrong with the English VA too.
>She sounds her age.
Fucking Americans.
Her voice is too deep. It makes her sound older than she is. In Japanese she still has a youthful tone to her voice, whereas in the English version she just sounds like she's forty.
Not to mention that the voice doesn't match her appearance, and makes it jarring.
>The Japanese voice
Are you fucking retarded?
Only one guy said she sounds too old. Everyone else has been saying the entire thread that it's not fitting for her character. All you're saying is that she sounds her age. Doesn't mean any voice that sounds her age is fine.
Listen to the Japanese voice. It's neither childish nor squeaky.
Hold on I know that voice from somwhere...
Best stake. Best girl right here.
>in the English version she just sounds like she's forty
That's taking it a bit too far.
>Breaking news
>English voice acting sucks
>Voice is pretty normal in English, that's bad
>Voice is pretty normal in Japanese, that's good
If I liked P3 but didn't care for P4 will I like this game
She sounds like fucking christmas cake in both english and japanese.
You fucking weebs are cancerous as fuck.
Both are fine.
She is suppose to sound older and she fucking does in both versions.
>whereas in the English version she just sounds like she's forty
No she doesn't. You're objectively wrong. Do you actually ever even speak to any women in real life, user? I already know the answer to that question, but if you did, you'd know that her voice is perfectly fine for a character who's apparently in her late 20s.
>it's not fitting for her character
Congratulations on having an opinion then. I say it sounds fine, so I guess there's no reason to change it, since opinion is split.
while I don't think she sounds like a grandma, she sounds like she's in her 40s. The other voice did a fine job of giving her a voice of a woman in her late 20s, without making her squeaky or """"""cute"""""
>in the English version she just sounds like she's forty.
If you're fucking retarded
Try going outside for once you basement dweller.
>Japanese (female) voice that doesn't sound like ~15 year old at tops (obviously ignoring granny voices)
Where can I hear this?
I liked 4 but didn't care for 3, and I got bored of this game around the 60% mark. So, maybe?
>Congratulations on having an opinion then. I say it sounds fine, so I guess there's no reason to change it, since opinion is split.
Welcome to a discussion. Of course, it's just opinions, you shithead.
Fuck no. Makoto Negi VAs? Fuck off.
Also The cat's VA is good. Same with Anne.
Maybe I'm just biased for the female VAs? I dunno.
"Normal" Americans sound like shit, yes.
Your opinion sucks. I have tons of female friends in their late twenties, because I'M in my late twenties.
None of them sound like that, or remotely close to it.
Romi Park
Japanese people love young lady
American people love grandma
any news?
You have no clue what an actual older woman sounds like, do you?
Listen to the Japanese voice, goddammit.
Let me link you to it because you seem to be too dumb to find it in the thread:
It's not bad...just not what I expected.
Only when the character is suppose to be like 45 +++
Japanese females 90% of the time sound like squeaky teenagers even when they are meant to be 20 - 44
>Your opinion sucks. I have tons of female friends in their late twenties, because I'M in my late twenties.
I'm sure you do.
Of course he doesn't. People here saying she sounds that old never leave their basements. Or have never talked to a real woman.
I listened to that and it doesn't sound any different from a teenager voice.
I don't wanna know what "teenagers" you normally talk to.